Worlds Online!

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It was late and the new house was a little bit far.. I notice that the streets lights where turning on everytime I walked a few steps...

-I think.. That I am lost..- I say -They don't know that I am bad with directions, Right?- I continue walking

-Maybe I should continue... - I saw some men there in one corner... I looked the paper where the direction was -I probably asked them..-

I approached them..

-Excuse me... - I asked the three men

-Oh.. Yes, What is it?- One say

-Can you tell me where are these streets, please?- I said showing them the paper

-Ow.. It is going that way.. If you are going to a house use this number to see what house is..- He say showing me

-Thanks..- I smiled at them

-So.. You are lost, right?- The other men say to me

-Kind of.. I was just searching for my new house..-

-Oh.. A pretty college girl lost..- Another voice say

So.. I knew that those people were just perverts... But if they think that I am just a poor lost girl, they are wrong.. (I recover all my energy sleeping in classes..) they will regret..


-Psh... Where is supposed to be the house..- I say looking everywhere

I continue walking.. Maybe in circules but I knew that sooner or later I will found the house..

-Ah..- I heard something strange..

I looked and I saw that there was a girl that was been harassed by three men, they were in a corner so she wouldn't be able to scape easily..

-*sigh* I maybe should help her....What else can I do?- I say approaching

I was about to say something when that girl that looked harmless start hitting the three men with awesome moves.. Like a superheroine.

She looked at me in a fighting pose..

-...- I cover my mouth -Hahaha....!- I start laughing

-Why are you laughing!?...- she say

-It is strange to see a cute girl like you hitting this guys...- I continue laughing

-Shut up!?- She say -I am not weak!-

-Ok.. I'm not saying that you are weak..- I stop laughing -You sure are a interesting girl... Anyways, I am Yuma..-

-H-Hi.. I am Gumi.. - She say

-Hey.. Do you know this place?- I showed a paper with a direction

-Oh.. I have almost the same direction.. look!- She show me her paper-Oh.. You must be a vocaloid too!- She said happily

-Yes..- I replied

-And.. You are lost now, am I wrong?-

-Well... Yes.- I tell her seeing the papers -If we found one house we will find the other..-

-Lucky you, I know where is it- She say to me taking my hand -Follow me..-

* * * * *

(..going back to Gumi)

We start walking and finally we get there.. There were big houses that look like mansions from the outside, every house were next to each other and in each of it there were a number..

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