Galcrest 7#

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I'm awoken by the carrige stoping at a toll into the city, i smile "nuru get up" i say she groans and sits up "are we there?" she asks sleepily i nod "i think so" i say she jumps up and looks out the window, "welcome to Galcrest, where Yong lives or its nickname 'the big boom' because of their firework display" she says i look out the window its very diffrent from nurus kingdom, more artsy, chalk drawings line the streets along with the roofs being build either straight across or with lots of curvs, brick and wood compared to most kingdoms being stone and glass.

i stare out at the beauty of the city when i get the same feeling like someone is watching us, i look around the crowed and see a hooded figure starring in our direction then they dive into an ally way whos following us? and how? "Varian! were almost to the castle" Nuru shouts i look and see shes right, we stop in front of the building which unlike other castles i've seen, looks like a bigger version of the houses in town instead of being diffrent fromthe rest.

"Nuru! Varian!" i hear a voice say i look and see yong running down the stairs. he hugs me and nuru i just stand there tence, he lets go with a huge smile on his face "when my dads told me you were coming i just had to show you two the castle and my workshop..." he contiues to ramble on me and nuru just listen and follow him around we make it to his work shop which is just as messy as my lab. "this is a portable firework its still in testing" he says.

i watch as his finger hits the button and boom, i fall to the ground and look at yong "what made you think that was a good idea?" i ask he shrugs "i dont really think i just do" he says with a smile, i rub the bridge of my nose and stand back up "Now lets test my-" before he could finish i put a hand on his mouth "no more testing things, we need your help" i say and remove my hand.

he tilts his head "what do you need help with?" he asks i look at Nuru and we exsplain what we have discovred "and thats why we needed to come to Augusta" i said he looked at me and smiled "then i think i can help" he says and runs out of the room. me and nuru follow close behind we enter a big black door, the room was full of artifacts "what is this?" i ask Yong smiles "everything my parents have found or invented over the years, the queen and king hardly ever come in here so they said we could have it" he says and walks over to a small staue of some sort.

"this is the one item in here we havent been able to figure out but it does have that writing you were discrbing on the back" he says i pick up the artifact and turn it around seeing some star writing on the back "can you read it nuru?" i ask she nods and leans over my shoulder "it a bunch of numbers, three on two, one on three, and two on one, its a code but it doesnt says for what" she says i exsamin the statue more, i flip it over a press a button on the bottom the mouth opens.

i look at the other two in suprise "its a peice of paper" yong says grabing the page, he unrolls the paper and me and nuru walk behind him to see "its another half of the map" i say Nuru smiles "it looks like from Galcrest, you would have to travel through the woods, and travel into Bayangor and the map ends there" yong says i sigh "I guess were heading to Caclicea" i say

Nuru nods "well its a two day journey we need to pack enough suplise for the three of us" Nuru says yong looked at us confused "three of us? whos the thrid?" he asks i chuckle "you yong, i mean you did help us find the other half of the map" i say he smiles and hugs me "oh thank you, my dads wont mind, I'm going to pack my stuff" he said before attempting to run out the door "oh wait almost forgot" he says and runs back over to us "heres some money for suplise go a head and head into town, we will leave in the mroning" yong sayss.

Before rushing out of the room. i shrug at Nuru as we walk out of the room, we headed into town and stopped at stand and stand to find what we needed the whole time i still got the feeling someone was watching us. "varian? you ok?" Nuru asks i shrug "ever since we left Crona I've been getting this feeling were being followed, a few times I think i've seen the person but i cant see their face" i say she looks around.

"it just means we need to be more carful" she says i nod and follow her back to the castle, we load all the stuff in the carrige that yong set up for us. "really we could have just used the other carrige" i say yong shakes his head "first off this one is way bigger and second i think your carrige guy was getting tired" he said i shrug and placed our stuff in the trunk. "now you two can stay in my room, ooo we will have a big sleep over i havent had one of those ever" he said as we followed him inside.

I yawn while we walk into his room its huge, rockets are painted on the walls a huge window over lays the room with a dim light of the sunset, the bed was suspened with rope causing it to swing back and forth. "welcome to my room" he says and lays on his bed, i stare around at everything "my parents brought blankets and pillows for you two, i have a few diffrent places you two can sleep" yong says i find a spot on a couch in the room, Nuru decides to sleep in the bay window.

the two of them started to talk but i was already so tired so i fell asleep rather quickly. I wake up in a cold sweat from a nightmare i cant remmber, i take a deep breath and look around the dark room, yong is sound asleep on his bed i chuckle and look over where Nuru is shes starring out the window I decide to give her company, "not tried?" i ask she shrugs "nightmare?" she asks i shrug back and sit across from her.

"the stars are pretty, my parents use to wonder why I wanted to be an enginger insted of a astrologist, but i guess they didnt exspect i could do both" she says i smile "my dad wondered why i was so into science instead of being helpful with farming" i say she chuckles "parents am i right?" nuru says. I look out at the moon "your a good friend Nuru" i say i see her smile "I'm glad you count us as friends i just assumed you were a big jerk" she says.

i put a fake offened face on. she laughs "you have a partner?" she asks i shake my head "never really though about it, only one girl has ever caught my eye and that was cassandra but i was 15 so to young for her taste" i say Nuru rolls her eyes "what about you?" i ask "got a boyfriend?" she laughs "bold of you to assume I like guys" she says with a cheeky smile.

"no i dont have a boyfriend but i have a girl who has caught my eye, she lives in the village near to my kingdom, my mother would never except it, my dad could care less. because I'm their only kid they excpet me to marry who they wish went i know for damm certin i wont be able to stand who they choose, this might be my first and last adventure for awhile" she says and sighs, i frown "well I wont let that happen, you could alaways murder him" i joke she holds in a laugh "Varian!" she scolds I shrug "what? its an opion" i say. we stay up and laugh for a little while before i get tried enough to go back to sleep.......

words1424 3/29/22 (updated 05.03.2024 / words: 1450)

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