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The last time on Vocaloids Online! <3.

In the Aincrad Competition Luka and Cul were on the round 12 of 15, but every fight they have is more difficult and since in the last rounds the strongest group that is where Kaito is, will be the harder to beat, Would they be able?

[In the competicion where Luka and Cul where..]

-Cyclone Axe!-

[-240 minus]

Luka block with her axe a stroke

-I hope Cul is fine, I don't know were is she..- She thought

-Woah.. The competition is furious, and Luka's team is separeted. What they will do now?- Kanon Nanase a girl with short pigtails and a pink long hair said as she is the announcer of the competition

-This is really exiting!-

Screams of enjoyment came from all the crowd..

-We can't lose now..- Luka think while she was still fighting

[Meanwhile with Gumi]

-Hey.. Do you know where are you going?- Daisuke kept saying that
-I know exactly..- I replied tired of hearing him
-the only thing that I know is that you are afraid of dying, so why do you need to go now?- He asked
-It is because.. I will sacrifice my "life" for saving the ones that really deseve to live-
-What do you mean by that..?-
-I mean, that she is playing with fire...-
-She? Do you mean the bacteria that you had told me?-
-Yes.. I know that it was her that trapped humans inside this game too-
-Yes.. The two guys last night where humans.. So if Kazu died, I have a thought that he would die in the real world too-
-Eh? How?-
-It is because of the nevergear.. She will kill them with that, the thing that I am wearing this instant..-
-But,. You aren't human?-
-I know, but that thing I use it to enter the game..- I say closing my eyes a little bit -Since all vocaloids are programs if we die here.. We will dissapeared-

We both keep walking until we got to a town..
It was small but full of people of all kinds

-Maybe I should stay here for sometime since I need new equipment- I say

I start looking around for a store..

-Is that a store?- Daisuke say pointing a place
-Yes I think it is-

We enter. Since it is the store from a game there wasn't anyone there only the equipment and weapons

Looking for something that I would need took us an eternity but..

-I can't belive I found it!- I say looking at the image of an outfit

The outfit was white shorts with long black socks, a black top with a waistcoat, a red scarf, boots the were under the knee and and around the arms a cloth with skyblue and purple tones..

-It is so cool...-!(◎_◎;)
-So what are you waiting? Buy it already!- Daisuke said tired of being there
(T ^ T) -But I don't have enough money to pay for it...What will I do?-
-Ah..- He pouted -Here... Take my money-
I turn to look at him -Really..?-
-Yes...- He replied -Take it-

[Accept 1600 from the user "Daisuke"?]
Accept Cancel

I press the accept button -Thank you Daisuke..-
-I just do that because I don't want to be here more time- He say looking away while blushing a little
-... Really, thank you..-
-Just pay all ready..- He say and walk with his arms behind his head

I didn't knew that Daisuke could be like that.. Generous

-So, how exactly do I put my new outfit?-
-Well.. I guess you have to equip it, like the weapons-
-Mhhh.. Let's see-

I do exactly what he had told me, but ai didn't knew it would be an awesome transformation

The clothes that I was wearing dissapeard like codes in the air then some new codes from different color appeared and cover my whole body...

[ Congratulations! You unblock the "Apocalypse Mission" ]

-What are you doing?- Daisuke said angry -Why did you do that?!-
-I just wanted to see my new outfit-
-*sigh* Don't you see?- He say while his hand was on his face -This people will be one day your opponents, so if you show them your outfit they can predict your outfit ability-
-Woah.. I have a new ability! Cool..-
-Just forget it...- He looked a store for the distance -I will go to see some weapons, you stay here. Don't miss me too much-

"Miss me too much" I have heard that...

-Yuma!- I screamed in my head

The day that happend this I didn't saw him. Could it be? That he is doing this too? What if he is another virus?

Neather in classes, or in home... I realized I haven't seen him here neather and now I am suspecting of him...

What a fool..

Just because I don't have answers, doesn't mean I can blame someone with no reason, and not him. He was nice with me..

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