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[Daisuke's POV]

-Yosh! I found it!- Gumi say lifting a bow
(¬_¬) -Only that?- I replied -You could have challenge other people so that you could get that...- I say pointing the level 4 ballast
-No, that isn't what I am looking for-
-But it is a weapon for long distances, isn't that what you want?-
-Yes it is only that I got used to the normal bow-
-If you say so.... Now, what else?- I remembered-Oh! The suplies-
-Of course.. That was why we came here in first place-
-It is a store infront we should check it-

She nodded and then get out of there, just to find us with..

-Daisuke!- Miku hug me so hard that throw me to the ground
-What are you doing here?- Gumi asked -Are you guys planning on don't let us go to the competition?-
-No...- IA say
-We will help you guys get in the competition!- Rin added
-Help me?- Gumi ask
-Yes.. The council will make it hard for us- IA replied - If we could only go talk to the government-
-Anyway... Why is Daisuke here, is he going with you?- Miku say
-Well yes.. I saw Gumi walking with all of her stuff so I help her and I ended being part of this- I answered
\(//∇//)\ -Oh~ I have missed you, I thought you will never come back... This must be destiny- Miku ignore everything I said
-(Or you are just very insistent.. (-。-; )-
-So the council is the one in charge of the competitions- Gumi say
-Yes and since Luka and Cul lose we have less hopes of getting to the Tower- IA replied
-I knew that they lose.. I saw it on TV-
-But then why are you still going?-

At that point they were going to discover everything of the vocaloid thing..

-Emmm... Because maybe we could have a chance, we can't know until we try- The bad lier of Gumi say
-So what were you two doing?- Miku change the subject
-Oh that.. We were looking for suplies but I guess that now all of us will need suplies- I replied

* * * * *

We were buying the suplies when Miku receive a message from Cul saying that she will come with us and to wait for her on the "Rest place" (what a obvious name (-_-)) that it is like 15 min from the town.

We keep walking

-Wait.. How did Cul knew about that we are here?- Rin asked
-I told her because she send me a message telling me that where are we..- Miku say - But I hope that Luka thinks we are still on a mission-
-I guess that would be impossible (-.-)y-.", o O-

It was still hard to belive that they lose after that long time of training and to Kaito and Gakupo that as Gumi said they increase more their power..

-Aaaah!? - IA say tugging her hair angrily- How could they lose to Kaito and Gakupo?-
-When I saw them on the battle Kaito didn't seem interested or like if he was much stronger that didn't need to use all of his power, more like if he was playing with both Cul and Luka and entertain the public- Gumi respond -They had to surrender because there was no other option-
Our faces were like Σ(・□・;)- THEY SURRENDER?!- we all say in chorus
-Luka don't seem like a "surrender" person- I replied
-But she did it when Cul was disqualified..- Gumi answered
-Ah.. Luka will be furious at her- ~_~"Miku say terrified

[Gumi's POV]

We got to the rest place and all of us stayed awake until 1 a.m... ( Oh My Gosh! So early(T ^ T)) at that time Cul has came and we talk until 3 o'clock then we finally fell asleep...

At the bext morning I woke up because I have a schedule to wake so when they were still sleeping, I was eating alone (ToT)/~~~ with all the cold from outside.
Then I hear something...

-Luo Tianyi, Xia Yu Yao!- Someone from the outside screamed at them -Stop it right there!-

I just couldn't stop the curiosity so I had to just had to open the door while I was drinking my hot chocolate... (= ̄ ρ ̄=) ..zzZZ
Suddenly I ran into the air making my drink fall in someone..

The two girls stood there while I have realized of how was the one that I threw my chocolate

"The police (;゜0゜)!!"

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