Meet the Gang

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"Alright." I said wiping my tears and gathering my strength.

I took his phone out and opened his contacts. C'mon c'mon ... Laura .. No fucking way I am calling this freak! Kaitlin, May, Raymond ... Raymond! It is the no fun guy .... no no I don't even know him. Oliver White .... Oliver White? Isn't that ... Celine! no time to think about that. Austin White, Ella, who should I contact?! Keith! Yes I can call Keith.

I dialed his number and waited. It is ringing! Yes!! C'mon pick it up!

He picked up.

Keith: Bonjour! Amigo!!!

These are totally two different languages, Idiot! Anyway, not the point!

Me: Umm Keith?

Keith: Justin your voice is surprisingly sweet on the phone ... It is almost weird.

Me: No It is me, Celine.

Keith: Ooooh I see. Don't tell me my charm worked on you. Just so you know I am all taken. I am sorry.

Me: No this is not it.

Keith: Celine, That is a final answer. I am a faithful man.

Me: Can you please shut up and listen!

Keith: ....

Me: ....

Keith: For your own information I am a dominant.

Huh? What the fuck is he saying?!

Me: Keith, I am with Justin in his family's old house. He tried to turn the power on but it went wrong and the fuse box exploded. He is on the floor unconscious now, and I have no idea what to do. I tried to shake him but no use.

Keith: Stay right there. I am coming, just don't panic! okay?

Me: Alright.

He hung up. At the very beginning I totally regretted calling him and I thought I will just never receive help. But his voice at last was serious and reassuring. I waited for him to come and I knew he would take about 20 minutes if he was on a hurry.


Keith arrived along with Raymond, and he turned out to be absolutely useless. Raymond checked Justin and said that he is probably unconscious because of hitting his head and not because of the electric shock. He started fixing the electricity and he seemed quite skillful doing that. After a while the electricity was back but Justin was yet to wake up.

Raymond said that staying in this house like that is impossible. He carried Justin out of the house and put him in the backseat of the car. After that he called Malcolm, Laura, Damian and a nice brunette girl called May came along. I knew that she is Keith's girlfriend afterwards. The girl was pretty soft and it was hard to pick up what she is saying over the slightest noise. She was the total opposite of Laura.

We were ordered around the house by Raymond, and started cleaning at once. He turned out to be the quiet cleaning freak that almost everyone of us had to redo their chores once or twice till Raymond was satisfied. Damian was absolutely the worst among us and Raymond ended up redoing the things that Damian already did three times before. I avoided all contact with Laura and was relieved that I had another female around. May's presence was amazingly soothing and encouraging and I felt like getting along with her. Her big blue eyes made her look angelic. Keith was pretty reliable around May and more responsible than he would ever look.

Malcolm and Laura would always pick rooms to clean and they vanish into there but Raymond didn't seem to mind as long as they get their parts done. I didn't really mind too as long as that would mean not interacting much with Laura. After three hours we were totally done with the cleaning.

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