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Alycia's pov

It's been 2 month since Kai and I took the cure. I forgot how amazing it felt to be human. As you probably already figured, Caroline and Stefan got their humanity back. They both were so sorry for everything they've done, it took some time but I forgave them. I also made Caroline help me organize birthday party for Kai in the process.

"Hey sis." Mark came in the kitchen smiling. I turned around and rose an eyebrow, "what happened to you?"

He stared at me for a while but then realized what I was asking and just nodded. "I asked Mya out and she agreed."

"Wait, Mya as in Mya from gemini coven?"

"Yes, Mya who lived here for a while when your fiance was helping Edward."

Fiance. Oh, huh. That's right. Kai proposed to me a week ago. The necklace he gave me when he first became a vampire. There was an engagement ring in it. I can't explain all the emotions I was feeling when he did it.

Rick also proposed to Jo and they got married a month ago, they also are expecting twins.

"Hey Aly." Ly entered the kitchen, ready to go to school. "You're early." I stated looking suspicious, she just smiled and rose her eyebrows. "Yuh, I find it strange myself but it is what it is." She finished and walked outside. I chuckled and turned to Mark.

"So when's the wedding exactly because I want to take Mya somewhere for a week and-"

"Calm down, it's in 3 month so if you go right now or after a month or two, I think you'd be back." I finished and chuckled.

"Okay, stop making fun of me." Mark replied annoyed.

"Oh, that's right." Kai walked in, "stop making fun of your brother that's my job."

He smirked at Mark and hugged me from behind. "Okay, lovebirds. Don't forget you have to take Ly to school." My brother noted and walked out.

"You okay?" I asked Kai as he let go of me and opened the fridge. He was sick yesterday but I don't mean anything magical. Normal sickness.

"I feel amazing and by the way, Jo called me they're having a baby shower and want to know if we'll go."

"Definitely." I replied and Kai pouted, "what?" I asked. "Do we really have to go no one likes me."

"No one likes you, seriously Kai? That statement would be true two month ago but not now. Only one who's still not totally okay is Bonnie but that's kinda understandable." I made my isn't that obvious look. Kai chuckled and kissed me. "Okay, I really have to drive Ly."

"Okay, bye. I love you." Kai called from inside while I was already at the doorstep. "Love you too."


I opened the front door revealing Jo, Alaric, Lizzie and Josie. "Hey aunt Aly." Li and Jo ran to me and wrapped their arms around my neck as I knelt down.

I laughed "hey guys."

They pulled away and ran inside. "How are Mike and Malia?" Jo asked as she and Alaric walked in. I closed the door and turned around. "Oh, They're totally fine but Malia's still adjusting with her powers."

Jo smiled and walked into the kitchen with Alaric. I walked upstairs to wake my kids since it's weekend and they're still sleeping.

"Who's here?" Kai asked following behind me. "Your nieces, your sister and her husband." I replied and walked into Mike's room as Kai chuckled and walked into Malia's.

Mike is our first kid. He's 7, one year younger than Lizzie and Josie. He's siphoner like Kai among with his sister.

Malia is 3 and just starting to control her powers, I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kai waking in with Malia.

"Hey guys, you know who's here?" Mike and Malia rose their eyebrows in confusion, I smiled and told them Li and Jo were here. Smile flashed at their faces and both of them ran downstairs.

"They're never that excited to see me that's for sure." Kai spoke up from behind, I turned around and made are you serious look. "You're kidding right? They literally wouldn't leave your side after you were gone for 1 day, only one."

He chuckled and pulled me in his chest. "Right, I forgot. I can't say the same about you though."

I pulled away and hit his chest. "Kai!"

He smiled and shook his head, "okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

It was already evening, Jo, Alaric, Lizzie and Josie were leaving. "Guys, it's time to go." Alaric called for them but they didn't answer. "Where are they?" Jo asked curious and I chimed in, "they were playing hide and seek with Kai."

Jo's eyes got widened and for a minute she froze. "What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

"Nothing, nothing. Just bad memories." Jo shook it off and then Jo and Li came out. "Is it time to leave already?" Li pouted.

"Already?" Jo asked and shook her head, "you guys have been here for whole day."

We said goodbyes and they left. "Okay, finally we're alone." Kai sighed and sat on the couch. "Where Mike and Malia?"

"They fell asleep." Kai stated and I sat beside him. "So, what are we doing tomorrow?" He asked with excitement.

"Tomorrow let's see, oh huh, my brother's coming." I rose my brows at him, because he just acted he didn't remember.

"Great another day with your brother and Mya and their kid. That kid hates me, I mean what's his problem?"

He was talking about my nephew who's 4 and all he does is piss Kai off every time he's here.

"Kai he only pisses you off because he loves you."

He turned to face me and rose an eyebrow, "is that right?"

I placed my head on his chest and smiled, "of course. I mean, come on, who wouldn't love you."

"That's true." Kai chuckled and kissed my forehead, I closed my eyes and faded to sleep.

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