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I heard noise downstairs and used my vamp hearing. Liv and Nora came back with products we need. I walked downstairs.

"Where were you? I was looking for you." Liv asked when she saw me. "I just went for a walk." I said and put my hands up in defense. Liv smiled and wrapped her arm around mine. "I'm sorry, just a little paranoid when we're living with the sociopath."

"I heard my name." Kai came out of nowhere, "all good I hope." Liv and I , both shook our head, Kai smirked and walked over to the food. "Thank god, I was so hungry."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Nora. "We need blood." I stated and mama salvatore came into this room. "She's right, I gathered all the blood from the hospitals in Mystic Falls so we should search in another town."

Nora agreed. "It's already dark, we can go tomorrow."

After we ate our food I walked upstairs and was about to take a shower when Kai walked in. "Ever heard of knocking?"

"Nope." He jumped on my bed. "Kai I'm tired, I need to sleep so I can go tomorrow and find some blood."

"Why? You can always drink from me." He smirked and got comfortable on my bed.

"Kai I'm serious, get out."

"I'm bored, I've been doing literally nothing today and I didn't have anyone to talk to."

"We talked." I stated and tried to push him out of my bed. He just chuckled. "Yeah and I liked that, so can we talk again?"

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Only if you're going to leave me alone after that." He nodded and smiled. Kai sat up and moved next to me. "So what's on your mind Malachai?" I teased, he looked at me with death glare. "Why don't you like being called Malachai?" I lowered my voice.

"Because my family was calling me by that, not for long though but you already know that, I told you when we were in the real world." I nodded and looked away.

"Here." Kai said while handing me over the bear I was looking at the toy store.

I took it from him and chuckled. "Why did you take it?"

"You were looking at it like it was something special and I don't know, accept it like an apology for using that spell on you without asking."

"Thanks, and I'm sorry I punched you but you deserved it."

"So in other words you're not sorry at all." He said and we both started laughing.

"Will you tell me what's so special about that toy or is it a secret?" He rose his eyebrows, I sighed and looked at him. "Well when Lydia, my niece was born, I gave it to her the exact one. They're literally no difference between this two."

"I'm sorry I brought you with me, I should've just took Liv with me, you'd be with your niece now if it wasn't for me." I stared at his face, he actually looked guilty.

"It's okay, we're gonna get out from here eventually and I think it's good for her, she won't play on my nerves after this, I think." Kai looked at me and smiled. I don't know why I just said that, when I looked at sadness in his eyes, I just wanted to make him feel better.

"So you said you had one like this too, did it have a name?" I pointed at the bear.

"I was literally three when I had one like that and it didn't last long enough for me to name it."

I rose my eyebrows in confusion, Kai looked down. "When my family found out I was a siphoner, they literally took everything from me, said I wasn't worth it, I was worthless, an abomination, I was nothing to them." He chuckled but it was a sad one. "I'm sorry." He looked at me and shook his head.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now