Lies or Truth 12#

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i stare up at the stairs that lead up to the temple entrence, "umm" i wasnt sure what to say exacly. "yeah, we're going have to camp out for the day and try later" nuru says, i agree, we've been using the carrige as a resource for food and shelter, we won't be able to bring it into the massive temple and who knows how long we'll be inside it.

we park the carrige and set up tents, this is our last day before we hopfully find what were looking for, i decide to make some extra smoke bombs, amber bombs, and other liquids to help us. i stand at a table and get to work, Ruddiger climing beside me to watch, when a little robotic mouse rolls into the room, "hugo" i groan and turn around taking off my goggles, "what? I'm not doing anything" he says innocently i scoff and turn back to my projects.

i pull down my goggles and turn up the heat, before poof, smoke puffs in my face. i pout and turn around to a laughing hugo. i take off my goggles and cross my arms "ha ha very funning, can you hand me that towal?" i ask he nods and throws it too me i wipe my face and start to walk towards a box, but i trip over a discarded vile, as i'm close to the ground i feel arms wrap around my wasit, I open my closed eyes and gulp turning a light pink when i see its hugo, "s-sorry" i stumbel.

he pulls me up to my feet and scratches his neck, "i- well i- i had better g-go" he stutters, as he attempts to leave the tent crashing into the side, "I did that on purpose" he says with a deep red blush on his face, i laugh slightly, he quickly leave the tent, Varian, get a grip on your emotions, hes hiding something and until you find out what you can- my thoughts get interupted my yong entering the tent.

"Varian, Nuru needs you" he says, i nod and follow him to Nuru's 'work space' its just a patch of grass she's laid a picnic blanket on, I told her we can share the work tent but she insteaded outside was better for her, "what is it?" i ask she sighs "i've been charting the stars and may have found something intreasting, you see in your mothers star writing, there were a lot of words i couldnt desifer, until i realized that the paterns of the stars relied on where she was, so i took out the last map peice we found and saw that there was holes in the paper, i heald it up to the sun and-" she says and holds it up.

"another map, inside of the map" i say, clever, "yes, but here come the bad news, you know how i said it depended on where she was when she wrote?" nuru says i nod "the one word that was repeated over and over again was danger" she says. i look at the temple and then back at nuru, "meaning whatever is in that temple- we might not make it out" i sigh she nods.

i think about my opions, "me and hugo will go, if we dont return in two days, you pack up everything and leave" i say nuru shakes her head "no I'm not-" i stop her "this is my mother, not yours, me and hugo will be fine, but i know for a fact he isnt going to let me go by myself, me and hugo will leave early in the morning, keep you and yong away from the temple, you and yong need to go back to your family understand?" i say she nods and hugs me.

i smile and hug her back. "be safe" she says, i nod "we'll try". i tell hugo the plan and we pack our bags, once yong is asleep me, nuru, and hugo talk "this could be the last time i see you both" she says holding in tears, i nod "maybe, but we will try our best not the make that a reality" i say "I'm going to go get some sleep" hugo says i grab his wrist, "can you wait a second?" i ask he nods and sits down next to me, "Umm Nuru could you leave us alone for a minute"
i say she nods and heads to her tent.

"who were you talking to earlier?" i ask he tenses up "oh umm no one it was just, someone has been following us so i told them to back off" he says i can see straight through his lie but I dont processed futher, i realse his wrist and look into the fire, "sorry hugo, I'm a bit on edge" i say i hear him sigh "i know what you mean" he affirms. i groan and look up at the stars "why did you come one this trip? we could have dropped you off in a town but no you wanted to come with us why?" i ask.

"do i have to have a reason?" he asks i shrug "i guess not, but everyone else is here for something, Yong is in for the adventure, and mostly to prove he's not a screw up, Nuru is on this trip because shes trying to find where she belongs and not just be some princess sitting around all the time, and me, well i'm here for my mom, even if she is dead i've alaways felt like something was missing, even when i turnned on crona i still felt like a part of me is missing. i know stupid" i say.

Hugo places a hand on my shoulder "its not stupid, if i had been able to save my mom and dad i would have" he says. i think before i say anything but my curiosty gets the best of me "what is Della to you?" i ask he sighs "shes my adoptive mom, she rasied me since i was six, my mom and dad died in a huge town massacre wiping my town off the face of the earth, mostly why where I'm actually from isnt on any map, i watched them died before running out of town, its funny because after i ran out i saw a woman who looked liked a ghost, i screamed but the woman bent down to my level and calmed me down, Della, she taught me enginering and alchemy, science, and magic i thank her for that" Hugo says.

we sit in a calm silince "we should probally head to bed" i say he nods and stands up, "hey hugo?" i say he turns around "yes goggles?" he says with a teasing smirk i smile "sorry for accusing you of something i have no proof of" i say he smiles and nod, "Night, Varian" he says and heads to his tent. i burn out the fire and head to my tent tonight sleep tomowrow the temple.......

words 1091 4/20/2022 (updated 05.04.2024 / words: 1188 )

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