The Alchemist 1#

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"wait really?" I say Raupnzel nods "yep, new equitement will be provided and you will be able to live at the castle" she says, I sit down on my bed "this, this is amazing. what did my dad say about this idea?" I ask, my dad then popped throught the door "i said it would be best for you" he said with a sad smile. i beam and run over to hug him "thank you, when do i move" i ask quickly, the queen of crona smiles "A carrige will come in two days that should be enough time for you to pack, and dont worry your dad can visit when ever you want him too" she says asurringly.

i nod "thank you" i say again, she nods, my dad shows her out before re entering my room "I'm going to miss you son" he says I look down "I'm going to miss you too, but the castle is only half a day journey so I'll try to visit as often as i can" i say he rubs my head messing up my hair, "now dont you worry I'll be fine, you better start packing" he says, before heading to do more work, i sigh and lay on my bed when Ruddiger climes on my stomach "you ready to go to the castle?" I ask, the raccon gives me a confused look, i laugh "its going to be great Ruddiger, all new equitement ooo i bet I'll get my own lab, I'll be in there for hours just think, the kingdoms Alchemist, it would be my officile title" i sit up abruptly knocking Ruddiger to the floor, "sorry buddy" i say and stand up. "now lets pack"

I start with my closet I pull a suitcase from the top of the closet when i see another bag much bigger than my current one "hey Ruddiger, could you clime up there and push it closer?" i ask the raccon makes a nosie the climes up my shoulder, jumping to the top shelf, i hear him start to push the suitcase against the wood of the house. i look up and see the edge of the suit case pop out, i grab the corner and pull it down. "thanks Ruddiger" i say he jumps down and has something in his mouth, I sit down on the ground next to the raccoon "what did you find?" i ask.

the raccon drops the item in my lap, i pick up the wrapped parchment "hmm" i flip it over and see a stamp along with the words To my sweet baby boy, "where did you find this buddy?" i question the raccon points with its nose at the closet, i check the date and see its the year i was born. i was about to open it when I hear my door open, i slide the packge under my bed.

the door opens "Varian?" i see my dad standing there, "dinner is ready" he says i nod and follow him downstairs Ruddiger following close behind me. After dinner i head back up to my room and pulled the packge out from under my bed i open it carefully sitting on my bed inside is a letter and a book. i open the letter first it reads

Dear Varian
if your reading this i probally not around anymore, i bet your a strong boy like your dad and smart like me, i hid some very important information in this notebook, information that in the wrong hands could distory everything I have created, I went to stop this evil alone and i may never come back, but i wanted my baby to know. i love you.
Love Mom

I sat their rereading the peice of paper "mom?" i said quitely, she was gone before I was barely two, dad always said she died in some horrific fire, why would he lie about that? i place the letter on my nightstand and pick up the journal, i flip to the first page

Property of Ulla Quirin

I flip through the book till i reach a note

I've been investagating these strange surgess of magic, this could be the future of science. Imgaine having this magic harnest, it would change the world. I'll keep my findings here

i sigh "you and me know how that turns out" i say to ruddiger, he chrips, i skip forward a few pages and find a list of Alchemy ingredents, "mom dabbled in Alchemy?" i say with a small smile, flipping forward more till i feel like someone is watching me i turn quickly to see my dad in the door, "I uh i can-" i stumble he shakes his head "it was about time you knew, can i sit?" he asks i nod. he sits on the edge of my bed "so mom?" i ask he sighs "your mom was very smart in the same way you are, it's why i've always been worried about you when your down in you lab its why I was so instent you stopped, but like your mom you never listened" he sighs "she wanted to change the world make it safer for you and me, that one of the reasons i fell in love with her, but sadly her curoisty got the best of her" he said looking down at the ground, i place a hand on his shoulder.

he looked back at my face "she built a portal of sorts, this thing terrified me, I told her to stop but she kept me out of the loop after I kept bothering her." he looked up towards the ceiling "her partner and best friend at the time, Donella, told her that it wasnt safe re iterating what I had told her weeks to months prior, but she was a stubborn woman and didnt listen, she turned it on one night her partner and i went down their to stop it, but Donella Ullas Partner and best friend got sucked in, because of that Ulla, your mom, felt guilty and need to free her friend in order to do so she had to find some anceint knowelge, relics, but she was exactly in the position to do that at the time, so she left the night before your second birthday"

"she told me she'd be back,we both knew that was a lie, she left and i was left to raise you all on my own. every day i wished she was here, everyday i would sit outside and wait for the day she came back, but it never came, evencaully i gave up" he sighed and looked at the ground again. I close the book and lay my head on my dad's shoulder "I'm not going to do the same thing dad" i say he smiles "I wasnt going to stop you, but it does make me feel better, now no more sad stuff its time for bed" he says i nod he hops off my bed and looks at me, "goodnight Varian" he says i smile "night dad" i say he nods and shuts my door. i sigh and look back at the brown cover of the journal with a big U carved into it. some mysterys are better left unsoved and with that i threw the book into a random basket and went to bed........

words: 1097 2/22/2022 (updated 05.02.2024 / words: 1238)

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