The time near the end

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Hi guys! Bringing some news.
From this point the next chapter (or chapters I don't know) are going to be the last....But~ it won't be over. I've decided to create the second part of this story (well the second episode, chapter to be exactly)

And that are the news for today. You should check out my latest story "Beyond the deeper" (omg staaaaaap!!)


Let's continue!


[Gumi's POV]

-So.... - Daisuke was trying to talk normally but it was kind of impossible with Miku so close to him -Can someone please make her stop

-You are alone now...- IA said and everyone start getting away from the two lovers

(−_−;)-We aren't lovers....

I just kept thinking.... Thinking of everything.

-We're almost there guys- Meiko said since the portal to the next world wasn't that near

This was going to end the time I cross that portal for sure... First I need the bacteria to come and then Daisuke will finish with this.

I looked to the ground every step -(Daisuke was an idiot when I met him but I learned that he was fighting against the bacteria on his own, and now he is going to die just to save all of us)- I grinned -(I was supposed to be the hero, right?)

-Emm Gumi are you alright? Did something happen?- With me no joking around was something strange and Rin noticed

-Oh.. No,no.. I'm fine- I fake a smile

-Okey, we are almost there- She tried to change my mood... but that was impossible.

The portal was a little bit different from the other ones, this ones was a mixture of sky blue, orange, pink and purple... All those colors spinning around creating a huge circle in the end of the forest.

-Time to go... We don't know how is the other world so stay alert...- Luka said and then she was the first entering the huge circle.

And each of us entered until there was just me and Daisuke again.

-It's better to say goodbye here, I-I mean.. again

I looked at him -.... I was just hoping that there was another way- I sighed

He put his hand on my shoulder -Don't worry... This will be really quick and then it would be like this never happened

-That... That's why... I don't want to forget you- I was starting to cry

He laughed -I thought you never cried

I returned to look at him hoping that I would see him laughing and being a man but tears were running down his cheeks while trying to hold a smile -Hahaha now you are crybaby

We hugged each other and entered the portal.

-What took you so long?- Miku again was dragging him by the arm

He now was smiling like an idiot because he will miss even his stalker. I smiled back.

This world reminds me from the start of the videogame... The snow everywhere and the cold, I was freezing....

We kept silence for precaution, we didn't want to wake up a huge monster or something.

Suddenly Luka heard something.

-Someone is near- We stop walking

-Mhhh..- Meiko nodded -Yeah, I can hear it too

It was a better option to be sure what was it and then continue, so we start going after the sound before reaching the mission.

By the time we got there it started a snow storm so we couldn't see things clearly.

-Ohhh... W-Wait.. be careful guys- IA was worried about the group

Cul lend her hand to her -You too should be careful...

IA took Cul's hand -Luka did you see something?

Luka was going infront with Meiko -No, but I think that way the storm isn't to hard!

-Be prepared!- Miku shouted from begind the two of them

I was afraid at that point. Our group was vulnerable in that place.

The storm was going harder and harder when suddenly Luka disappeared from Meiko's sight -Luka? Luka!

Miku approached her -What's wrong, where's Luka?

-I don't know...- Suddenly the both of them heard what was swords clashing

-Great.. Luka must be fighting something... - Miku take out her sword

-Wait.. You go with the group there, I'm going to go with Luka- Meiko stopped Miku

-Alright!- The blue haired girl returned to the others while Meiko finds Luka

After some minutes Miku found us in the middle of the storm.

-Guys. I've been looking for you guys!

-Uh! What's happening Miku?- Rin asked seeing her tired

-It's Luka, she found something on the forest, Meiko is helping her but we need to go too

I looked at Daisuke and he knew that thing wasn't any monster -(Damn...)

After getting where Meiko and Luka where, we just found them fighting something in the snow, some claws coming from the storm.

-Good that you are here... We need a little help- Meiko said

-Sure- Miku take out her sword and help them

It was risky to go and fight all together, after all we couldn't see anything just some claws appearing and the sparks of the swords hitting them.

-Ugh... I been looking for you, insect- A voice came from the other side, from where the claws were getting out -I've never thought you were in a guild... well, it sure was a mistake

Miku, Luka and Meiko stopped after the claws didn't come out once more.

-W-Who is there?- Rin asked not knowing what's going on

There was a silence

-If you have done what I've told you at the beginning, we wouldn't be in this situation... but that's not the case- That voice was familiar -Now I have to take care of you...- The voice turn into a more feminine one and it was getting louder -...and you.

Zatsune Miku was pointing right at me -My master send me to kill you both... At first I thought you weren't a threat, but now you got us in trouble.

I won't let that happen again...

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