The Apocalypse Mission

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Ok this will be like the start of the second part of this story. Yay! Let's begin (oh vote and share this story please... Thanks for reading ;D)

[Back to Gumi... :3]

After entering the portal everything went black... I open my eyes and notice that my head was resting in something that was cold... A desk like in the school and the frist day I fell asleep while the teacher was giving classes (haha... Lucky they didn't see me) It was afternoon with the orange sky and old buildings around. On the outside the only thing I could see through the window was dust and it was obvious that I was alone

-No time for remembering... I need to get out- I stand up and start running through the halls

-So there is the battlefield- I say while watching the outside from the window -I wonder what is the boss here-

Finally I reach the entrance. There still was just me there.. In the middle of that empty space

-Hello?... Is anybody here... You know I really need to get going- I say while looking all over this place -I really need to fight you... Please show yourself-

And nothing... I was starting to think it was another error.. But suddenly a huge worm appear from the ground. I was able to dodge it.

-There you are- I put my hand on my hips -What took you so long?-

The huge worm with its tail start trying to hit me but failing all of this ones. Quickly jumping avoiding all of its attacks I take out my weapon.

-Say hello to my friend...- I say showing him my bow -I have update this one and now I can use it this as a sword too-

And as I thought the worm didn't listen to me and start attacking me again. The worm was smarter than I though, he wasn't trying to hit me... He was trying to make himself invisible and it's plan was working the dust cover everything..

-This is bad...- I say looking everywhere

Something sound close to me on the ground but I couldn't do anything to just take the hit. For his level that hit was strong that threw me into the wall of a building, maybe he used all of his energy in that...

My hp bar was less than the half and I still couldn't see a thing.

-(Quickly think of something)- I get up -(I need one clear shot, just one ability and that worm will be finished)

He attacked me from under but I heard a sound before and after passed like three seconds until it appeared. I can push me with his tail and have a view from above...

-Let's hope this works..-

I walk into the dust, I couldn't see anything and I was hoping that my plan goes well.

Suddenly something sound. Now I start counting... 1, 2 and in the second one I jumped


You know I have seen this in TV or in movies and when they impulse with something a magic circle appears in their feet, elevating them really high. Well... That happened exactly, a red circle appeared when I put my feets on the worms tail, something really powerful make me fly...

-Woah...- I manage to say from really high -Now where is it?-

The dust still was covering everything but I saw the worm (or a part of it) and I have my clear shot...

My eyes change because weapons from long distances gave you that my voice change and now I sounded like those robots that tell orders

「...Max chance...」
I put the arrow in the bow
「...Acumulating energy...」
The arrow start to draw in white particles of energy and getting bigger

「Drilling arrow 」

I release the white arrow and in a few seconds the dust was cleared and the arrow went through the worm completely.

After staying floating I get back to the ground waiting for a rewad and by reward I was hoping a chest with weapons, outfits, gold or at least credits but it didn't happend..

-Really... Really?- I scream to no one -So where is the portal?-

Total silence

-You don't know uh?...- I rest my back in one wall -Now what...-

I was going to finish my sentence but...

[No one's POV]

Miku, Rin, Luka and IA where waiting arfter the Apocalypse mission for the last poeple to keep moving but Gumi wasn't there...

-Where is she? It is late and we can't just leave her- Miku say crossing her arms
-Yeah... Even if it is a solo player we are here as a team- Luka added

Everyone was there and the one left was Gumi. With all the players anxious of getting to the next world all of them were looking at the huge portal that will close after the last person

-It is she.. What happend that took her so long?- IA ask worried

When suddenly form the portal appeared the place from the mission and a Gumi that was backwards trying to rest her back in a open portal.

She fall and hit her head -Ouch... What will I do?- Gumi turn to see all the people there

-You are here!- Rin say happy
-I thought you were going to do an awesome entrance- IA show her hand to help Gumi get up
-Where is Daisuke?- Miku ask -Since we didn't go with him in the mission I thought he would be with you-
Gumi stand up and clean herself from the dust -No... Because he didn't came-
-What do you mean?- Miku again ask
-I mean... He didn't came, what is so hard to understand?- ヽ('o`;
-But why?- IA ask
-It is safe that way...- Gumi say but everyone looked sad -Don't worry he promised me to keep in contact-
Miku smile -Yeah.. A long distance relationship will work- ε-('∀`; )
(¬_¬) -Really you still think that...?- Gumi replied
-Let's keep going...- Luka added an all enter in the other portal

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