The Forest of No Returen 9#

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we are half way into the forest, I think, the trees block out any light so i cant tell where were going, Adira in front of the carrige, Nuru and Yong talking in the back and me sitting next to hugo. he keeps trying to start a conversation but i keep cutting him off, out of everyone on this trip i trust him the least, him being stuck in that pit is very suspicious to me. I can tell when people lie most of the time and this time its clearer than day.

Hugo is lieing to us but i cant figure out about what and why. "so goggles, whats the deal with this trip?" he asks i shrug "to figure out what happend to my mom" i say while still looking forward, he nods. "stop" Adira says, i pull the carrige to a hult, i look and see weve hit a fork in the road, "my map doesnt show where to go from here, meaning we have two opions, guess and maybe well get out, or wait for the next shift which could be in an hour or a day" Adira says.

we deicide to wait for the next shift meaning were stuck with each other for awhile. "so since were stuck goggles, how about we learn about each other" he says i roll my eyes "I liked it better when you didnt talk to me" i say and lay against the chair, "oh come on, wheres the fun varian everyone talks about" he says i turn to him and scoff "yeah, sure you'll see that varian when i trust your ass" i say and close my eyes. "why dont you trust me?" hugo asks.

i decide just to not answer and take a nap. "Varian get up" Nuru says, i see shes switched places with Hugo, "what?" i ask, she looks worried "Adira is gone" she says i sit up and look around seeing we arent next to the fork anymore but we've also lost Adira, "oh shit" i say Nuru looks at me disaprovenly "Languege, but yes i agree with you" she says, i look in the little window and see Hugo and yong asleep, "does yong know?" i ask being protective she shakes her head.

"no, Yong and Hugo don't know" she says "ok were going to start moving when they wake up well tell them but until they do we need to keep moving" i say and hit the reins, "havent we past this tree already?" Nuru asks, it feels like we're lost. i start to hear growling, "what was that?" i ask Nuru looks at me and shrugs, all the sudden i look up and see a gaint mouth hanging above me, i douge it bite and hit the reins, we start to travel faster, running from the flowers, till i hear a swosh.

i stop the cart and turn around seeing Adira there fighting off the flowers "I'm good kid, just keep traveling straight ahead, and good luck" she says and goes back to fighting. i nod and hit the reins, gliding out of the forest. "will Adira be ok?" Nuru asks i nod with a smile "she will be fine, i mean she helped queen raupnzel and her friends to cross the forest, she seems to know what shes doing with her life" i say kind of wishing i knew what i wanted to do with mine.

"what happend?" i hear yong ask climing out of the carigge "what happend is were out of woods and Adira has left" i say i see yong pout "aww i wanted to say bye" he said i smile "I'm pretty sure she wouldnt have wanted to wake you, now we head to Caclicea" i say Yong switches with Nuru and rides up front with me, we travel along, yong telling me stories of his kingdom, me asking questions about his inventions until we come across a river.

"I think its getting late we can travel more in the morning" i say and park the carrige by the river, hugo finally got up from his nap and helped us set up, "I'll guard us tonight goggles, i mean i did have quite a long nap earlier" Hugo says i roll my eyes i dont trust him, but i'm soo tried i cant watch tonight. "fine" i say and hop in a sleeping bag, i slowly drift off to sleep. "varian" a voice calls out "varian!!" it yells, i search around for the

person calling me but i cant find them, "Varian!!!" yells my fathers voice, i look and see him being in cased in amber "no dad!!!" i yell and rush over "not again not again!!!" i say before the person in the amber changes from my dad to my mom, "sweetie, i trust you to make the right chioce" she says before the ground below me crumbles, I wake up in a cold sweat, the sun is barley up, i spot hugo standing there looking at the stars that are still visabel in the sky.

i sigh and stand up clearly not going back to sleep, i walk over to hugo and look up at what he's looking at. "what are you doing up?" he asks not taking his eyes off the stars, i shrug "couldnt go back to sleep" i say he looks over at me "do you not trust me?" he asks i sigh "i dont really trust anyone fully" i answer, "well I'm not going to bite" he says smiling, i nod and look back at the other two still asleep. "whats your story, Hugo?" i ask he shrugs "not much of a story to tell" he says.

i scoff "everyone has a story" i say he shakes his head "not me, I've been the way i am for years" he looks back up at the stars and that when i notices something how the moon light shines off his face, his green eyes and- i shake that last though from my mind. after a few minutes he looks back at me, "what you starring at?" he questions with a smirk i turn away blush "nothing" i say he smiles a cheeky smile "sure goggles, we had better get on the road, dont want to waste a bit of sun light" he says facing towards the rising sun, "if your fine with it i can drive" hugo says i scoff "yeah i still dont trust you, your riding in the back" i state before walking over to the others to wake them up......

words 1093 4/7/2022 (updated 05.03.2024 / words: 1106)

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