Searching for the Reason

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It was morning the sun shining through the window.. Miku, IA and me were eating breakfast when Ryo came down..

His energy was normal again, but I couldn't resist to tell him what he had done

I stand and start saying that everything was his fault, the one's that die, the one's who risk their lifes only to save everyone's from the stupid kids that didn't knew what they were doing, and at the end they couldn't handle it..

He looked at me and start crying and even that make me feel guilty..


He opened the door and left.. Everything was in silence..

-You know... You weren't like that Gumi- IA say putting her cup of milk on the desk while holding it with both hands

-Uh? What do you mean...?- I asked surprised of what she just say

-You weren't like that.. You used to love to make people smile, you were sweet.. But I realized that the worst thing that the Gumi that I know is to make someone feel guilty for their mistakes..-

"I don't even know why you are here?" I stay speachless.. IA finish her breakfast and went to her room

I sit in the couch and Miku drinking her coffe say - Don't worry soon her anger will dissapear... But you will have to apologize-

-Ah.. I ruin it all..- I sigh

-Well.. Remember that she passed hard times like when you became a solo player, but she convince you to stay here.. She almost loses her bestfriend-

"Solo player" I thought

-And she everyday tells me that she is happy, with you.. - She replied - But anyway.. It is your business..-

-Yes.. Of course-

-Are you going to watch the competition?- Miku ask

-The competition? Where Cul and Luka are.. ?-

-No, no.. The one for solo players, that is why you choose to be one, remember?-

-The competition!!!?..- I repeated with no clue of what she was talking about

-This one..- She opend an announcement

"The Best Competition now avaible for everyone..


-But now guilds can participate too.. - Miku say

-Ultimate fantasy.. Mmhhhh-

-You always wanted to participated..-

-And why I haven't?- I asked

-That even I don't know..-

That competition was the start.. Of the end of this..

-I will participate..!- I say exited

-Ehhhhh?.. No, no, you can't-

-Why don't..?- I looked at her

-Because... Emm.. Because-

-See, I wanted to go.. Why don't?-

-But you have to register in the Tower-

-Oh.. Yes the tower (I don't even know of what tower are you talking about)-

That's it.. I came here to save eveyone.. And know I can have some answers, with humans envolved in this situation is more necesary to do it quickly..

I pick everything that was mine and left...

[Minutes later...]

-I am here! - A blonde girl say opening the door

-Oh.. Rin, Kokone.. I thought that you were doing missions- Miku say

-Well.. We finish it!-Rin say happy

-I have to go.. -Kokone say - Bye, see you later!-

Rin enter and sit right next to Miku -Oh.. It is nice to be here, in home-

Suddenly IA came down dressed like if she was going to a trip..

-Are you going to find her?- Miku asked

-Yes.. It is my fault that she is going there..-

-No, it 's not.. She decide that-

-But she is my best friend..-

Rin was looking at them..

-What are you two talking about?- Rin asked

-Gumi is going to the ULTIMATE FANTASY Competition all by herself..- IA answered her

-But the competition is only for solo players, you should let her go..-

-I know.. That's why you guys are going to come with me-

-Wait.. A solo competition..- Rin repeated what she said

-But now guilds can enter too..- Miku say ( ̄ー ̄)

-Then.. I am in!- rin say happily

-Yes!- IA smile

-(Omg.. They are going to die) Ok, I am in but only because you two will die without me..-

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