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"What?" I asked when all of us were in the living room except for Lily Salvatore.

"Well as you may or may not know-"

"The point Kai!" I said. Kai pouted but turned around and picked a piece of paper from the table. "What's that?"

"It's a spell." Kai smirked. "Which I need to cast on you," he pointed at me. "Or I'll just kill Liv."

"Okay, I didn't get anything you just said." I stated and he rolled his eyes in annoyingment. "Well I was trying to explain but you cut me off, which is rude by the way."

"Oh my god, can you just Stop talking about things that aren't important right now." Liv asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay." He replied and smiled. "So you see when I was stuck with your friend Bonnie in my prison world, she kind of tricked me more than once I may add. So now that we're literally depending on your friends which I don't trust, to get us out of here, I need to have a leverage or I'll just kill Liv and then there won't be any other way than for me and Jo to merge."

"What's the spell?" Liv asked reaching for it but Kai pulled it back. "Oh, no,no! You don't get to see it or you'll figure out how to reverse it."

"What that spell does exactly?" I narrowed my eyebrows. "You know vampire sire bond thing right?" Kai asked looking at me.


"Well it'll be just like that, it'll bond us and when I say something, you'll do it even if you don't want to." He finished with a smirk. I shook my head and backed away. "Yeah, Absolutely not." I stated.

"Ok, anyway it'll be easier if I just kill Liv." Kai grabbed her arm and started siphoning, Liv screamed in pain. I tried to stop Kai but he used the magic he siphoned from Liv and used it on me. My head started to hurt and I groaned in pain. "Okay,okay I'll do it, just don't hurt her. Stop!"

Kai stepped away from Liv and started reading the spell he was holding in his hands. "By the way, this spell only works when we're in the same room. I mean there's no phones here but if it was, it doesn't work over the phones. Like of you called me or I called you and I told you to do something by phone, you wouldn't because-"

"Yeah we get it!" I snapped. "Just cast the spell on me." Liv replied, I was about to argue but Kai beat me to it. "I can't. You're a witch. It needs to be other kind of supernatural."

Kai started chanting the spell and I started to fidget. I mean what bad can happen when you're sired to a sociopath right?

"I don't feel anything." I said looking at Liv. "I've never seen a spell like this, maybe it has to be like that." She replied and then both of us looked at Kai, who was chanting Latin words and was holding my hand.

After some time, he opened his eyes and let go of me. "So?" I asked and he smirked. "It worked."

"Are you sure about that? Because I didn't feel a thing."

"Of course I'm sure love but why don't we test it?"

"Don't call me love." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Anyways, why don't you go to the store and bring me pork rinds?"

I stared in his eyes but nothing. "Sooo?"

His forehead furrowed. He looked at the spell again and then smiled. "My fault, it's not a question. Go to the store and bring me pork rinds." Kai stated and I was about to say screw you Parker but without realization I vamp speed to the store looking for pork rinds and before I could do anything, I was back at the salvatore house with them in my hands. Kai took pork rinds from my hands and chuckled. "See it works, thanks by the way." He said sarcastically. "Screw you Parker." I replied and started walking upstairs but heard Kai's voice yelling at me "we're gonna have so much fun before your friends come to our rescue."

I woke up with a terrible headache. Guess, here's the side effects of the spell Kai did yesterday. I slowly got up and took a shower before going downstairs. One good thing about Salvatore house is that every room has its own bathroom attached to it.

"Good you're awake." Liv spoke when I walked into the living room. "What's wrong?" Before she could answer, another girl came into the room smiling. "My name's Nora." She said, extending her hand for me to shake. "Alycia." I replied.

"You're -"

"She's one of the dessicated vampires." Liv replied, rising her eyebrows. I turned to face Nora. "How did you-"

"I woke her up, gave her some of my blood." Kai said with a smirk. He walked in and sat on the couch. "Kai you do realize that there's not enough blood here for 3 vampires and if she gets hungry, she can literally kill both of you." I pointed between Kai and Liv.

"How sweet that you're worried about me." Kai put his hand on his heart. "I'm serious Kai, why the hell did you wake her up?" I looked at Nora "no offence."

"I was bored, but that's my luck. She has a girlfriend." Kai rolled his eyes.

"Of course you woke complete stranger and a vampire to have sex with her, god." I crinkled my nose in disgust. "Don't judge me! I've been alone for 18 years and first female I met literally despised me."

"For the reminder you left her all alone in the prison world." Liv cut in.

Kai stood up and poured himself a bourbon. "It's only fair, Bonnie tried to leave me behind first."

"Where did you find that?" Nora asked him, "you kidding right? Salvatore house is full of drinks. What's that called this days? Oh, I remembered, alcoholics. Salvatore's are alcoholic blood sucking vampires." He chuckled and walked out.

"By the way I'm not just a vampire, I'm heretic."

"Heretic?" Liv and I asked at the same time. "Vampires with witch powers."

"I thought once the witch got turned into a vampire, she lost magic." Liv replied confused. "I'm a siphoner, so when we turn into vampires, we siphon magic from our vampirism and have our own." Nora explained. "Ok, now I need a drink." I stated and walked into the kitchen to pour myself a bourbon but Kai grabbed my wrist.

"No. No. We don't want to turn you into another alcoholic blood sucking vampire now do we?" He asked sarcastically, I took my arm away from his grip. "It's non of your business what I'll do."

"True but I can tell you what to do. Literally."

"And you will only use that spell if we try to betray you, that was the deal." Kai chuckled and ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah, but now it's done. I can use it whenever I want." He leaned his face closer to mine. "I can make you kill Liv right now."

"Yuh and then I'm gonna rip your throat out. Plus side, gemini coven will be left with no twins to merge, after your dad dies, there won't be any other person to lead your coven and I'm hoping it'll rot."

Kai burst into laughter and I walked away from him. I went to the room we found the ascendant, maybe and only maybe I would find Bennet blood. I know, bullshit.

I was looking around the room when my eyes darted to one thing. It looked like a ball of glass. I picked it up and heard Nora's voice. "It's like a supernatural lie detector."

I turned around to face her. "It'll turn blue when you say something that's true and red if you lie, try it." I rose my eyebrows and said my name. After I was finished the item I had in my hands turned blue. "It's working." I looked up at Nora. She was standing next to  a dessicated blonde vampire.

"Is that your girlfriend?" I asked, she nodded. Her name is Mary Louise. Nora smiled. "I can leave if you want."

"Thanks." She replied and I took it as a cue for me to leave.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now