Strange Meeting

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I saw the back of the videogame..


1. This game is only compatible with the NeverGear

2. First time in "Worlds Online": You can create your own avatar and change it in the menu.

3. On the 1rst Floor you will have instruction for begginer

4. From the 2nd Floor you can unlock skills and special skills

5. Special skills are different in each player

6. You can decide to be a solo player or be in a party


"NOTE: Adapt to your surroundings to avoid wars of races"

-This looks kind like the online games that I haved play..- I say -Anyways.. I will give it a try..-

* * * * *

Even if he and me go to the same college, I haven't see him anywhere..

It was afternoon and I went to my house earlier than normal, but when I got there. There was no one there..

-Weird... Even Oni-chan isn't here...- I say putting the apple in my mouth -... Time for me..-

I took the videogame from my bag.. For some reason I have a bad feeling about it..

-I haven't heard about this game... - I say to myself -NeverGear... Huh, I thought I will never use it again.. I was going to throw it away..-

I went to my room. I took out the NeverGear from and old box.. It was covered in dust but at least it worked...

I spend a few minutes sitting on my bed.. Thinking "Why do I have this weird sensation..."

I decide..

-They sure are late... It is afternoon and they haven't come, but I won't wait for them..-

I put the NeverGear in my head..

-(What can happend? It is just a game...)- I closed my eyes

-Link Start!-

Everything change.. I was flooting in nowhere..

-This must be the place where I can make my avatar...-

I move through the options..

I put my hair long and green and make my profile..

"Name: Megpoid Gumi

Age: 16

Genre: Female

Status: undefined

Race: undefined"

In the screen apear a text box.. "1. Apocalyptic World"

-That must be where I am going..-

Before a few minutes I opened my eyes..

There was a huge forest right infront of my eyes and a huge old building behind me..

I start looking around -Why I am alone? Isn't this an online game..?-

Maybe this was just a beta version.. But...

-Anyway.. -

I start came near to where the forest began..

A soon as I enter the forest everything change.

-Now this look better...- I say - like the apocalypse..-

The creepy forest with the fog makes the perfect environment. I've forgot how much I love to use the NeverGear...

-Why did I left using this?- I say to myself because I didn't remember -Anyway... Let's continue..-

As I keep walking the fog start to disperse letting me see the road and through the trees too..

I saw something from the distant -Is that a player?-

I really didn't know if the person was a player or just a game character..

-Maybe I should check..-

I approached him.. And from I could see was his name "Daisuke". Suddenly a cat jump on his shoulder and start watching me with a suspicious glare..

He turned around and saw me...

-Hey...What's up!- He say to me while he was holding a piece of bread on his mouth and a sword on his left hand



Thank for reading and sorry for the spelling and bad english..

^_^ Keep reading it..!

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