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Kai's pov

I felt something move on my chest and I slowly opened my eyes. Wait, am I in Aly's room? Did I fall asleep here? Shit. I was supposed to arrive in Portland.

I yawned and started stroking Aly's hair. She shifted in sleep and moved her head off my chest. That was disappointing. She then opened her eyes and they darted to me.

"Hi." I said in a low tone. She smiled and sat up. "Are you okay?" Aly asked with concern in her eyes, I rose my brows in confusion but then realization hit me. I was in Portland and then something happened to me. This stupid merge, I always thought Joshua was exaggerating when he used to say we would get each other's abilities.

"Kai?" Aly asked moving closer to me. "You ok?" I nodded and started explaining. "It was because of merge, about yesterday. If you know what happened-"

"I do." She cut me off, "the siphoner and his sister brought you here," oooh, so they're here. What a joy, I don't have to go to Portland anymore. I can just sleep whole day and help them at night, I smiled thinking about this.

Aly knitted her eyebrows and I continued telling her about the merge and it's consequences. "So it seems like I got some of Luke's abilities when I absorbed his magic, like empathy?" I said and Aly nodded, telling me to keep on talking.

Alycia's pov

Kai told me everything about the merge and what happened yesterday. I nodded and lay back. "Don't worry tho I'm still straight." Kai joked and lay beside me.

"Good." I smiled and placed my head on his chest. "Don't you have to, you know help that siphoner. God, I forgot his name" I said after couple minutes of silence.

"I can do that tonight and his name's Edward." He kissed my forehead, "I'm too comfortable to get out of this bed right now."

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his torso. Then my phone went off and Kai looked at me with knowing face. "You have to go don't you?"

"It depends." I reached my hand out to the nightstand and picked my phone. "It's Elena." I stated and got up. "Hey El, what's wrong?"

"It's, it's Caroline's mum." She said through the sound of cries and I realized why she called me. "Where are you?"

"We're helping Care, in her house." I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "I'll be there." I hang up my phone and tear dropped on my face. "Hey, you okay?" Kai asked, getting up and walking closer to me.

I shook my head. "She's gone. Care's mom is gone, I have to go." I started to walk away but before I could open the door, Kai grabbed me and pulled me in his chest.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear. "Hey, it's not your fault." I looked up at his eyes, "don't blame yourself for this, you brought her more time than she had. Caroline got to say goodbye properly because of you."

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked and pulled away. "I-" I trailed off and he understood what I was trying to tell him. "I get it. No one likes me." He rolled his eyes and sat on my bed.

"Don't say that, I like you. That guy's-" I pointed at the door but Kai cut me off, "that guy's just need my help." He replied like it was most obvious thing.

"Well, okay. But I still like you." I lifted my eyebrows and Kai chuckled. "I know sweetheart."  He got up and walked closer to me. "Don't call me sweetheart." I pouted, Kai's smile just got widen and he pulled me in a kiss. "You should go and I will teach that Edward guy control over his powers so he and his sister can go away from your house."

"I don't know, you sure you want them to go away. I mean, you did say you wanted to ask his sister out? Or did you get rejected already?" I teased and Kai threw me on the bed, I hit my head on the headboard.

"Woah, just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I don't feel pain."

Kai joined me and railed on top of me. "That's where teasing gets you sweetheart." He started kissing my collarbone. "Kai, Caroline's mum. I have to go."

He lifted his head and looked at me with 'you really want to go right now' look with a smirk. "She's my best friend." I stated and Kai sighed. He got up from the bed. "Fine. I have things to do myself." Kai smiled at me and walked out.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now