Healing 16#

483 6 3

(Still Hugo)

Its been two days, Varian still hasnt woken up, the whole kingdom is on edge, i barrely leave Varian alone mostly afriad Donella might come back, the shard is distroyed and its never coming back this time and this wont happen again, I hope at least. i watch the sleeping boy, its currently dinner time but i havent felt the need to eat, i feel like this is my fault all of it, everthing, if i had just died in that fire like the rest of my family none of this would have happend.

I head into Varians room and drop the water glass in my hand my hands shaking, Varian was sitting up legs hanging off the bed, "hey hugo" he says and gives me a small smile, i run over and hug him, surprising him, he stiffens up but slowly hugs me back, "I thought you would never wake up" i say holding back tears. he backs away and pulls his knees up to his chest, i sigh and sit next to him "where's Donella?" he asks i look down at the ground "they cant find her she ran off after you turnned" i say.

"i guess a villian is alaways a villian" he laughs sadly. i turn to him and frown "your not a villian varian, if i had just done something none of this would have happend, dont blame yourself, please, blame me instead" i say holding his hand, he shakes his head "i can't blame someone else for something i did" he says. "you wouldn't have done any of that if I had just been honest" I mumble to myself i let go of his hand and stand up "well i dont blame you, just so you know" i say and leave the room.

i decide not to go back to see Varian again its too much and it hurts, i walk to the dinning hall and see Nuru and Yong sitting on the ground "is he awake?" Yong asks i nod, he smiles and rushes off, Nuru stands up and places a hand on my shoulder "what happend?" she asks i shrug "nothing important go see varian" i say and place a fake smile on my face. she doesn't believe me, but leaves anyway, i walk out to a balcony and stare down at the people in town, maybe I'm better off alone I pack up my bag from my room and leave the castle without saying goodbye its better this way......

(Varian's POV)

Is hugo really sorry? the conversation from when I was half conscious rings in my head "Varian!!" a voice yells knocking me out of my thoughts, Yong comes runnning into the room and hugs me, i smile "hey yong" i say Nuru comes in after him "how are you doing?" she ask i shrug "I'm not in any pain, but i also dont remmber very much" i say slightly lying she sighs "Hey Yong could you go get Varian something to eat and drink?" she says he nods and runs out of the room. "what did hugo say when you woke up?" Nuru asks.

i sigh "he just told me not to blame myself and to blame him, i'm not sure how to feel about it" i say she places a hand on my face giving me a sad smile, then smack. she slaps me in the face "what was that for!" I shout, "you're an idiot" she states plainly "why's that?" I ask "cause you can't tell when someone is in love with you" she states "no he's not, theres no way" I start but Nuru cuts me off.

"he calls you nicknames, he has risked his life to save you, gets all flustered when you do anything, and frankly its quite sicking, how dense do you have to be to not realize he's in love with you?" she says "He can't be in love with me, He has no reason to be" I say pulling my knees back to my chest she sighs and sits on the bed next to me, "There are many reasons for him to be in love with you, but after these two weeks I've seen him more in love with you than anybody I've ever met, Sure he's an idiot and I have no idea why you would even consider dating him. but unfortunately you two are great for each other you're both dumbasses, Who can't seem to find a difference between people and machines, Maybe you can help each other out, Cause I know for damn certain You two need it" Nuru says.

i sit their starring "well what was i supost to do, run after him?" i say she pinches the brigde of her nose "yes, thats exactly what you were suposet to do" she says. i give her a look asking if shes serious, her face doesnt waver "you waiting for a go ahead? just go!" she shouts, i jump up and grab my bag "GO GET YOUR BOY!" Nuru yells, "god these idiots" i roll my eyes and run out of the castle, i arrive outside, gray clouds hang over head, i run down the steps, past the people who proablly thought i was dead, i make it to the edge of town but don't see Hugo, rain starts to pour, i grab my bag off my back and hold it above my head.

Thats when i spot him walking in the rain, i run after him "Hugo!" i yell he turns around and gives me a confused look "Goggles go back to the castle, you're going to catch a cold" he says i shake my head "i'm not going back, not without you, look i know its going to take me awhile to trust people fully again but i've been give plenty of second chances, i dont know where i would be if you hadn't saved me, i may not remmber everything but i do remmber you saving me, please come back and stay" i pled.

He lets the tears slip down his face and hugs me, i hug him back and drop my bag in to the mud in the process, i look up at him and smile "i...umm...I- umm you Goggles um" Hugo says. "shut up" i say with a smile and pull his coller so he down to my level, i pull him into a kiss, soft and sweet, the rain drowns out any sound. i break the kiss and smile "i need you Hugo" i say tears dripping down my face, he smiles and kisses me again. we walk back to the castle hand in hand the rain had slowed to a sprinkle.

We walk back into the castle soaking wet, i spoted a smirking Nuru in the corner "helpless lover boys, my task is done" she says and picks up her bags "got to go boys, see you soon hopefully" she says and hugs me, "good luck with your girl" i say she smiles "Bye stupid one and stupids boyfriend" she says and walks out the castle door. "what happend here?" Yong says coming around the corner, "I'll exsplain later" i say and look at hugo, i still have mends to make but at least i have someone to help me through it........

words 921 4/27/2022 (updated 05.12.2024 / words: 1245)

Crappy/Cringy ending but i like it.........i hope you enjoyed byeeeeeeee.............

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