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Alycia's pov

Wow, this was exhausting and really painful day. I can't imagine what Caroline's feeling right now. I reached my doorknob, about to open it when someone beat me to it. Kai walked out, smiling when his eyes met mine. "Aly!" He exclaimed, "just who I wanted to see." He wrapped his arm over my shoulder, chuckling. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked, unsure of what to do. This didn't look like usual Kai.

"He's drunk." A girl voice said from behind Kai, "it happened again so he finished-" Mya put her finger on her chin, thinking "two or three bottles of bourbon."

"Where did you find bourbon?" I asked confused and really curious. "Salvatore mansion." He kept on laughing.

"Why the hell is he laughing like an idiot?" Edward asked, smiling himself. Standing beside his sister. "I'm gonna kill you for that tomorrow." Kai smirked and I rolled my eyes. "He's joking." I added when I saw frightening look on Edward's face. "No, I'm not." Kai stuttered.

"Yes he is. He can't even get out few words normally." I started pulling Kai inside and Mya helped me. "Thanks." I smiled to her after Kai was located on the sofa in the living room. "Least I can do after you let us stay here." I nodded and walked into kitchen. looking for something to eat. "Did you guys do anything today?" I wasn't sure if I was allowed to ask but hack that. What could be so wrong in asking.

"No, about fifty minutes after you left, this happened." She pointed her fingers at Kai.

I was about to say something but I was cut off by Mark and Ly coming in. "Aly." Ly came running to me like always. "Hey I thought you said few hours." I rose my brows to my brother. "Blame this one." He motioned Ly and she started giggling.

Mark's eyes finally caught the sight of Mya and her brother. "Two more psychopaths?" I thought they would be offended but Edward let out a small laugh. "Sorry, it seems like you're not a big fun of Malachai."

"Kai not Malachai." We heard Kai's voice from next room. "What do you know he's awake." Edward said ironically. "I'm literally going to murder you tomorrow." Kai mumbled.

"Just go back to sleep Kai." I called from here. "You should stop teasing him or you'll be six feet under soon." Mya rose her eyebrows to her brother, he just rolled his eyes and walked out.

"These are Mya and her younger brother Edward. He's a siphoner and Kai needs to teach him control." I explained to my brother. "And all of that needs to take place in our house, because-"

"Because your sister's dating our coven leader?" Mya answered before I could. She then suddenly turned to face me and apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Oh god-"

"It's okay Mya, I'm sure she's not offended." My brother looked at me with narrowed eyes "the only thing to be offended about is that you're dating a murderer Al." I rolled my eyes and rose from my seat. "No you don't get to leave this conversation, not again. He killed his family, I don't get what you see in him. Come on Al, you know you can tell me anything." Mark pleaded, I shook my head and started walking out. But before I was gone, I turned around about to defend Kai, facing my brother and Mya."what?" My brother asked, "You know what, forget it." I turned back and walked upstairs.

It's no point talking to them, they will never see things the way I do.

Mya's pov

"I'm hoping that's not my fault." I said awkwardly and shook my head. "And I'm hoping it's mine." Alycia's brother replied and sat on a chair. "My name's Mya." I started a conversation, hoping he would want to have one with me. He thought just few seconds ago I was a psychopath so not totally sure.

"Mark." He answered shortly. I nodded. I was right, he doesn't want to do anything with me, so I started walking out but Mark's voice stopped me. "Sorry I called you sociopath or psychopath. What's the difference anyway." He shrugged, "Psychopaths are actually more cold-hearted and calculating. They carefully plot their moves, when sociopaths act without thinking how others will be affected." I finished and shoved my hands into my pockets, Mark rose an eyebrow. "I'm into psychology." I formed a small smile which he returned.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now