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"Who's Daniel?" My tone showed more confidence than what I actually felt which really surprised me.

Justin took deep breath and let it go, he ran his fingers through his hair pushing the brown locks back smoothly, I had nothing to do but to wait for his reply which I predicted to not to be the one I would like to hear, the real answer.

"A friend." He finally said, well he didn't let my prediction down, a friend?

"A friend?" I said more questioningly, don't try to convince me that someone like that would actually relate to you as a friend.

He sighed, I felt how annoyed he is so I just decided to give it up tonight, even though that I didn't continue in the subject, the whole night was ruined, great.

I got closer to him and held his hand, it was was bigger than mine, I wondered if I can hide it inside the grip of my two hands gathered, I moved my other hand and started to wrap both of my hands around his, his head turned slowly towards me raising an eyebrow while I'm squeezing his hand trying to cover it completely in mine.

"Excuse my intrusive but i'd like to know what you're doing with my hand" He said with a smirk, I bit my lip then I giggled.

"I was ... umm trying to hide your hand in mine" I giggled one more time, I actually realized how dumb I look. from the expression on Justin's face i could tell it is a mixture of being impressed and amused, he fought the smirk that was creeping on his face but then couldn't help but laugh.

"You cant hide my hand in yours, While I can hide yours in mine easily wanna see?" Justin said smiling and raising an eyebrow.

He wrapped one hand of his around my hand and he totally succeeded in covering it. my eyes widened as I realized that actually my figure is nothing comparing to his. I managed to let out a giggle because I really liked the feeling of secure and warmth i felt while my hand is inside his.

I moved and sat on his lab, my face to his face then wrapped my legs around his waist and moved my fingers through his hair pushing it back, I bit my lips then leaned, my lips were beside his ear I softly inhaled then moved my lips.

"Everything will be fine Bieber" I whispered then placed a soft kiss on his nose.

"Maybe with another kiss?" He said smirking.

"Hmmm nope"


"Yeah so maybe you miss my kiss and ask for it more often" I said giggling and placing my forehead on his biting my lower lip.

"Hmm really?"


"Okay then" he said that then wrapped his arms around me tightly and stood up while I'm still holding him, I wrapped my legs and arms around him even tighter so I don't fall, he started to walk slowly.

"Justin?" I felt the smirk creeping on his face. He kept walking until I heard the sound that was caused by his legs getting into the water.

"Justiiin?!" My voice was louder this time as I realised what he was doing.

"No, no, no, no, no !!!" I felt the water near me so I sillily started to climb Justin trying my best to be away from the water, I fisted the hems of my dress and pulled it up.

"Justin!!! let me go !! NO ! NO, Justin let me go ! let me go!"

"You want me to let you go?"

"Yes!! ..... I mean no! not here, Just-Justiiiiin" and as I screamed his name at last I found myself in the cold water, Justin's hand held me and pulled me up.

"You ...." I said preparing myself for world war three, when justin burst into laughter.

"Still no kiss?" I stared at him for a while, watching him throwing his head back and laughing so hard.

I looked back at myself and laughed too, I couldn't see my face but I totally could imagine the panda eyes I have now because of the ruined eyeliner and mascara.

I got closer to Justin and wrapped my arms around his neck placing a soft kiss on his lips. As he was busy with the kiss I slowly raised one leg slightly hitting the back of his knee causing him to fall, yeah I fell with him but at least we both now are totally ruined.

As we at last balanced and stood up w started to laugh again.

"You're mean!" Justin said.

"Another kiss?" I said winking and getting closer to him.

"Woah!! Not again" he said stepping back away from.

"Haha no it's real this time"

"Well, I'll gladly have it my way" he got closer to me grabbing my hand and placing his other hand on my waist tugging me to him, to feel his warmth, he looked at me in the eyes which made my heart beat faster, his tongue slid smoothly on his lower lip, then smiled showing his perfect teeth, as our bodies were close enough, our lips managed a meeting.

His other hand was placed on my waist too then he forced my body to his, slightly pushing me up, so I responded and jumped wrapping my legs around him while kissing.


"Ow ow ow ow ow" My feet were aching while walking on my barefoot Justin looked at me and chuckled.

"Get on my back"

"No it's okay"

"C'mon just get on!"

"Okay but I'm heavy!"

"Right" he said rolling his eyes. He bent down then I got on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist as well as my arms around his neck.

"Oh god! Silver you're so heavy!"

"Omg! Really I'm sorry, put me down, put me down"

Justin burst into laughter saying "I'm just kidding"

"Ha ha nice joke"

"It might not be a joke!"

