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I was still half asleep when I heard sound of someone's throwing up in the bathroom. Sometimes I hate my vampire hearing, especially times like this when I can't control it.

"I swear if Mya or her brother destroys my bathroom, you're gonna clean it." I opened my eyes, when I didn't get a response. I sat up but Kai was nowhere to see.

"Kai?" I said, almost whispered, then got up and walked out, I bumped into him. "Kai what's wrong?" I asked when I saw blood on his face. He sighed weekly, trying to contain himself from falling. "Remember that I merged with Luke and not my twin?"

I nodded and started helping him because it felt like he was gonna collapse on the floor. "This is aftermath, like feelings things but that's gonna happen even if I merged with Jo and this-" he paused for a while and rushed back to bathroom. I followed him, "you're sick."

"Yeah, this is because I absorbed Luke's magic instead of my twin's." He explained,

"We need you to get you to Jo." He shook his head, "you really think, she wants to help me after everything I've done?"

"It doesn't matter what she wants, if you die she dies and your whole coven." I stated and rose my eyebrows, Kai smiled and nodded, "okay, let's go."


Kai and I went to hospital, we called Jo and after a lot of arguments, I convinced her to see what's wrong with Kai.

"Here you are." Jo said when she saw us. We went into one of the rooms and Jo started checking on Kai.

"Alycia what are you doing with him?" Alaric asked while we were standing near the door.

"He needed help." I stated and rolled my eyes, guess no one told him we're together.

"And how did you know that?" He rose his eyebrows, I was about to reply but was cut off by Kai throwing up again. He accidentally touched his sister's arm and started siphoning from her.

Alaric quickly stepped in front of her. "I feel good." Kai stated, "yeah because you juice boxed my magic." Jo said, then realization hit Kai and he stood up. "That's it, you have to give me your magic." My phone went off and everyone's gaze fell on me. "Excuse me." I said and walked out.

"What's wrong Stefan?" I asked and realized I always answer my phone like this.

"Caroline's humanity is off."

"I know she came to my house yesterday, tried to choke me and eat my brother." I stated and Stefan sighed through the phone.

"I knew it, she doesn't have it under control. Can you meet me at the rave? We will try to get her humanity back. I think I'm her emotional trigger."

"Rave?" I asked confused, "it's whitmore wearhouse party." Stefan explained and I agreed. I really want to snap Caroline's neck once again, I hope I'll have opportunity before they turn her humanity back.

I walked back in and they were getting ready to leave. "Is it done?" I asked, looking around.

"No, Jo agreed on giving me magic, we're going back to her apartment because we can't really do it here." Kai chuckled.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I said as I kept my gaze on Kai, Jo and Alaric took the hint and walked out.

"What's up?" He asked in his cheerful tone. "You already feel better, I see." I teased, "anyway, I'm going to rave to take care of Caroline."


"I just, it's okay if I leave right now?"

Kai smiled and kissed my cheek. "Of course it's okay, it's been so long before I was at the party. I'll come after I have Jo's magic."

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now