Whispering caves 11#

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waking up in the carrige I squint in the dark, night has fallen and the candle light outside the carriage is dim. the carrige is parked as the smell food fills my nose, i stretch and step outside the carriage door seeing a fire with nuru, yong, and hugo sitting around it, i smile, "hello sleepy head" Nuru says, i roll my eyes and sit next to Hugo, we eat some fish that Nuru and yong had cooked, "well i think if the world used invention is everyday life they would turn against us" Yong says.

i give him a confused look "why would they? its just medal and wires, as well as a few other parts" Hugo says he at the blonde and scoffs "you'll see, one day" yong says and takes a bite of his food. i look over at Hugo before biteing into my food. Hugo leans over and whispers in my ear "he's a little twerp" he says his breathe gliding over my ear, i shiver slightly i turn to him he shruged and turn back towards the others, I smile and look at Nuru who's staring into my soul, but she doesn't say a word in front of the two who are bickering currently and I'm glad she didn't.

"Varian?" Nuru says after we had cleaned up dinner, i turn to her "yes?" i ask she sighs "I've heard storys that the Whispering Cave change people for the worse, are you sure we need to go through them?" she asks i shrug and pull out the map, "there doesnt seem to be a way around it, unless we want to hike over the monutians surounding it, which would end up being more dangeous in my opinon, we just need to take our chances on this one" i say.

she nods and sighs "i'm just worried" she says i give her a reasuring smile "we'll be ok" i say "I hope you're right" she pats my shoulder before heading off to bed, I lean against the tree and watch the camp while the other three sleep. the next morning we ride to the whispering Caves, the clouds darken ahead as we approch the stones loud winds below through the mountian peaks, cause all of us the feel the chill in the air. "you still think this is a good idea?" Nuru leans over and asks.

i shrug "its the only one we have" i state and hit the reins. "keep your eyes pealed these caves are very dark and very dangerous" i say as we enter a very large cave, the only light coming from our lanters Hugo and Yong are keeping lit, i take a deep breath as it echo's off the walls listening to the very quiet caves, the wheels roll over small rocks and gravel, all four of us are quiet.

Suddenly i hear a voice, i look to see if any of the others had said anything, they handnt and were looking around the cave "varian~" a quiet soft voice says i look around but cant see a thing because of the darkness. "you ok Varian?" Hugo whispers in the window but before I can respond a loud shreek hits our ears, i drop the reins and cover my ears, "what was that?" yong asks fear in his voice.

I look forward and deep down the cave a glow showed through "i dont know what that was, but we arent staying here any longer" i say and pick up the reins hitting them as hard as i can sending the horses running down the cave till we reach the glowing room, i try to stop the horse but they wont budge shit "brace you-" but before i could finish i heard a wheel snap and down went to rest of the carrige, i sit up from the ground and see the carrige missing two wheels and wood splinters everywhere

as well as the horse sitting on the ground, i look around for the others when i spot Nuru, i quickly stand up and rush over to her "are you ok?" i ask she nods and stands up before falling back to the ground, "ow! ow! ow! i think i hurt my ankel" she says i nod "ok let me check on the others you stay there" i say and walk over to the carrige there i see Hugo laying on the ground cluching his bag, "Hugo! you ok?" i ask bending down, he's breathing but isnt responding, "hugo?" i say.

he sits up abrupty and starts coughing, "I'm good" he says his voice cracking, i sigh in relife until i cant find yong. i stand up and look around when i see a big slimy creater standing in the cave entrest, crap and in its claw was an uncontuse yong. i pick up a medal rod used for the carrige and run at the creature, it hisses at me, before i hit its snake like body, it shreeks out the same shreek and drops yong, it slithers off. i sigh and run over to yong, "yong?" i ask.

The Adventure of the Artifacts (Varian x Hugo) [Complete mostly]Where stories live. Discover now