Trust 5#

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"why do you have that?" i ask calmly she paceses again "why does this mention a portal that could distroy everything as we know it? and why was it in your room" she say i sigh "its my mother's first of all and second why were you snooping through my stuff?" i ask she looks down "your mother's?" she questions i nod "i didnt know her and this is all i have left along with a photo you probally found" i say she nods "your right it was wrong of me to snoop but after the mouse thing i was worried that maybe..." she trails off.

i know what she was implying, "you though i perpousely let that robotic rat into the dinning hall after i told you i didnt and just when i thought my past was behind me" i say "no varian i do trust you I just when i saw what was in this notebook my mind went somewhere else" she says. i shake my head i take my moms notebook from raupnzel and leave without another word.

I make it to my room and lock the door. "shes just like before she doesnt trust me like everyone else and who can blam her I'm a monster" i say sitting at my desk, i pull out the photo and the peice of glass i found. it starts to glow as well as the strip in my hair i drop it on the desk and back away the glowing stops, "i dont think thats just glass" i say nervous.

I walk back over picking the shard up and placing it in a small glass jar. "ruddiger?" i question the raccon climes on the desk "i think i found a peice of the moon stone" i say ruddigers raccon face looks scared "i wouldnt use it for the same reasons Cassandra did mine would be for science" i say ruddiger runs off the desk and jumps on the dresser "come on boy its not harmful with out all its peices" i say before tying a string around the bottle and placing it around my neck, "we have bigger things to figure out, like where my mother went and why" i said the raccon gives me a confused look.

"i know i said that some mysterys are better left unsolved but i- i cant help it its bugging me, we know the why but we dont know the where" i say to the raccon still standing ont top of the dresser. "now lets see if i can decode any of this writing" i stayed up the rest of the day and most of the night trying to figure out anything but all i keep seeing is useless notes. "ugghh!!! this is hopeless" i say throwing the notebook across the room it slides under my dresser but i'll just get it later.

I leave my room to clear my head making sure to lock my door when i leave i dont want anyone else snooping around my room. i make it to the kitchen and grab a snack off the counter, i look out the window in the hall its about midnight i assume and walk back to my room. i pass a few paintings on the way before arriving at my room, the door is wide open causing me to panic I sneak into my own room and see my books everywhere, my bed a mess and the window wide open what happend.

i go over to my dresser and grab mom's notebook from under it who ever it was looking for something i stand up and place the notebook back in a drawer along with my peice of the moonstone but somethings missing the picture of me and my mom i sigh, there goes the last visual I had of my mom. "whoever was in here is long gone" i say to ruddiger he nods and points his nose towards the bed i sigh "yeah sleep is probally best we'll clean up in the morning"

i crawl on top of the bed sheets and get comfortble before falling into a restless sleep. a few days go by i still havent talked to raupnzel and i dont really plan to, today I'm heading back to old crona to see my dad i hop in the carrige riding through crona and along the path till i reach old crona. i smile and wait till the carrige stops infront of my house before leaping out, my dad stands up from his garden and smiles "hey son" he says as i wrap my arms around him.

"how castle life treating you?" he asks i shrug "its not the same as here" i say and follow him inside for lunch. "wheres ruddiger today?" my dad asks making us sandwiches "he stayed back at the castle i didnt want to brother the raccons nap" i said remmbering the last time i did that i was brussed for weeks. "well i'm glad your here" he says sitting down giving me a plate, we talk and eat until its time for me to go, I don't want to leave, but if I don't leave now it will be too dark to head back.

"well i really need to get back it was nice seeing you dad" i say he smiles "nice seeing you to son make sure to visit again" he says as i hop back in the carrige we start to ride when i see someone waving us down, "hey i think that person needs help" i say the carrige stops and i hop out to see princess nuru and Queen Stella "Varian its you" she says and hugs me i feel very uncomfortble but let it slide, "what happend?" i ask the queen turns to me "our carrige crashed on the way to crona thankfully nobody was harmmed but now were stranded" the queen says

i nod "well thankfully I'm heading back to crona right now, i'm pretty sure the queen can gift you two a new cart and come back for this one if need be" i say Nuru smiles "oh thank you varian" she says and leads her mother to the carrige, i decide to ride up front with the coach man to aviod any akwardness. we make it to crona and head out of the carrige we walk inside the guard leading Queen Stella to Raupnzel I presume, but nuru how ever follows me to my room.

i forgot i still have some drawings from the book sitting out on my desk, "what are these?" she asks i shrug "I'm not sure it looks like giberish to me" i say she picks them up and holds them towards the sunlight "there star writing" she says i look at her confused "star what?" i question she laughs "start writing idoit, this is how my people send secret letters to each other no other kingdom can read it" she says looking back at the papers "well what does it say?" i ask she focuses on the paper "it says

exsperioment 2-e
has failed sending do--- to the other side
------- must help ---------- adventure awaits.

there is a lot of smugging but thats what i can read of it" nuru says placing the papers down. "well maybe you can help me decode this" i say laying the notebook on my bed and fliping through countless pages of words i cant read. "ooo what is this varian?" she asks i sigh might as well tell her "its my mom's notebook the last thing she left before going to look for her partner, i want to know what happend to her" i say nuru nods.

"well i'll try my best to figure this out" she says with a calm smile. "Princess Nuru?" a maid says entering my room "the carrige queen raupnzel has preparded will be delaed do to the in coming storm" the maid says we both look at each other before turnning towards to window sure enough it dark clouds threatend rain overhead "Queen Stella has requested to see you" the maid says. nuru nods and gives me back the notebook "I'll look at it later" she whispers and leaves the room now this has become a two person job..........

words:1337 3/21/2022 (updated 05.02.2024 / words: 1389)

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