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I'm slowly waking up, hearing most annoying voice ever. "And of course I broke into the oval office and took a picture of myself looking all J.F.k, but then I was like, how am I gonna get these photos developed?" He chuckled when he noticed I was awake and looking at him with lifted eyebrows.

"Oh, hello." I was sitting on the floor and my hands were tied to a chair behind me with vervain ropes. "Yeah, I wouldn't do that." Kai replied, when I tried to get out of the ropes, and groaned in pain.

"Thank god, you're awake. You have no idea how long I've been talking to myself but I've been alone for most of my life. So I'm kinda used to it." He smirked and sat in front of me with his legs crossed.

"Now lets get to the topic, I need your help." He stated and I snorted. His forehead furrowed and he leaned closer to me. "I don't wanna hurt you but I will."

I knitted my brows and smiled "I'm a vampire, I'm sure I can take some pain if it means I'm not gonna be doing favors for someone like you." I finished and looked away.

"Someone like me? You mean sociopath?" Kai chuckled. And I crinkled my nose in disgust, how could someone be so insensitive about topics like this.

"I'm sure my family made me look like a monster-"

"You are a monster." I stated, "you killed your siblings."

Kai sighed and stood up. "What are you doing?" I asked when he kept walking around the room and shifted from one foot and another. "Just thinking." He replied with his usual smirk.

Then we heard noise from upstairs, someone's footsteps coming into this room. Kai's mouth curved into a smile. "Looks like, Ly is coming here."

My jaw clenched and I tried to stand up but in vain. "Now I think your answer for helping me will change from no to yes." He winked at me.

"Aly?" Lydia asked, walking in this room. Kai's eyes darted to her and she raised a hand in greeting when she saw him. "Hi Mister.....I know everything." She smiled and looked around the room. "Where's Aly?"

"I'm right here Ly, it's okay." I surely didn't want her to see me tied up. "She left because her friends needed help." Kai replied and I rose my eyebrows in confusion. He turned his face and smirked, then I realized he must've done invisibility spell.

"Will she be back soon?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Kai kneel down in front of here. "You know what, why don't we go and meet her, huh?"

My nostrils flared, "Ly no, go back upstairs." I know she couldn't hear me but I still couldn't stop myself from yelling. Ly nodded "I'll grab my jacket." With that she ran upstairs and Kai looked at me with a smirk and waved his hand as goodbye. "No! wait, fine I'll help you."

Once I finished talking he turned around, his face brightened "now, that's what I wanted to hear." He walked over to me and untied my hands.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now