The Battle 15#

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(Hugo's POV)

Donella tried to drag me out of the temple but i refused, "fine die trying to get through to that boy for all i care, your replaceable" she says the words stung but i didnt try to follow, if Donella actually cared she would have kept her mouth shut shes no mother just an ass of a boss, i run back into the portal room, in front of me i see Varian, dressed in black the blue in his hair starts to grow and blue the shard of i think the moon stone on his chest, he wont be able to reach full copaity with out the other shards.

With that though in mind it gave me a little bit of relife and hope "Come to try again pretty boy?" Varian says in a voice unreconziable, its corrupting him, "Varian i know what i did was wrong but -" i was cut off by black rocks shoting towards me, i dive out of the way "you know Hugo, Varian though their was good in everyone, guess what theirs nothing good about anyone, i mean Varian was a villian once and now look he's one again" this isnt Varian talking this is the moon stone or something possessing it.

"Let Varian go" i say it laughs "i dont think i will, once I'm done with him I'm going straight after the sun stone and I will regan control" it says and flys up higher. "Varian you have to fight it!!!" i yell i see him the real him for a second teary eyed but he's gone with in the same second. I dont want to hurt him "We dont need you, so bye pretty boy" the moon stone says and blasts a hole in the ceiling, it flys away straight towards Crona.

"Hugo!" i voice yells, i turn my head and see a very angry Nuru crap "You mother fucker, you were working for Donella this whole time!?" she yells and slaps me across the face "ow! that hurts, and techneclay no she just said that so she could get away, i didnt know she was following us till we arrived at the temple and by then it was to late, please dont hit me again" i say holding my hands up in defence, "You promise you had nothing to do with this?!" she says i nod.

"cross my heart and hope to die and i will for Varian, now can we please save Goggles before that moon stone makes him do something he'll regret?" i say she looks over at Yong then back at me "fine, but only because Varian is my best friend you still have a long apologie to make gay boy" she says, i look at her "how did you-" i say she smirks "your not slick, lets go" she says.

we run out to the carrige which is now impaled by rocks, "great, now what?" i say she looks around and then spots two horses, "lets go" she says and grabs Yongs hand, i hop on a black horse and her and yong hop on the white horse, we ride side by side, trying to make it to crona or at least to Varian. we follow the black rocks lineing the street, Nuru and Yong get stopped by a wall of rocks.

"go on! save your boyfriend" she says i blush "he's not my boyfriend yet!" i shout back before hitting the reins, maybe if he can forgive me after all this he will be, I jump over the wall of rocks, run through the woods, and through a short cut pass i somehow make it to old crona that is in totally distruction, crap. I keep running until i'm on the bridge, the horse give out and stops, i hop off and run the rest of the way on foot, making it to the castle I see a huge problem, the castle has been taken over by black rocks and whats worse no one can get inside.

"come on, try harder" the queens husband says, "Hugo?" Eugen says spotting me, i dart around the side leaving him confused. i look around the black rocks and see an open window, I clime trying not to slip on the black rocks, I guess being a master theif is good for something, i hop through the window into the quite castle, stepping lightly walking deeper down the hall until i'm in the throne room.

The walls are covered in black rocks blocking out most of the sun light, i peak around the door and see the queen entraped by black rocks trying to negotiate with Varian. "give me the sun drop" it says, "i dont have it, it was distroyed Varian please stop this" she said, i look around the room and spot a few long flags that had fallen to the ground, how do you hold an enemy still? Donella asks i shrug "you use what you have, wether it be rope or chain or fabric" she said before kicking my feet out from under me.

"if i can hold him still long enought to get through to him i might be able to stop this" i whisper to myself, sneaking around him and pull a flag with the crona symbol on it to the ground, the queen spots me and gives me a confused look i hold a finger up to my mouth, she nods and contiues to distract Varian/moonstone, i tie the flag ends to the polls behind varina making a net trap, i hope this works "hey moonstone!" i yell it turns around and looks at me "bastered, i'll come back for the sun drop i need to deal with a pest" he starts to chase me with black rock, i got to trip him up.

I slide under him and pull his legs out from under him, he stands up enraged, shooting rocks in my direction i slide out of the way running towards the trap, he follows me to the trap, i roll under and snap!. the flag trap wraps him up. "Varian you need to snap out of it" i say holding him down, "no Varian is- Hugo help- shut up" it fights itself, "Varian please" i pled tears pricking my eyes his eyes turn from soild white back to their beatiful blue "i'm trying, i can't" Varian mumbles before they turn white again, the fabric begins to rip.

"Varian, I know you can, you found a way out of everything we've faced so far, you put up with my subborness, heck you even made me like you, if you can do that i believe you can escape this" I say holding him down, "you're pathetic Varian is of no use, i have taken over i am suprem i am more than the moonstone i am-" this villian speach is annoying the crap out of me, i smack him, suprsingly it worked, the glowing blue hair faded.

I unroll Varian, while still unconscious I find the shard. handing the shard to the queen who will know what to do with it, "thank you Hugo" she says "its not over yet" i whisper and move back over to him, i pick his head up and place it on my lap, "varian?" i ask softly, he doest move or respond, The Queen walks over placing a hand on my shoulder "he'll be ok, he's varian" she says, i will back the tears and pick him up walking past the crowed if people who were giving me strange looks, i walk into his room and shut the door with my foot, i lay him on his bed and wait........... 

words 1017 4/27/2022 (updated 05.12.2024 / words: 1296)

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