Adventure Awaits 8#

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"bye dad, bye papa" Yong yells as we hop in the carrige, I sit up front to drive the carrige while the others clime in the back. "we ready?" i question throught the window, yong and Nuru nod, "then off we go" I say and hit the reigns, we exit the city and head down the dirt road towards the forest. "Varian? it seems there might be a probelm" Nuru says i keep my eyes on the road a respond "what problem?" she sighs and sticks the top half of her body out out the

window "you see here where the forest is?" she says i nod "well i was reading about it and this forest tends to shift and change, meaning its really hard to get out" she says i shrug "I'm sure well be-" but before i could finish talking we here yelling, i stop the cart me and Nuru leave the carrige with Yong and head over towards the yelling, "whoa Nuru watch out" i say and pull her back by her shoulder, "you almost fell in there" i say pointing towards the very deep hole.

she nods we look down and see someone handing by a root "I'll get a rope" Nuru says running back to the carrige, "were going to help you just dont let go" i say the hood of the person falls back reveling Hugo. "yeah no shit" he says i hear the root start to crack, shit I take a yellow vial from my belt and drop a drop on a rock causing amber to grow down the hole, i grab a bit of green liqued and drop it on the edge of the amber causing it to stop growning.

"I'm coming down" i say and slide down the amber, i slide to the end digging my boot heel into the orange amber at the end and bend down "take my hand" i say he doesnt and i see the root start to break more "take my hand idiot otherwise your going to die" i say the root break and i bend down further grabing his wrist before he falls. "Heres the rope Varian" Nuru says throwing an end down.

I pull hugo on to the amber platform and tie the rope too Hugo, "now hold on" i say "Nuru pull" i say she starts to pull the rope, hugo climes up the amber and me soon after, once were all at the top i drop some green liquid on the amber causing it to fall into the deep hole. "now for the real question, how the heck did you get down there?" i ask he sighs "I was working on a project and didnt see where i was going" he says "well your safe now, do you need a ride?" Nuru asks i roll my eyes not really wanting this stubborn ass coming with us. "where are you guys going?" Hugo asks

"Bayangor, were trying to find out what happend to my mother" i say Hugos face is hard to read but he evencully nods "cool, can i come with?" he asks i groan "fine...." i say and walk off. i sit up front with guess who Hugo, the boy is arogant to say the least he kept telling us of his amazing adventures and that ours was pretty lame, not going to lie hes getting on my nerves and i think he knows it "and then i saved my kingdom with the artifact" he said.

"wow, hugo that sound awsome!" yong says i was kind of mad that yong was finding Hugo intresting. "were aproching the woods" Nuru says i look forward and pull the reins to stop "its getting late we might want to try in the morning" i say Hugo laughs "yeah right are you scared?" he mocks i roll my eyes "ha ha so funny, no I'm being sensible unlike you who would run straight in there" i say "Varian is right" a voice says we all look up a figure falls from the trees.

"Adira?" i question she looks at me "in the fleash" she says "i havent seen you since, the battle at the castle what are you doing here?" i ask she smirks "well since there is no need for the brotherhood anymore i thought i might as well guard this forest and help people through" she says I smile "wait you know how to get through?" i question she nods "yeah, and your right its way more dangerouse at night than it is during the day, I'll see you four in the morning"
and with that she disapered.

"varian who was that?" Nuru ask. "someone from the past" i say and drive the carrige over to a clearing. we set up camp, Nuru and Yong start a fire while me and Hugo set out sleeping bags. "we only have three sleeping bags" Nuru points out "I'll keep watch we dont know what could be out here" i say "when you get tired wake me up and I'll watch next" Nuru says i nod. in all honestly I'm very tired but I cant sleep not when i'm worried about the future.

I watch as the others fall asleep, i smile and lean against a tree. Ruddiger comes and lays on my lap, i smile and pet him i stare up at the stars. "Varian, its time to get up" Yong says i yawn and sit up seeing a blanket drapped over me, i stretch and see I've slept against the tree the whole night. "not tried?" Nuru asks sarcasticly, I scoff and stand up "we need to get moving" i say and spot Hugo cleaning up the sleeping suplise.

"well you all are up bright and early" Adira says walking up to us. "were ready, right guys?" i ask they all nod, we hop on our carrige Adira walked beside us. "we need to be very careful in these woods, the shifting makes it hard to track" Adira says as we approch the woods, i glup and hit the reins slightly, the horse move into the the woods adventure awaits right?......

words 1016 4/4/2022 (updated 05.03.2024 / words: 1032)

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