Mother Notes 4#

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i open my eyes and see three heads looking at me, "aahh!!!" i scream and fall off the bed "oh sorry didnt mean to scare you" Yong says i groan and stand up "well maybe next time dont break into someones room when their asleep" i say stating the obvouise thats when i notice all three of them are in my room, "speaking of, what are all three of you doing in my room?" i question. Nuru looks at me her eyes saying "Im not going to bite" she looks between the boys before giving the exspaion herself

"we watched you storm off the queen asked us to check on you, also you left your door unlocked" she says i roll my eyes "and you?" i say pointing at hugo he shrugs but dosent say anything. "well I'm fine just tired now out" i say pushing them out of my room. i shut the door and lay against it ruddiger looks at me jugementally "what?" i say he points his head towards the door. "I'm not looking for friends" i say the raccon snears i groan.

"fine, but if this goes south not snacks for two weeks" i threaten and open the door seeing the three teens still standing at my door. "I'm sorry i dont really do people well come in" i say holing the door open, the three of them walk back in the room Hugo clearly not intrested. whats his problem? I sit on my bed as the three of them walk around my room, "um please dont touch that" i say to yong when he reaches for a green beaker, "or that" when he touches a purple one. "nice room" nuru says.

i dont says anything back, i let ruddiger clime in my lap and pet him slowly. "your strange varian" Nuru says i look at her confused "if anyone is strange its you three" i say she laughs "you're funny varian, but it is true we havent properly introduce ourselfs. I'm Princess Nuru of the star kingdom main hobbys are star gazing and building inventions like my ipod" she says pulling out the device she was using earlier.

"I'm yong, well you already know that, but i like to make fireworks for my aceint kingdom, honestly the fireworks were by accident, i used the wrong powerd and poff it blew up in my face. i also really like to talk" he says in a child like way "i can tell" i say "and I'm hugo" Hugo said the first thing he said in the past hour or so. "hes a stuck up inventor who hates people hey maybe you two will get along" Nuru says i look at the boy and scoff "unlikey" i say the boy nods

"yeah there's no way i would hang out with the likes of someone who almost destroyed crona" he says i cross my arms hes really getting on my nerves "wait, thats true? you almost destoryed crona?" yong asks. i sigh "not on prepouse" i say and stand up knocking ruddiger to the ground, "it was meant to earse everyones memories of the awful things i did but instead some hijackers who i though were my friends tricked me into making a bomb, that wasnt a fun day" i said remmbering the events.

i walking over to a basket in the corner of the room. i can feel them staring but i ignore it trying to find something to keep me ocupied when i spot a fammair notebook, i decide to leave it in the basket and come back for it later but a gloved hand reaches for it "whats this varian?" hugo asks keeping the book out of reach "give it back" i say "Hugo give varian back his notebook" nuru said "yeah hugo stop being so mean" chimed in yong. "whos Ulla?" he asks

i take this momment to grab the book riping a small croner of a page. "none of your damm bussinus" i say and place the book in a drawer in the desk. just then the door opens i see Eugen and raupnzel standing there, "hey everyone, your parents and guardians are looking for you time to leave" raupnzel says i sigh in relife and follow everyone out the door shuting it behind me. we make it outside and wave bye to everyone, "so how was it?" raupnzel asks egerly

"it was fine, but my nap was interupted I'm going back to sleep, goodnight raupnzel night eugen" i say and head back to my room. i lock the door and grab the book from the drawer, i throw the book on the bed and change into some sleeping clothes. i lean back on some pillows and open the book useing a small candle to light the pages, i look down and read some random asortments of notes. the portal seems to not react well to a low amount of power, up the vaultge....... my

partner seems to think we need a stronger sorce maybe a rock or a 206 of the building process still not a lot of 103 since the first test still need a safer option.......the random notes go on and on each page scaderd along with dots and lines onceting them. till i reach a page that folds out bigger, i shrug and start to unfold till it covers almost my whole bed "this must be the portal" i say ruddiger on my shoulder nods as well. i fold it back up and closet the book.

"this is too much info for one night we need rest" i say standing up placeing the book back in the drawer. i walk over to two pairs of pants laying on the floor. i check the pockets and find the glass shard and the picture of me and my mom. i smile and take both over to the drawer with the notbook placing them in there. i sigh and lay on my bed watching the moon as i go to sleep. The next morining was suprisingly very calm, i took a walk down town to get breakfast not that i dont love the castle breakfast just that i need a change in senerey.

i stop by a bakery and eat a muffin and drink some tea, i dont know how much longer the calm is going to last but i want to enjoy it before i have to talk to anyone. i stop by a fruit stand i pick up some snacks for ruddiger, as well as the libary for me. once i reture to the castle i head to my lab and get to work on another project, i pick up one of the apples i brought and using a serum i

made that combains alchmey and magic i drop a single drop on the apple. i wait and watch it slowly turn into an orange. "it worked!!!" i yell and dance around my lab. i take a knife and slice the orange which was an apple in half and see its still an apple on  the inside "facinating" i say. I jot down my notes when i feel something scrurry up my back "look ruddiger i did it sort of" i say he makes a happy noise and contiues to sit on my shoulder.

Thats when i hear a knock on my door, i sigh and walk over opeing the door to revel a maid standing there, "Mister Varian the queen needs your assistance" she says i nod and follow her to raupnzels room, "hey varian" she says paceing back and forth. "are you ok raupnzel?" i ask as i hear the door shut behind me "oh me I'm fine just a little stressed thats all, how are you?" she asks i give her a confused look "fine, umm why did you call me in hear?" I ask she stops pacing and looks at me "oh yeah right umm could you tell me what this is?" she asks holding my mothers notebook out infront of her.........

words:1349  3/4/2022 (updated 05.02.2024 / words: 1357)

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