"Justiiiin" I sighed.

"Whatever condition you're in, ill never leave your side" Justin said, a smile was sculpted on my face feeling warmth and secure inside, I rested my head on his back and sniffed at his shirt as much as I could.

We finally reached to the car, I felt like I broke Justin's back. He unlocked the car the looked at us then at the car, us, the car, us, the car.

"Oh god" he sighed.


"Nothing" he said the opened the car's door for me, while patting on the car his face was full of sorry expressions. I furrowed my eyebrows asking for explanation.

"Nothing just get in" he said trying so hard to draw a smile on his face. I didn't understand what's going on!!

As I was about to get in.
"Wait! ....... Just ...... but ..." Justin said in a weird tone.

"Justin!! What's wrong?!!" I kinda yelled.

"We're dirty and the car is new" Justin said in a desperate tone while sighing. He looked at the car again patting on it several times, then kept staring at the car. We stayed like this for what felt like hours. I rolled my eyes. Men!

"C-can we get in now?"

He took a deep breath then said "okay"
As my thighs were about to touch the chair, he let out a voice sounded like a squeak.


"Okay okay get in" and finally I rested my body on the chair.

Justin hesitated about climbing in. then he finally got in.

I crossed my arms letting out a sigh and rolling my eyes. again, men!

*Justin's POV

Silver fell asleep as we were on our way back home, she's the first girl to take her to that house, the first one to care about, the first to sleep next to me only to make her warm, the first to let her meet my family, the first to let her ruin my car and the most important the first to be afraid of waking up without her next to me.

When we arrived, I opened her door quietly then carried her, I pushed the door by my foot to close it, then headed to the house. Silver opened her eyes slightly, looked at me then placed her head further on my chest and closed it again. we got in quietly so no one wakes up.

As we reached to my room I placed Silver on the bed and decided to take a shower. I took off my cloth and let the water run on my body.

Today's events rushed to my mind but only one stuck in my mind a little bit longer than the others , Keaton's presence.

Only when I thought thy everything will be fine for a couple of days, everything was ruined again. I got out of the shower after wrapping a towel around my waist, Silver wasn't on the bed, I rushed out of the room to look for her, the. I heard her sound in the other bathroom.


Silver laid next to me, her face facing mine, I smiled then close my eyes, everything is alright, I managed to stay awake for a while until she sleeps, she finally fell asleep and that was when I heard noise downstairs, oh great I think I won't have the chance to sleep today.

When I got in the kitchen I found Robin, he was making a sandwich, yeah no wonder it's 3 am and Robin has to have his fifth main meal.

"Heya bro!" Robin kinda yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't raise your voice, and enough noise"

"You. Got. It" he said while chewing half of the sandwich inside his mouth.

"By the way, want a sandwich? I have plenty here"

"Sure why not!"

"Catch that!" He said while throwing a sandwich to me. I got it and started to eat. Jut like old days, me, Robin and the greatness of the moment. Man! He grew up and got a good looking muscles there.

"Where is Silver?"

"Sleeping, I guess I'm joining her now, thanks for the snack, enjoy the rest. bro" I said then headed upstairs.
As I opened the door a few pillows were on the ground and the duvet was really messed up.

I checked on Silver and thought she didn't dry herself properly but actually she was sweating! She was boiling!

"Oh god Silver!" I kinda shouted as her breathing rate increased, her chest moved up and down heavily, I started to shake her.

"Silver!! Silver! Wake up!" Shaking her was useless so I grabbed her out of the bed at once and emptied a glass of water on her face. "Wake up!!!" I shouted then she inhaled air strongly and finally opened her eyes. Her eyes were full of tears.

The lights were switched on, I looked behind me to find my mom, aunt and Robin.

"What's wrong?!!" My mom asked as she and my aunt rushed to us.

"I-I had a nightmare" Silver said as the tears regathered in her eyes ad then looked at me.

I looked back questioningly, she didn't look at me normally.

"I'm sorry" she continued.

"Don't be hun" my aunt told her. Silver nodded in response.

Mom asked Robin to get a glass of water, mom handed it to her.

"Okay now?" Mom asked.

"Yeah way better, I'm really sorry" Silver said.

"Stop apologizing!" Aunt said.

They all finally returned to their rooms and I stayed next to Silver, she was still curled in a ball, hugging her legs, knees to her chest.

"What's wrong Silver?"

"Nothing I-I, nothing" she mumbled.

"There's something, what was in your nightmare?"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Silver your condition was horrifying"

"You got scared?" She said smiling innocently.

