I kissed a girl

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Everything is blurry. I can't open my eyes. The sunray is pretty strong. I placed my hand on my eyes and straightened my posture. Shit! I fell asleep! What time is it? I removed the cover off of me and ... The cover? I don't remember covering myself yesterday. I don't remember falling asleep to begin with! Take a deep breath, Cel. You were tired maybe you just don't remember. 

Right, the time. Where is my phone? Here it is. I grabbed my phone to check what time it is.

"I shouldn't have slept for lo- HOLY SHIT! 4 pm?!!!" No way! No way I slept that much. Doesn't matter now. I gotta get going. But I will have to call Karen first. Good it is ringing now.

Me: Hi, Karen. How are you doing? Where have you been yesterday?

Karen: I am good now. Chris's sister had a horrible accident we had to go. We won't be back to the city for quite a while now. I am sorry everything happened so fast and she was in an urgent state we had to leave immediately. Chris will be back because of his job, but I promised him to stay with his sister and to take care of her. Is everything okay.

Crap. I can't concern her with me too. It will have to wait now.

Me: Yeah I am good. Everything is good. It is just I called you yesterday and your phone was off so I got a bit worried. I hope Chris's sister will get better. Do you need anything?

Karen: No I shall be fine. Chris will bring me my cloth. Are you sure that you are okay?

Me: Yeah! off course I am. When do you think you will be back?

Karen: Well the doctor said that they will keep her under observation for two days and she will have a surgery after that. She will need three days to be released. And I believe I will need to stay with her for about a week or something.

Me: So it is a total of two weeks.

Karen: Yeah I guess so.

Me: If you need anything you should just call me okay?

Karen: Yeah sure I will. I will go now okay? Bye.

Me: Bye.

"Dear God, I am starting to lose faith" I whispered desperately as I hung up. 

There is no other way but to rent a place. I don't even think I have much money for that. I just started working and I didn't get my salary. I can manage  staying for few days somewhere, but for two weeks or more?!

"Dear God, I am really losing faith. Do something." I said as I got up. There is no need to hurry out of here anymore. I will get ready properly then I will take off. I might end up in the street after all. ugh. 

I went out of the room and heard a voice coming from the kitchen. I looked inside to find a half naked Justin sticking his head into the fridge. It looked like he was searching for something to eat. I looked away, but then looked back at him. His body is admirable. Just like a model. His back muscles flexes as he moves and he had small moles scattered on both of his shoulders giving him a feminine feel. He finally pulled back and closed the fridge. 

"Oh, you are awake. Morning" His voice was huskier than always. it is pretty sexy. is that his morning voice? I looked at his face and his hair bed. He looked like he is ready for a bedroom photoshoot. I shook my head and looked away.

"Good morning" I replied.

"Uh, someone is rather gloomy. You are not a morning person?"

"It is not really morning to begin with. And ummm well uh ... I think you should put a shirt on. It is quite cold. don't you think?" I said looking at the ground. 

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