The Temple 13#

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Me and Hugo approch the front doors, "do we knock?" Hugo asks just then the stone doors scrape across the stone ground opening into a dark hall way "ready?" I ask looking at the blonde boy he nods into the dark temple we go, carful not to set off any traps at the front door as the doors scrape shut behind us, "guess we can only go forward" I say, I guess Hugo could tell i'm nervous cause he places his hand on my shoulder, I look over at him the light of the lantern in my hand illuminating his face. "I'm here you're not doing this alone hair stripe" he says with a kind smile.

I smile back, "yeah, let do this" i say before facing forward and if Hugo took and held my hand as we walked forward no one else would know except me and him. the artifacts are tucked safely in my bag, along with the map peices. turn towards the darkness, the lanter lights our path across the stone as we walk forward hugo close to me, makes me feel safer suprisingly, we walk deeper into the temple approching some stairs, "well you go first Goggles" hugo says i turn toward him and scoff "what? is little hugo scared of the dark?" I joke.

He crosses his arms "i'm not scared of the dark, but just incase there is some monster down there i would rather you get eaten first" he says i laugh "sure Hugo" i state before stepping down the stairs, once at the bottom of the stairs i look back at Hugo who has a death grip on my shoulders i brush his hand off with a look, "not scared?" i tease he rolls his eyes "shut up" he states but doesnt move from behind me.

we head deeper into the hallway, till we reach running water, i look up and see a huge natural cave, "where now Goggles?" he asks i shrug "not sure" i look down the cave and watch as eyes per back at me, "but we arent staying here, umm this way i say hoping in a boat pulled up to sore, Hugo hops in behind me as we push off into the steady river only a little light coming form the lantern leading the way.

"so what are we looking for exacly?" he asks i shrug "I'm not sure" i say honestly i dont want to say anything to jinx it we hit the side of stone causing the boat to stop, i grab hugos hand and pull him out of the boat, "you want to hold my hand that badly you could have just asked" Hugo teases, i roll my eyes and let go of his hand before we keep walking, we approch a gold door "what now?" Hugo asks i shrug i brush over and see star writing "well crap" i say.

Hugo looks at me "what?" he asks i sigh "Its star writing, I havent learned it and Nuru so far is the only person who has be able to read it" i say Hugo squints at the lines and dots, "its shouldnt be that hard" he says and runs his hand over the huge doors until click. we both look at each other he pulls away from the button and the dots shift. "I guess its a code?" he questions i shrug "your geuss is as good as mine" i say and pull my mother's notebook out of my bag.

I switch between the door and the pages of the book, "I think i got it" i say hugo looks at me and nods "I'm going to tell you which dot to push ok?" i say he nods again and faces the door, "fifth dot over from your left" i say he moves and pushes the button. i hear a click and smile "ok now thrid one up from that" i say he nods and stands on his tip toes to hit the button, another click, "ok and at the same time press, the second one over and the one below it" i finish he nods and clicks both, i hear two more clicks before a snap.

"get out of the way!" i yell and jump to the side grabing hugos hand pulling him down with me. once the dust clears, i realise what posion were in. he's on top of me his green eyes pericing, i clear my throat signaling him to get off me. he turns red and rolls off. i stand up and dust the dirt off myself. "after you" i say point towards the door.

he laughs and stands up walking through the now broken doors. we approch a silver door, "hey hugo?" i say he turns to me "yes Varian?" he asks i smile "whatever we find behind that door, i umm want you too know I'm sorry for not trusting you, in all honesty i actually like you, you're a good friend Hugo" i say blushing he sighs and rubs his arm nervously "varian i actually-" but his voice was cut off by the doors opening in front of us.

The Adventure of the Artifacts (Varian x Hugo) [Complete mostly]Where stories live. Discover now