New Life 2#

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I'm heading to the castle today, i have all my stuff packed and ready to go, downstairs I eat lunch with my dad for the last time in awhile "you ready, son?" dad asks i nod "yeah I have everything i need, except riddiger do you know where he is?" I ask he thinks for a momment "i think he was downstairs in your lab" he says I nod, "thanks" i say and head down to the basement. i look around the room until i see a small raccon hiding in the corner, "Ruddiger? its time to go" i say.

the Raccon runs off i groan "ruddiger we cant do this today I-" i fall to the ground "Ow" i say say siting up. i shake my head and look what i tripped on. a small wood box sits on the floor, i didnt leave anything down here? at least I didn't think I did? I pick up the box and flip open the clasp, opening the box slowly i find a stack of papers. Ruddiger intrested in what i found climes on my shoulder, "stubborn" i say glaring at the raccon.

i flip through the papers old notes smugged ink barely legible until i come across a photo, i pick it up and set the box back down on the ground, i wipe away the dust and see its a picture of me and my mom faded and blurry, but its her, i hear the lab door open i stuff the photo in my pocket. "son did you find- oh you did, well the chariot is here" he say trying to avoid eye contact with me.

i stand up and walk over to him "love you dad" i say hugging him he's all big tough guy, but I know he cares "love you too son" he says hugging me back. we walk out side i place my bags in the cart and give my dad one last hug. shutting the chariot door I watch as old crona fades away into the distance "A New Life Ruddiger" i say to the raccon. On my own for the first time, he cuddles next to me, i pull the photo out of my pocket and flip it over scanning the back

Loved Wife and baby Varian
Love you sweetie

I smile and hug the photo, i dont know when, but i fell asleep at some point because when i woke up we were crossing the brige to crona, i smile and stretch sticking the photo back in my pocket, we arrive at the castle. my door opens and i walk out greeted by Eugen and Raupnzel, The now queen wraps me in a hug "Eugen will take you to your room" Raupzel says in cheerful tone, i nod and grab my bags "follow me kid" he says, we walk into the castle.

walking down severel halls till we reach a room door, "this will be you room" he says and opens the door, I blink a few times to make sure this is real the room was huge, i giant queen sized bed as well as a desk already set up with some equitment. "wow" i say i see Eugen smile "the queen and king of crona though we should give you one of the best rooms in the castle" he says patting himself on the back, i roll my eyes and enter the room, "thank you" I say, he smirks.

i drop my bags on the floor and fall on to the bed. "comfy" i state i here Eugen chuckle "ok kid, since you will be joinning the royal life you have to join us for dinner tomorrow with three of the seven kingdoms, ok?" he says i nod. "good now to the lab we go" he says my ears perk up i jump off the bed and follow him down the hall Ruddiger climes back on my shoulder before running out of the room. "the Royal Lab" Eugen emphasizes and opens the door, a gaint window shines light right in my eyes, once i stop seeing spots, i see severel desks, a gaint list of elements on the wall and all new equitment.

"this is heaven" i say Eugen rolls his eyes "sure kid, only you would think that" he states. i run over to all the diffrent desks looking at all the new equitment, "Um kid Ive got to run but i think you've got it right?" he asks i wave him away "yeah yeah i got it go ahead" i say still looking through some of the drawers. i hear the door shut, i stand up walking over to the book shelf in the corner of the room i scroll through the books

when i pull a red book the shelf spins and opens to a stone hallway, "whoa, Ruddiger!" i whisper yell he pops his head out of a basket, "come on" i say and start walking, the book shelf closes behind me. I take a green bottle out of my pocket and shake it, the hall get illumianted in a green glow, i walk slowly hearing the echo of my foot steps till i reach the end I push the wall and fall into the libary. "hmm" i stand up and brush myself off, the stone door shuts

leaving me where i am. i sneak out of the liabry and into the hall, Ruddiger climes back on my shoulders we start to walk passing old paintings of other kings and queens of crona. i make it back to my bedroom somehow and fall on my bed, i stare up at the ceiling painted with stars probally raupnzels doing i count the stars until i feel my self slowly fall asleep. i wake up to a knock on my door, the sun is setting so I'm guessing its dinner time, i stretch and head over to the door. "Varian, you coming to dinner?" Raupnzel asks i shake my head "I'm not hungry, just tried" i say she smiles and nods "ok, I'll ask the maids to bring your dinner to your room" she says i was about to protest, but she had already left.

i sigh a few minutes later a maid brings a tray of food into my room and sets it on my desk, i thank her as she leaves. "you want some food Ruddiger?" i ask the sleeping raccon it jumps up and runs over to the tray, i chuckle and walk over Ruddiger had already taken the fruit i was left with a plate of some sort of pasta and a glass of water. i smile and eat, i finish and walk over to my suit case picking up a book i'm curently reading, I move back over to the bed and lay down starting to read until the next morning.......

words:1075 2/25/2022 (updated 05.02.2024 / words: 1154)

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