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3 years later

"Hatsune Miku V4x!! For the first time in the Arena Center!

-(Hmmm... Another sign, that's thirteen for today... Maybe the company is trying to keep their business on float)- I thought while driving to the company laboratory -June 6th... Ahhhh well anyway I just wanted to see the new crazy experiment this guys created now

It passed two years after an incident with a game. I now call it the X-game in where people involved get an X after losing, why? Because when someone dies when they get discarded by putting an X on their face.

The fun part is that this game wasn't even created by any company in the world, there wasn't any sales about it either, kind of creepy.... No one knew about it but probably half of the population have it for some reason. And they all have it as a "gift" from an unknown person. It makes you think if this was some kind of complot? And if it was, against who? Well... There isn't even any proofs that this incident has happened, there isn't any much we could do.

I am lucky I didn't get myself killed in that game too.

-I just want to rest...- I left my car in the parking lot and entered in the white building that totally looked like a hospital for me.

As I walk in, the cold invaded my entire body making me doubt about that place, but it was to late to return when I heard the door close.

-Come this way- A guy with a long white coat said and I started following him.

We both get to what was kind of like a waiting room full of scientists.

An old man approached me -Jin you finally came- He said as I remembered who he was. Mr. Torakusu Yamaha, one of the leaders of the corporation -I haven't seen you in like five years

I smiled trying to be nice -Good morning Mr. Torakusu...- I replied with vaguely tone

-I see that you are full of energy like always... Hahaha- One of his jokes that makes others laugh except for me

-..So, why am I here?

He stopped laughing and looked at me -Well I thought that you would like to see Vocaloid VY2 finally working as vocaloid 4.... And not only that.

-Yuma? Is he already finished?

-Yes boy. That's why I called you, I thought you would like to see him first.

The man make it sound like a romantic relationship, but in fact we were close (but not in that way), Yuma was my best friend and thanks to my work as composer of original vocaloid songs I got to know him. Yeah we were both loners nd that's exactly why we use to hangout a lot.

Vocaloids got corrupted by a mysterious virus and forced to be desactivated after that. The scientists of the corporation believed there was a malfunction in the system that caused the shutdown of the voice synthesizers.

But that wasn't the case in this situation... i knew it, there was more behind it...

We walked through a long hall that had like 10 doors in each floor, labeled by a different number. It sure was a room for every each vocaloid created.

-22...- I looked the man stopped at this door

-Here we are. Ready to see a real person created artificially?- He pushed the door

There it was a normal guy with pink hair laying on the stretcher and surrounded by three men with the same long white coats.

-Is he alive?- I dear to ask that stupid question

The man beside me let out a smile -Yes, of course... Here, hear him breath

The room went quiet and I approached the body to see him moving a little. Then there was a sound coming from his mouth. He was breathing...

-(How is this possible?)- Finally they can create artificial life

He looked satisfied by my reaction -After we created the first artificial cell made by codes, creating life was easy...- He moved his left hand to make a sign to the other scientists having a nodd as a response.

The guy opened it's kind of yellow eyes

"Bplats,Inc. Vocaloid 3 engine, VY2 codename: YUMA. Activate"

And that's the end of this first part of the story... Hope you like it <3

Soon the second part!

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