(Not) Getting Together

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[Gumi's POV]

-No.. We all came here together- IA try to convince me
-It's not like I don't want to... It's just that- I sigh -I am tired, everyone is tired, why don't we go to the rest place-
-Ok.. But we will have to talk this tomorrow- Miku say

And the time since we got there we didn't talk and I just don't have any idea of what to do...
Daisuke came to my dorm to speak with me..

-Hi..- He say in low voice
-Hi- I returned the same way
-I wanted to know what happened... When they came to us you accept and now that suddenly Luka appears you just want to go all by yourself- Daisuke say while sitting beside me
-It is because this is getting to the point that they will discover about everything, about me being a vocaloid a-and them too, How can they understand that... it is just unbelievable... Even I don't believe it- I took a deep breath -But I am more worried because of the bacteria, that thing can kill us very easily and I won't risk their lives-
-Ahh... Now I see- Daisuke put his hand on his chin -... You know they will find out sooner or later, you should tell them before they discovered that, we- I mean you don't have time for being messing around-
-I could tell the council that I am not the Gumi that they know but then they wouldn't come with me, they will hate me and finally discover that...- I stopped- Why?! Why me...?!-
-Calm down.. Maybe you are special or something-
-Ha... That's not possible, the "only especial" in me is because I am very good at playing videogames.... But it is another story to keep them save from disappear-

My head was going to explote and I could feel the warm tears in my eyes "Don't cry, don't cry.." Daisuke put his hand on my shoulders "It's okay to cry.." but for me it wasn't...

-No! Crying is for weak people- I shoutout
-Then if that is the case... Just stay strong- He put this smile -You convince me of that-

And only that words are the ones that make me decide, let say "picking the right choice"

And so...

The next morning came.. We were heading up to the portal that transport us to the famous Tower (the tower is like another place were you can't go there by walking since this tower connect all worlds... (*_*) I could used that). We walk not so much but the necessary to see that the snow again was melting and it was a beautiful morning walking through that path with all the trees and flowers... It felt just like fantasy (or maybe final fantasy ( ̄▽ ̄))

In the weird silence that I just had to break it...

I stand infront of them, stopping them from entering the portal -Wait..-
-We are coming with you...- IA confront me
-Yes.. And as she said we came all here...- Everyone give a step forward -Together-
Daisuke stand beside me -Just listen to her...-

Did he know what my choice was...? Anyway the nervousness invaded me as my words came out

-Okay... First you know what is vocaloid?- I asked them
-Yes... It is our race- Miku answered a little confused of the question
-And you belive human is another race don't you?-
-Yes... But what does this have to do with the competition?- IA replied
-I entered the competition just for one reason....-

Everyone looked at each other

-To kill your "creator"..-

That answer was just crazy for them... Getting to the last world to kill the goddess of this world

-What are you saying? That's impossible...- IA say still in shock
-No... It is not impossible since she is just a virus-
-What do you mean?- Cul asked curious
-Vocaloids are programs that can sing like me and all of you... And that thing bring us here inside the game, but for some reason you lost your memories. I belive that killing her is the only way to bring everything to normal-
-Wait, do you want us to belive that..?- Miku say
(-。-; -Yes... That's pretty much-
-There is no other world outside all of them...- Miku replied
-And who exctly create us?- Cul asked again
I was looking at the ground (well all my body was looking at the ground just like someone bored or tired) -Humans.. They create us-
-My brain can't process all of this- Rin say making an expression of and explosion in her head
-Ahh... Alright I did it. I told you everything and I knew you wouldn't believe me- I told them while Daisuke looked at me - I guess your trip is over...-
-What do you mean... You don't order us- IA and Miku say in unison
-Then don't follow me..- I turn around to enter the portal -And you too Daisuke...-

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