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Kai's pov

"Where am I?" I heard Elena asking while slowly opening her eyes.

"Highschool, everyone's on a winter break, no wonder America got dumb while I was locked up, they're never in school."

She looked confused, "why am I here Kai?"

I took off my jacket and threw it on the floor. "Well, the first reason is Aly refused to spend the day with me so I decided I would teach you guys lesson that you can't trick me." I smirked "and I kidnapped you. anyway, do you mind if I try to turn your blood into acid again?"

"Again?" Her eyes got widen.

"Yeah, that's how you got here in the first place." I was about to start chanting but Elena's phone went off.

I took it out from my pocket, "I texted Damon while you were asleep, I hope that's not a problem."

"Let me go, Kai!"

I just chuckled and looked at the caller ID. "Mark." I sure recognize that name from somewhere. Then it hit me, of course it's Aly's twin.

I declined and smiled at Elena. "Shall we continue?"

"Kai you don't have to do this." She kept repeating "well, I wouldn't have if Jo wasn't such a backstabbing witch." I finished and started a spell to turn her blood into acid.

Alycia's pov

After Kai left, I made breakfast for Ly and me and started playing games. Oh, I missed this so much and I was only away for a week.

Now, we are playing hide and seek. "You know I can find you anywhere Ly." I shouted through the house, she doesn't know I have vamp hearing. That's why she's so surprised every time I found her. I know it's not fair to use it especially when you're playing with a 6 year old but the face she makes every time is definitely worth it.

I heard my phone went off so I ran to my room and answered Damon.

"What's wrong?"

"Alycia, you need to stop answering like that."

"I only answer you like that, now what's wrong?" Damon only calls when he needs help or a drinking buddy, I always say no to second.

"Elena called me, Kai kidnapped her."

"What? Why?" I asked instinctively but I knew why he did it. He told me this morning he would teach my friends a lesson, I didn't think he meant it.

"Well, apparently he found out we were trying to trick him."

"I warned you guys."

"Anyway you need to come with me in highschool." Damon said more like demanded. "And why would I do that?"

"Because you know so much about that little weasel." He hang up.

I vamp speed to where Lydia was hiding. "Found you." I exclaimed.

"That's not fair... How do you do that every time?" She pouted and crossed her arms.

"Come on, we need to go." I hold her hand and got in my car.

Kai's pov

I tied Elena to a chair with vervain ropes since she escaped last time and destroyed chains.

She woke up and started asking questions about stupidest things.

"Have you really not cared about anyone?" She asked, I could see confusion and curiosity on her face. I thought for a second. Then my mind darted to Aly. Why am I thinking of her now?

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now