"I was worried"

"Sorry for that"

"You don't have to apologize" she nodded, and I slightly squeezed her hand letting her know that I'm here for her. She looked at me with a beautiful smile but it was ruined because of the fear expression she has on her face.

"Sleep now?" She asked.

"Sleep now"

I stood up to switch off the lights, I looked at Silver and she was lost in her thoughts tightening her arms around her legs.

Silver's POV

Justin switched the lights off and my fears of having another nightmares grew stronger.

He laid next to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind, trying to warm me as much as possible. I supposed to feel secure but I was afraid, the nightmare was horrifying an I hate myself for having such a nightmare.


Next morning

I woke up while Justin was still sleeping, I swung my legs off the bed quietly so I won't wake him up after all yesterday night was an exhausting night for him.

"You wake up early everyday!" I said amazed that Robin woke up, he almost wakes up everyday at the same time.

"Only for breakfast ha ha" Robin said, I rolled my eyes, yeah for sure, breakfast! Should've guessed that.

As I was taking the next step on the stairs, I stumbled and lost my balance.

"Silver !!" Robin shouted as he extended his arm trying to catch me, but we ended up falling together, actually Robin made a good protector for me since I landed on him yet I'm one hundred percent sure I got bruises in every part of my body.

"Aahhh" Robin winced since I landed on him and he was the most damaged.

"I'm sorry,I'm so so sorry!" I apologized as getting up, my eyes widened and my mouth let out a sound of pain, I think I hurt my foot.

"It's okay, are you okay?" he asked as he got up, he seemed okay, maybe some bruises but thank god he didn't got hurt.

"Yeah I, I think I'm fine" I was about to walk when I felt a horrible pain again, thy caused me to lean forward, I couldn't walk properly on my left foot.

"You're hurt, you should sit down" I nodded in response. I leaned on Robin until I reached the couch, I sat down.

"Well, let's have a deal no one knows about that okay? I don't wanna be asked a several times about what's wrong with me, deal?"

Robin furrowed his eyebrows then said "deal" he smiled then walked away, I turned the tv on, it's been so long since I checked the tv. Robin came back with sandwiches.

"Wow that was quick!" I said admiring his talents with food.

"Yeah, what could I say! I'm a professional in this field!" He said chuckling and offering me a sandwich. he's really fit for someone that eats that much.

We had a good peaceful hour watching the tv, laughing and eating when that was interrupted when patties came down she greeted then went to make breakfast. after minutes Ella followed her to the kitchen, justin didn't wake up yet.

"Good morning" a raspy voice came from behind, I didn't need to think about the speaker, obviously it's Justin.

"Morning Hun" Ella replied.

"Morning biebs, we're out of milk and bread do you mind buying some?" Pattie said.

Justin pushed a few locks of his hair back then smiled and nodded, he went back upstairs but stopped after few stairs.

"Umm Silver coming?"

"Ah umm I umm no I'll stay" I said turning my head to him an smiling, he gave a questioning and wondering face expression, I mean in ever stay at home when he's going out, I always insist to go with him everywhere. but I didn't want him to notice my foot. he'll freak out.


Justin went to buy the things while I went upstairs to the bathroom, as I got out I heard a ring, my eyes wandered around the room until I realized where the ring came from. Justin's phone.

He forgot it? I went to check who's calling. it's Raymond! As I was about to hold the phone the call was ended, I placed the phone back in it place when a tone came out of it, telling he got a message, it was from Raymond.


Raymond: Justin, we need to talk we found ....


I thought about opening it but then I hesitated, I moved away from it but curiosity was killing me, again I took steps back to the phone.

I finally took a deep breath then let it go, I decided not to open its Justin's privacy and I have to respect it!!

Then again another message was received.


Raymond: Justin!!! It's an emergency, call .....


Emergency? Curiosity took over me again. I finally walked away whine my mind killing me, then I walked back and extended my hand to take the phone when ........


Guys, I don't know from where to start, I know I'm guilty, I know you're mad at me but I swear, I swear, I swear I had some shitty tough time, and if it was up to me I would never wait so long to write the chapter but that's what happened, and I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

I'm also thankful for the reads and the votes but the thing that made me so happy is your comments <3 <3

Thanks I love you all.

Twitter: @_2ndEinstein

I apologize again.

This chap Questions:

{what do you think is the emergency that Raymond talk about?}

{what will happen while she is taking the phone?}

If someone will die, who do you think will be that one?

Btw for the cutting thing, I have a friend who do cuts and that's why I asked :( please #Stay_Strong

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