Bayangor 10#

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we arrive after around three hours of riding, hugo and Nuru ride in the carrige while me and yong admire entering the beauiful city. Very diffrent from the other two kingdoms where they were stone and glass these are dirt, but molded into tall structures i look in awe as i spot a floating patches of ground and question how they did it, we arrive at the castel. Yong's dads sent a messege ahea of time telling them we were coming, "were here" i say parking the carrige.

Heading up to the front door and watch as they open the moss doors, we walk down the hall following a set of guards to the throne room, there we see the Queen sitting on her throne. i gulp and bow as do the others, "Varian i assume?" she asks i nod "yes miss, we are on a quest to find on what happend to a great Alchemist, she goes by the name Ulla" i say the queen sighs "ah ulla, such a bright mind, its been a long time since i last saw her, why are you looking for her? isnt she dead?" the queen ask getting up from her throne.

"well I'm looking for her because she's my mother and i just want to know what happend to her" i say the queen nods, "follow me" she says walking out into the hall, we all follow close behind her, "your mother, Ulla, came here a few years back looking for something of mine, i told her that she was welcome to anything she wishes,she was my alchemis for some time so she and i were very close" the queen says i nod and listen.

the others start whispering to each other, "what was she looking for?" i ask the queen turns her head, her white vail covering her face, "an artifact, she said it was to bring someone back but i said she couldnt take it with her so i let her leave with nothing or so i though, when i went to check on it the next day it was gone, but a few weeks later it reapeared like it was never gone" the queen says before entering a room.

i quickly follow behind, in the middle of the room stands a simaler artifact to the one in Galcrest, i walk close looking at the wood carvings, "may i?" i ask the queen nods. i pick up the artifact and scan the outside finding a bunch of letters spelling out the word TRUST i look at it carfully before hitting a button on the back, the beak of the bird pops open reaveling a peice of paper, i pull it out and place the artifact down, the others come up behind me, "another map?" Nuru asks i nod and scan the map, "it takes us throught the whispering caves, then to a temple but whats this mark?" i ask pointing at the small drawings in the corner.

its a drawing of three sticks? polls? pillers? i'm not sure. "may we take this?" i ask pointing to the paper and the artifact, the woman shrugs "if you promise to bring it back in one peice, its the one thing i have left of my ancestors, and i would hate to lose it" she says i nod "i understand, thank you" i say being nice. i tell nuru to grab the artifact and keep an eye on it, we start to leave the castle when one of the guards hands me a letter.

i look at the queen confused she nods "your mom would have wanted you to have it, just so you know in the future Bayangor is on your side" she says before the huge doors shut leaveing me and the rest of the crew standing outside. i look down at the white letter with gold swirles i break the red seal and read

Dear the kingdom of Bayangor
I know i have been your ally for years and i hope you trust me to reture you artifact, my partner donella has been sucked into the portal i created i need to right a wrong, meaning I may never see this beauiful city again please trust someone or something will protect your artifact, and to the queen thank you

sighned Ulla

i sigh and fold the letter sticking it in my pocket, "come on Varian!" yong yells i smile and head down to the carrige."ok, favorite type of book?" Nuru asks i as i drive i think for a momment "scince fiction, you?" i ask she thinks for a momment "fantasy and romance" she says, "mines Futuristic stuff" yong says poking his head out the window, "mine would probally have to be mystery books" Hugo says standing behind Yong. "can we stop? I'm hungry" yong says.

i sigh and nod we pull over and i head to the back of the carrige, opeing a box and pulling out some sandwiches. i jump slightly when i turn around "fu-, Hugo dont scare me" i say holding in a curse, he laughs "sorry goggles, just came to get a water, his face is really close to me, he places his arm behind me on the wall of the carrige, and slightly psuhes me against the wall, "thanks" he says and pulls away, i take a deep breath my face becoming red.

was he flirting with me? i shake my head and regane my composer, i breath and walk back to the front. "here you go" i say handing yong a sandwich, he smiles and eats his food, "i though you might be hungry" i said handing Nuru a sandwich she smiles and takes it. "wheres my sandwich hair stripe?" hugo ask sitting on top of the carrige, "what are you doing up there?" i ask he shrugs "nice veiw, now sandwich" he says i sigh and roll my eyes throwing him up a sandwich.

"thanks goggles" he says and takes a bite. i lean against the carrige and eat my sandwich when i hear soft humming, i look up and see Hugo humming, soon after nuru and yong were humming with him, i smile and humm with them. after our snack we leave this time i did let Hugo drive against my own will, Nuru said i needed to rest and that she would keep an eye on him, I lay on the bench and stare at the celling with yong doing the same, my eyes start to close and i fall into a deep sleep.......

words 1080 4/12/2022 (updated 05.03.2024 / words:1082)

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