A Quest 6#

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Nuru and her mother stay the night at the castle due to weather so Nuru decide to stay in my room and figure out the star writing, "this is too smuged to get anything useful from it" she says sitting cross legged on the floor while i pace the room. "how old is this notebook exacally?" she asks i shrug "well my mom left sortly after i was born so at least eighteen years" i say she nods still examing the book. "well these smugges look pretty new, like this was writen
sooner than you think" she says

before she starts to connect star points. "what do we have so far?" i ask she rolls her eyes and looks at me annoyed "could you be any less patient?" she sighs "so far we have like three pages i havent read any of it just solving words" she says i take the note book from her much to her dislike

portal door test 10

loging for future self, dont touch red button ends with you blowing up your lab, blue wires should never cross green, Donella is saying this is a bad idea i dont belive so, 12oz, blue crystel found to power engin----

the pages just go on and on with random notes shes just as scaderd brained as i am must be where i get it. the notebook is ripped from my hands i glare at nuru "i was reading" i say she doesnt look up from the notebook "learn to be patient also we might have a lead" she says, i sit next to her "you see this page isnt words its a map of outside of crona" she says, i calmly take the book and look at the points, "this looks like a river, that leands to whatever this marking
is" i say.

i look at nuru she looks suprised, "what?" i ask she looks at me "thats Yongs kingdom, maybe theirs another half of a map there" she says i shrug "its worth a shot, but where would we even start?" i ask she smiles "we start by packing and heading there straight in the morning" she says i shake my head "no way, look i want to figure out what happend to my mother but to risk my life? yeah no i promised people i would stop doing stupid shit" i say.

she laughs "dont think of it as stupid, think of it as an adventure, please varian I've been needing something to do and this is it. we could go on a quest to i dont know find out what happend to your mom?" she says i sigh "i guess, it could be fun" i say she smiles "ooo yay now i have to convince my mother" she says.

The next morning i have the dreaded task of talking to raupnzel, i walk into the throne room and see Raupnzel dealing with the people of crona. "Eugen?" i question he looks at me, "clearly you havent slept what going on?" i ask he groans "the castle is in full panic from the storm it messed up a lot of things, i havent slepted in hours" he says i nod "ok well i dont want to talk to your wife because i feel as tho she's still mad at me" i say Eugen gives me a confused look "why would- oh yeah she feels bad about that, but what did you want to tell her?" he asks

"well i was just going to say i'm going back to old croan for the next few weeks" i say lieing but i feel like this is the only way I'll be able to go on this adventure. "ok good to know" he says and goes back to helping raupnzel. i shrug and walk to my room as i reach my door, Nuru comes running down the hall "she said ok after a really long lecture, but that means we leave today" she says i nod "well i'll just pack some of my belongings, and once your mom is dropped off back in your kingdom will start our quest" i say

she nods and heads off down the hall. i sigh and open my room door, "ready for an adventure ruddiger?" i ask the raccon it hops in a bag i laugh "now wheres my ahh" i say and pick up my backpack off the ground, i stick a bunch of extra clothes, some books and a few other things, i check to make sure the moon stone is still around my neck ruddiger gives me a disaproving look "what? i can still test it while were traveling who knows it might come in handy" i say

my bag on my back and ruddiger walking beside me we leave the castle. "Varian the carrige is outside lets go my mother is not a patient woman" nuru says grabing my wrist and dragging me to the front of the castle. i spot raupnzel and eugen stnading waving bye to the queen. i follow nuru to the carrige and hop in i wave bye to eugen and raupnzel and without another word we head off after a few hours of riding, and akward silince.

we arrive in a beatiful city, tall glass buildings, streets lined with carriges and people dressed in diffrent atire compared to crona, the sky was darker for some reason giving the effect of night but it was mid afternoon, i look at nuru as she smiles "welcome to Koto" she says to me i smile and look out the window longer as we aproch a huge castle probally twice the size of crona, we stop out front, stars circle the building, lighting up the black and blue stone.

"now you two be careful now, yongs family is exspecting you two" the queen says climing out of the carrige "good bye my little star" the queen says to her daughter before shuting the carrige door. "she worries" Nuru says i nod "i know how it feels" thinking of my dad "you clearly have never left crona i'm assuming" she says i nod "never got the chance, but your kingdom is amazing" i say she smiles "wait till you see where yong lives its much more impressive"

we start to leave the city when i get the strange feeling someone is watching us, Nuru has her ipod out and is scrolling through something, I look out the window when i see someone staring at the carriege i try to get a good look but when i get the chance the figure disappers. "werid" i mummble to myself, we ride into the night nuru is sound asleep on the otherside of the carrige meanwhile i sit and stare out the window when a little raccon climes into my lap.

"what do you think happend to her?" i ask, my thoughts wandering to my mother, starring out the window. "I have the idea shes where i get most of my personaltiy from i know i never met her but i kind of miss her in a way" i whisper to the raccon it tilts its head confused "i know stupid" i say and lay back i slowly fall asleep into a deep sleep.......

words 1203 3/25/2022 (updated 05.03.2024 / words: 1220)

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