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"Kai are you even listening?" I asked him while walking beside him. After my talk with Cami, I decided I wanted to hear what Kai had to say about his past.

"I'm sorry. It's just not every day someone kicks you out of your home and  an hour later asks you on a date." Kai smirked and looked at me.

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes "this isn't not a date, I'm helping you so you will leave me and my friends alone remember?" Kai chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty good with memories."

I stopped once we reached the cemetery and put my hands on my hip. "That's good because if you want me to help you, there's something else I want from you."

Kai looked intrigued and rose an eyebrow "what's that thing exactly?"

"I wanna hear your side of the story."

"My what?" He laughed. I shook my head and walked closer to him. "Your side of the story, you know why you killed your siblings and all of that. When I said Jo already told us, you said they made you look like a monster. I want to know what that means."

He rolled his eyes and turned around. "You could ask for anything and that's on what you're wasting your only question?"

"It's my choice. Now go on."

Kai started walking while talking and I was following beside him. "Well, where do I start from-"

"From the beginning?" I rose an eyebrow and he looked at me with 'never interept me ever again if you wanna leave'

I shut my mouth and listened to him without another interception.

"My family found out I was a siphoner when I was 3 years old and accidentally siphoned my dad while he was yelling at me. Before that Jo could already do simple spells but I couldn't so my dad used to yell at me, thinking it would motivate me or something."

Kai sat on the ground crossing his legs and I sat in front of him.

"After everyone found out that I didn't have any magic on my own and I could only suck it from the magical things, they started treating me differently. My parents were calling me an abomination, that hurt my feelings. Jo on the other hand, she was the only one who gave a damn about me after that. Of course that was before my parents had other kids, then Jo started playing with them and totally forgot about me and I wasn't even allowed to touch any of my family members." Kai paused and chuckled.

"They were afraid I would siphon them, and didn't even care enough to teach me control instead of isolating me." He sighed and continued telling his story.

"Hey, At least he wasn't beating me up until I turned 14. Before that he used to cast some spells on me so I could feel the pain." Kai chuckled but I could see sadness in his eyes. Guess even sociopaths feel some things deep down.

"Everyone knew how I was being treated but no one tried to help me even Jo. I mean, back there I just felt more hurt when Jo was ignoring me or doing nothing to help me, guess because she was my twin and I thought she cared about me." Kai stood up and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at me.

I lost all the respect I had for Jo, I mean I have a twin and if anyone was hurting him, I wouldn't just stand back and watch him suffer, especially for being different. At least I would try to help him if there was nothing else I could do.

I  realized I was in my own thoughts when Kai stopped speaking and just stared at me. I looked up at him and apologized. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"That's pretty much all, one day I couldn't take all the abuse and snapped. Specifically after I found out my dad was trying to merge my siblings Lukas and Olivia instead of me and Jo."

I stood up and looked into his eyes "that's why you killed your siblings?" I get it, he had rough childhood and no one should experience things like that at the young age but that still doesn't justifies killing your own siblings.

"Yeah pretty much but it wasn't entirely my fault." He replied and I rose an eyebrow.

"I tried to talk to Jo first, trying to convince her to merge with me but she said no. So I started killing my siblings, I mean if they were all dead, there would be no other way then for Jo and I to merge. And still everyone blames me instead of my family."

I knitted my eyebrows, analyzing everything Kai told me today.

"There he is." Kai suddenly shouted and I turned my head to face him.

"Tyler? What are you doing here?" I asked, walking towards him. "I could ask the same question, I could also ask how long have you known where he was hiding but I won't."

I bit my lip and looked down. "Tyler here is going to help you convince Liv because she's his girlfriend and doesn't want her to die." Kai said with excitement and started siphoning me. "What the hell?" I snapped.

He finally let go of me and smirked. "Need a little magic to handle your friends before the merge."

"Don't hurt them." I stated and Kai chuckled. "Sorry Aly, but our deal only includes your brother and niece." He turned around and started walking in opposite direction from Tyler and me.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now