Who is Hugo? 14#

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(Hugos POV)

I watch as the town i love burns tears prick my eyes, i fall on my knees and look around but I'm the only survior, till i see something white in the distance i sit there in fear, "a ghost!" i yell the woman bends down to my level "not a ghost dear" she says i look down before wraping my arms around the woman, surprising her, she wraped her arms around me and picked me up, we slowly walked away from my small burning town.

two years past and I have stared training to be a master theif, it was hard work and people didn't care if you were a child, teen, or adult, you were held to the same standered i wasn't any diffrent. after ten years i was better than most trianed adults, i slide under a table to avoid the police stealling some food in the process, once i clime up on the roof i run across jumping between buildings. i slide into an allyway and take a breath, "what did the runt get today" one of Donellas older theifs says i shake my head "none of you god damm business" i say and walk off before i'm caught by the shoulder.

"you better watch your mouth runt" the older man says "thats enough charles" Donella says i smirk, the man drops my shoulder and walks off "hey Donella" i say she rolls her eyes "kid, learn to be careful and hold your tongue your not as tough as you think" she says i laugh "as if i couldn't take him" i muter she shakes her head "come on hugo I've got a plan" she says and climes over the wall I follow soon after.

donelle has always been there for me, granted it wasnt for normal parenting stuff, cuddles and bedtime stories and stuff, it was more learing to fight and defened myself, but i hardly remmber my real mother so shes the closet think i got. we hop down a hole in an abondeond buliding and meet the rest of the group, we're sort of like a family, a family that hates each other and is really good at stealing.

"people listen up, guards have been incressed and we have two of our best theifs put into prison, so fair waring be fucking careful" she curses and motions me to her office. i shut the door and sit on a chair, "yes Donella?" i ask she sits down and folds her hands, "you and me are attending a dinner in the capital of crona tomorrow, since the prissy queen and king of this town are too busy to do soo" she says.

Me and Donelle have never been caught for one reason and one reason only we work at the castle and have every map of the whole town to our disposal, we use stealing as a sport not really for personl gain so when we get the chance to leave this town we take it as a challenge. "sounds great" i say with a smirk, the next morning i get up and sneak out of the bulding heading to the roof, "ready?" donella asks i nod and follow her to the carrige.

we ride in silnce to Crona, once we're inside the castle i start taking small things they wont notice, once we enter the dinning room i spot the other kingdoms siting down. I head to a seat, i see a boy with goggles on his head sitting next to me Goggles cute wind up my mouse and let it go, causing issues for the people at the table, much to my dismay it caused Goggles to leave.

Sad, I walk off when i since someone following me, i turn around and see the princess of Koto and the son of the two best inventores from Galcrest. "hello children" i say the girl scoffs "I'm not a child" she says i roll my eyes "sure you arent" i say and lean against a wall, Yong comes and sits across from me, "i didnt know people actually lived in Inguarr, i thought it was just a trainning sight" the small boy says i scoff "of course you didnt, we arent exacly as important as Galcrest or Koto" i state.

even though my town is where you get the miterals to build your huge structures and gems. Along with weapons and warriors. "Well, tell us about yourself" The princess Nuru says, i scoff "not going to happen sparkles" i say she crosses her arms and pouts, "I have better things to do than hang out with children" i leave the room and sneak into a room which happens to be Varians room, the boy sleeps with a raccon? werid. "Hugo get-" Nuru says running into the room, she looks down at the bed, "should we wake him?" she asks Yong he shrugs.

we walk over we all lean foward when Varian opens his blue eyes, "ahhhh!!!!" he yells falling off the bed, making all of us back up "ohh sorry didnt mean to scare you" Yong says i look down at the black haired boy he is kind of cute, focuse Hugo, Varins voice breaks through my thoughts "well maybe next time dont break into someones room when their sleeping" he says we all look at him "speaking of, what are all three of you doing in my room?" Varian questions.

What should i.... "we watched you storm off the queen asked us to check on you, also you left your door unlocked" Nuru says i look at her impressed she just lied for my sake, intresting, "and you?" he says i shurg not wanting to answer. "well I'm fine just tired now out" he says and pushes us out of the room shuting the door, "you could at least say thank you" Nuru says i look down at my feet "thanks sparkles" i say.

she rolls her eyes, the door reopens gaining all of our attention, "I'm sorry i dont really do people well, come in" he says holing the door open, i walk in after the other two and start looking around the room, i found a book shelf and picked up a random book not really paying attention to the converstaion behind me. "and I'm hugo" i say and close the book in my hands.

"hes a stuck up inventor who hates people hey maybe you two will get along" Nuru says i roll my eyes, "unlikey" Varian says, I nod "yeah there's no way i would hang out with the likes of someone who almost distroyed crona" i say, "wait, thats true? you almost destoryed crona?" yong asks, Varian sighs and tell him about it, he stands up and walks over to a basket, i follow close behind him. i reach my hand over and take the notebook out of his hand, holding it above his reach.

"whats this varian?" I say sacrasticly, "give it back" the short boy says "Hugo give varian back his notebook" nuru says i roll my eyes and keep it high up "yeah hugo stop being so mean" yong said, i open the note book and read a name "whos Ulla?" I ask he rips the note book out of my hand when i'm distracted "none of your damn business" he says and place the book in a drawer in the desk.

i need to know whats in that note book. Once me and Donella had made it outside an idea sparked my intrested "Donella?" i say once were in the carrige she looks at me "yes runt?" she says "Does the name Ulla mean anything to you?" i ask her eyes become wide and she grabs my neck choking me "what was that name boy?" she says, i try to breathe but cant "U-Ulla" i say she drops me on the chair and backs away, "I haven heard that name in- where did you hear that name?" she asks.

i rub my neck "the boy, Varian has a notebook from her" i say, she shakes her head "I knew i should have k-" but her voice muffed out before i heard the last thing. "we need that note book" she says i nod. the carrige sets off, the next night I'm sent inside the castle to grab the notebook, the hall ways are pitch black when i approch his room, its locked i pull a pin out of my pocket and pick the lock, till i hear a click, i smirk and walk into the room.

i check the drawer and dont see the notebook, frustrated i grab the photo and stuff it on my pocket, i run to the book shelf, i check under the bed i check in his closet nothing its no where, i hear footsteps head down the hall way, i quickly open the window and jump down into a bush running out of the castle grounds.

I look around and see Donella giving me a look of disgrace, i walk over to her "did you get the book?" she asks i shake my head, she looks me in the eye "useless, you can walk back" she says and hops in the carrige leaving me. out in the dark, i started to walk back almost making it to the forest when i fell in a hole and i think you know most of it by now, Goggles and his friends were driving past saved me and i kind of joined their crew, little did i know Donella had sent someone to follow Goggles and his friends and now myself, i met the guy and told him this was a tacket thankfully he belived me. slowly
though i think i started liking the boy i tease and mess with he's cute and funny, as well as a dumbass but it makes him, him, so when Donella said i knew about the plan it didnt go well......

words 1611 4/25/2022 (upadted 05.12.2024 / words: 1660)

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