Fate Escape

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-I see...- Miku say
-So, he didn't learn anything that I teach him..- Luka wonder
-I guess he learn but it is true what he told me... Daisuke is a big help but also a charge for us- Gumi replied -Mmm.. Still I don't know how he will be contacting us..-
-Maybe through video chat..- Rin added
-I don't think he has that option on his menu bar- Gumi respond
-Let's wait to see what happens. Now, Nakase told us that when we are going to another world we will have a exclusive place from the players to recover energy and hp points- IA say
Gumi put her hands behind her head -That is good... I really need to rest-
-We only spent like 10 minutes during the mission, are you really that tired?- She asked
(c_c) -Of course... I haven't sleep in a bed in a long time that.. That I forgot how it feels- Gumi answer IA
-(She is talking seriously. I have seen her sleeping in the couch in the roof twice and on the floor.)- Miku whispered in Lukas ear while she nooded in respond

[That day at 9:00 Yuma's POV]

-Jin.. I don't know what to do?- I say worried
-Oh man... You just have to do what you want they won't force you to do things you don't want- Jin respond walking right beside me
-But still they could interrupt the competition only to take me...-
-You sound like a girl waiting for being saved. Grow up, we are going to the Ultimate Competition- He put his arm around my neck
-Ok... - I get free -We will get there just in time- I say looking at the hour in my menu bar
-We should hurry... -
-Why... We will get there just in time?-
-In the last competition it was at 12 when it start...Guess what?- He put a forced smile
-It says that it will start at 11 this time...-
((((;゚Д゚))))))) -Run!!- I say dragging him from his shirt

We got there just in time... And because I was like the one that was benefited by the council. Why is that? It is because I will be a new member of it... And I don't want it, I didn't wanted to be given orders by the goddess. There are many people against her and I was one of them with Jin. My father was part of this council until he died and now it is my turn to replace him... But I won't do it that is the reason I am in this competition....
But more problems will come since the council will try to force me to enter, I am afraid they will do anything, anything to get me... Even if it is interrupting in the competition. How shameless they are...

-So... Are we going to be a team?- Jin ask
Now I put my arm around his neck -Of course, we will be unstoppable...-
-Yeah.. That's true- He stopped-There is...-
-Ah.. I wonder who will be there?-
-Don't worry Yuma... Or you will make me worry too. Look my stomach is talking- He point to his stomach that was making strange noises
-We should eat... Or my stomach will enter in the conversation-

After eating, walking, registered in the Tower, we finally went to the place of start...
There were a lot of people and we were almost at the last. I wanted to start and finish the apocalypse mission before something could happen... Everyone start entering and since we came late we were at last with another guys...

I heard something from the distance... A girl and a guy fighting or it sounded like that. She turn around and her beautiful green hair covered her face...

-Come on... We should finish this quickly, remember?- Jin say
-Oh yes...-

[Back to Gumi... ]

We were improving our weapons outside.. I was sitting on a bench cleaning my bow while everyone else were leveling their weapons.

-Are you ready?- Miku suddenly ask me
-Yeah... Wait, ready for what exactly?- I say confused
-Miku is talking about the next world- Luka respond
-What is with that?-
-Well it is the way you go to the other world..- Cul say smiling
( ゚д゚) -Ok you guys are freaking me out-

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