The Hero Appears!

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-I am Jin!- He say

Gumi looked at him. His voice was really beautiful and he looked just like the misterious guy that saves the girl in many times, that smart and handsome guy..... Or just an idiot?

Teto give him a slap on his face that through him to the ground...

-That is because you keep cheating me with other girls...- She said -Come on.. lets go...- They turn around and leave

-(A girlfriend (−_−#)- Gumi thought
-Itai..- He say putting his hand on his head -Are you ok?-
-I can belive that you were cheating her with me!.. And I don't even remember anything, I am a bad person (T ^ T)- She probably think of that since that seemed the real problem here
-No!!(◎_◎;)- He say nervously
-Then explain yourself..!-
-Well you see...- He make a pose -I am irresistible for woman...-
-(−_−;)You gotta be joking me, right?-
-Well.. I am very popular here...-
She looked at him more carefully -Mhhh.. You looked familiar-
-See, I am not joking..!-
-No, it is.... Oh never mind- Gumi replied -So, do we know each other?-
-No.. I swear I didn't knew who you are- He say begging
-Alright.. Just tell your girlfriend to stay away from me-
-But she isn't my girlfriend!?- Σ(・□・;)
-Then.. Why she...?-
-It is like a curse make it stop!- He took my leg
-Let go... - She say shaking her leg -I don't know what you're talking about..-

Gumi saw Daisuke from the distance. She remembered her words "I guess I'll go alone since Daisuke is distracted I will let him here.."

-Really let go of me now!- She shaked strongly

Suddenly an alarm sounded, but the sound was like if the apocalypse was coming..


-Ah? What is that?- Gumi asked covering her ears
-It is the boss.. It came back- Jin say looking to the forest
-A boss.. Why it appears in this place?!-

Gumi looked to all of the people there scared of what was going to happend, and the majority were all form level 2 to 4 so defending wasn't an option..

-The boss, how much strong is it?-
-So maybe it is a level 70..He can kill many of us with only moving his tail, but the worst when that thing flies his power increase...-
-And what can we do...?-
-Try to make him leave this place by attacking him with everything that we have..- He stand
-That doesn't sounds very nice... But if that's the only option, what can we do...-

[Jin's POV]

The dragon stayed in the forest since some people over there try to stop him from getting near the town

-I guess this time I will need a weapon for long distances..- I say
-L-Long distance?!- She asked surprised
-Yes... You don't have one?-
-I thought that you could only have one weapon...-
-Well that is our only advantage since we don't have a defined class-
-Oh that's true!-
-But I guess that it is better for you to stay here... If that thing uses an attack you won't be able to avoid from the short distance..-
-Why... Why didn't I realized of that sooner?!-
-Ok... Then, See you later.. Emmm?- I didn't knew her name - Sorry I didn't ask your.....-
She interrupted me -Gumi... My name is Gumi-
-Then see ya'..- I left

The boss wasn't really near... So it took me some time to get there

-Hey! Jin is here!?- Someone screamed

Momoe Momo say to me since we are in the same guild..

-I am happy that you came...- She smiled
-I guess you need my help?- I asked her
-Well the truth is that everyone here need you right now.. Since that thing suddenly increase his live bar- She replied pointing at the bars on top of the dragon
-(That is strange... They don't level up?)- I thought -Let's do the same as we did early..- I suggested

The fight was intense and with all the people lost we couldn't win... Or at least make the monster stay away from the town

-Look he is going away!- A blonde haired guy (It is Bruno....☆〜(ゝ。∂)) screamed as the huge beast fly away

"YEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" The people shout joyful

-Well we survived again the boss...- A guy put his hand on my shoulder
I turned around - Yo! Yuma, It's been so long

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