The Seven Kingdoms 3#

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I've been in the lab all day trying to come up with a chemicle that could help with hair growth, Eugens requested it. "one drop" i say and slowly squeeze the pipet "hello Varian!" someone says slaming open the door, i drop the whole liqued on Ruddiger "shit" i curse when i see Ruddigers fur has grown to exstrem lingthes. "lance?" i question when i look over to see who disturbed me.

he smiles i roll my eyes "sorry kid, I'm just excited to see you, whats with the rat?" he asks pointing at Ruddiger, "thats Ruddiger, i accidently dropped a hair growth posion on him" i say, Lance igonres me and tries to pet Ruddiger resulting in Ruddiger running off and hissing at Lance. i pinch the bridge of my nose, "Lance please can you go?" I say calmly he looks at me and sighs "ok" he says and shuts the door. i groan look i dont want to be mean but I've been working on the seurm all morning and now it gone.

I sigh and walk over to Ruddiger, "lets get you cleaned up" i say and pick up the raccon. after two very long hours Ruddiger was back to normal no more extra fur, "that took forever, maybe next time dont hang out at my feet" i say the raccon sqeaks and runs off. knowing full well this experience has taught him nothing. laying down on my bed, "ugh!!" i sigh and stare up at the ceiling "varian? are you in here?" Raupnzel asks entering my room. i groan "yeah I'm here" i say she walks in closeing a door behind her.

"whats wrong Varian?" she asks sitting next to me. i sit up and look at her "I'm just frustrated, i was almost done with my seurm then lance ruind it and i know it wasnt his fault but still i just ughhh!!!!" i groan and face plant on to a pillow. "well i came to tell you the kingdoms are coming tonight, there should be a suit in your closet" she says i look up at her and nod. she smiles "and you don't have to stay the whole time if you don't want to" she comments before leaving my room

i stand up and walk over to the closet pulling out the outfit raupnzel chose, a blue vest, a white ish undershirt, and brown pants i slip it on and look in the mirror "i look like eugen" i state looking at myself. ruddiger looks at me and nods, i sigh and roll my eyes leaving the room. i walk into the very busy dinning hall, raupnzel keeping everything in order, Lance and Eugen decorateing i guess this is more important than i realized "oh good Varian your here can you take pascal and check on the kitchen staff?" Raupnzel asks i nod she smiles "oh thank you" she says and places the lizard on my shoulder much to Ruddiger's dislike.

we walk to the kitchen leaving the loud dinning hall, i peaked into the kitchen and see the cooks working on a mulitued of things i decide its best i stay out of there most of the staff still havent forgiving me for ruddiger getting into the kitchen last night. "so pascal, what do you want to do? i really dont want to go back in the dinning hall" i said to the little green lizard. the lizard shrugs and jumps off walking towards the chaos in the kitchen, I decide the kitchen staff is fine and i continue to walk towards the front of the castle

Walking out one of the side doors, a cool breeze hits my face. i take a deep breath and continue to walk, i stop when i reach the big steps and stand at the rail, i sigh and look out at croana. its very diffrent from old croana in a good way, its bigger and busier, but it will be good I hope, smiling start to head back inside when i hear something slide across the stone floor, i look down and see a peice of blue glass "hmm?" i pick it up with my glove and look at it "pretty" i say and stick the peice of glass in my pocket.

"varian? you out here?" Eugen yells "yes" i yell back "oh thank goodness, the kingdoms are almost here, nice outfit" he says i sigh "your wife chose it for me" i say he laughs "probally found it in the back of my closet, ok lets go" he says. we make it to the dinning hall which looks really put together now and not a complete chaotic mess. "oh good you found him" Raupnzel says i follow them to the table there sits Lance as well as Keria and Catalina beside him, they kind of scare me, but their not a threat just terrifying young girls.

"Queen Raupnzel, may i present King William and his wife Queen Clare of Galcrest" the guard says as two people enter the room dressed very nice wodering if i should have dresses a little nicer, "acomiting them, the inventers of their firework display Mr Clay and Mr Fluke along with their son Yong" in walks two men with a boy who looks about fourteen or fifteen he seems very hyper "Oh my its the queen of crona" the boy says tuging on his dad's arm. as he bounces up and down.

i look over and see Raupnzel smiling, the boy comes and sits next to me, "hi I'm yong" he says i smile to be nice "nice to meet you, I'm Varian" i say he smiles widely. "Queen Stella and her husband king James from Koto have arrived with their daughter princess Nuru" the guard says letting in two people i question where the third is when the daughter steps in quickly after them, with something in her hand "dear, pay attenion" the queen says scolding her daughter, the princess groans and places the device in her pocket.

"and lastly from Inguarr the king and Queen send their best wishes but their best engeiners Della and Hugo are here on their behalf" the guard says, the name Della rings a bell a warring bell in my head but i cant figure out why gut feeling. hugo sits on the other side of me not saying a word werid "may this dinner comice" Raupnzel says the maids and servents bring out trays and trays of food one course after the other, meanwhile i obsever the table, assessing the situation.

Yong has pulled out a bored of sorts making frustrated faces when he shocks himself, i look over at Nuru across the table and see she has pulled out her device her mother told her to put away, then lastly i look at hugo who seems to be as quiet as a mouse. i look back at my dessert and take a bite listing to the conversation of the kingdoms. "I'm just saying if we want unity with the recorces we have than croana will be in good hands" Queen Stella says talking to Raupnzel.

Before i hear Raupnzels respons i feel something scury under my feet i look down and see a small robotic rat, it races back and fort before jumping on me i slide my chair back abruply and push the thing off, it lands on the table everyone jumps up watching the small copper rat run around and around "Varian, did you make that?" Eugen asks i shake my head "no i dont do robots since you know" i say defensively while implining the attack on croana.

the rat all the sudden jumps on my cake plate and shoots it at me ruining the clothes i'm wearing. i groan and leave the dinning room headin back to my room to change. i open the door and see ruddiger asleep on my bed. i groan, shuting my door changing into the clothes i usually wear, i fall on my bed the raccon jumping on my chest. i sigh "maybe i'm just bad luck Ruddiger, is this castle even the place for me?" I state up at my ceiling really hopping Raupnzel isn't regreating her decision.......

words 1279 3/1/2022 (Updated 05.02.2024 / words: 1378)

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