Brave Heart

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Ohhh... I am back readers Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ Oh yeah...

(When did you leave?) ( ̄◇ ̄;) Ok I get it.... Anyway sorry for late update.
And as always enjoy reading
(I change the cover... It looks nice isn't)


[Gumi's POV]

-Yuma...- I whispered and later two girls start pushing me

Yuma stand there looking at me just like Daisuke but without all the codes

-Gumi...- He said -(Is she the same girl? But something is strange with her)-
-Haha... Hi! Yuma- I said nervous -I... I mean... I know you because- I was cut
-Don't worry... Everyone knows me- He say showing me his hand

I took his hand to finally notice that I was going to dance with him.
I know I am a vocaloid and we know how to dance but it is different in one way... This wasn't a choreography! And I have a dance partner (which I usually never had) and right now the only dance I remembered was "Panda Hero"... Yeah not so elegant.

-(Omg, someone help me. Or everyone here will die!?)- My face was normal but I was screaming on the inside

The music started and everyone there start moving.

Σ(゚д゚lll)-(Ok, Gumi clam down, calm down. Just one step first... Yeah that's right.... Oh no, the shoe must be on my feet. Oh my dress isn't supposed to do that, Oh crap that-)

I even stop thinking when my chin touch the fancy floor.
The music stopped and everyone looked at us. Yuma was standing there.
For one second I thought he would help me get up...

I was wrong.

His expression changed -What are you doing?- I stared at him -You look like a total failure. Stop ruining everything!- He left the room and enter a hallway

I just sit on the floor.

That wasn't the Yuma that I knew that night I got lost... Maybe I didn't meet him for real.
The silence was horrible. I stand up and get out through the front door as fast as possible.

* * * *

The moon was the only light that shone in the night. I was sitting on the edge at one side of the door.

It was so horrible. My first mission to try to save the vocaloid... And it sucks.
I don't know now if I want to save us anymore.

Someone open the door and sit beside me -Are you alright?- His voice sounded
-Yes... I guess.- I didn't even look at him
-Sorry.... I didn't think he would be acting like that-
-Eh? Do you know him?- I now look at him. He was beautiful like a girl, but it was obvious he was a guy -You are.. One of those girls that were with Teto-
He smiled and I cover my mouth with my hands. Did I just called him girl? -Don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm Taya Soume- He extended his hand
-Gumi...- I did the same
-You know. I like your dress. You really look beautiful-
I felt my cheeks getting hotter -T-Thanks- I fit a lock of my hair behind my ear.

* * * *

Some minutes before...

[Yuma's POV]

I walk through the hallway to get inside the bathroom.

-(What was that?)- I put my hand on my forehead, the sweat invaded me -(Why?... I couldn't control myself for a moment. I ruined everything.... And, and she..)-
-What are you saying?- A female voice said
I quickly turned to look at the door thinking that someone entered -Eh...?- There was no one. Just me -I must be hearing voices...-
-No you aren't...-
This time the voice sounded really close to me -Wha-What?.... Who is it?-
-A bacteria...-
-Bacteria? What do you mean?-
-Just listen. That girl isn't of trust. She is trying to destroy this world-
-What are you talking about...?- I realized of something -You. You make me do that to her.-
-Oh, how smart.-
-Whatever you are. Whatever you are doing, stop!- I was screaming at the empty room
-I can't... This is something I really want.- I was starting to get nervous -And if you aren't going to help me. You will obey me...-
-No I won't-....- Again I couldn't control myself -Yes.-
-Very well...-

This feeling disappeared. I felt alone now.

-Who was that?- I was sweating more -... What does she want?-

To kill her?

* * * *

[???? POV]

-Don't worry... After all this. You will be alright. We both- The bacteria was holding a deformed body similar to her -You will be with me. And all the world will finally recognize us...-

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