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We walked into the salvatore house. "Do you know where's the ascendant exactly?" I turned around to face Liv. She nodded. "It's this way." She started walking and Kai and I followed her. Him smiling like an idiot whole time. I turned around and snapped "what?!"

Kai chuckled and kept walking. "It's just funny, thinking you'll find the ascendant and then what? Bennet blood will miraculously appears while sleeping or something?"

I shook my head and walked into the room Liv entered. "What the hell?" She said once we saw the room was filled with several desiccated vampires. "Are they dead?" She asked and I answered no.

"So this prison world was created for this vampires?" I asked, looking at Kai and before he could reply, woman appeared behind him. "No. It was created for me." Liv and Kai turned behind to face the mysterious woman.

"Who are you exactly?" Blonde asked and the mysterious woman walked inside the room, standing next to one of the desiccated vampires. "My name's Lily Salvatore."

Salvatore? I thought to myself. Does that mean he's related to Damon and Stefan? "Do you maybe know or heard of Damon and-"

"They are my children. Why? Do you know them?" Lily asked curiously. I nodded. "Yeah, we're kinda friends of him." I finished and Kai chuckled. I glared at him and he apologized. "Sorry, but I don't think I wanna be friends with blood sucking vampires. No offence." He added looking between me and Lily.

He really can't keep his mouth shut. "Found it." Liv sighed and picked the ascendant. "Why are you here?" I asked Lily. "Maybe we should go upstairs, what do you say? Do you like tea?"

We talked for a while. This prison was created for her because she was a ripper like Stefan and she killed many innocent people. And people downstairs, they were her family as she calls them. "This is all the blood?" I asked, looking at the jar she drank from. Lily nodded. "I've gathered all the blood and this is all that is left, so one drop every two week just to stay alive."

"Looks like someone has a problem." Kai said, his voice full with excitement. I greeted my teeth and looked at him. "I can control myself as long as no one irritates me." I stated and he bit his lip.

"Well fortunately for you I'm not the one to annoy people." Kai smirked and I looked at Liv. "There's no way to get out from here without Bennet blood?" I asked, part of me already knew the answer but other part just hoped it would be no, that somehow we could get out from this place without it. Liv shook her head and I sighed.

"Then I guess, I should go to my house."
I stood up but Lily interepted me "oh, no. Please stay here, this house is enormous and I've been alone for really long time, not that any of you will understand."

"I do actually, I was in the prison world for 18 years." Kai said, "all alone." There was an empathy in his tone or am I just dreaming? I shook my head to clear my thoughts and answered Lily's question. "We would love to stay here right?" My eyes darted to Liv and she nodded. "As long as no one uses me as a blood bag, I guess we're fine."

Kai stood up from the couch and smirked. "Yet again living in the salvatore house in prison world, what a deja vu." He said ironically and walked upstairs. But before he disappeared from our view, he turned back, walking in the kitchen. "I'm hungry." I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to choose a room which I don't know how long I will need.

How long will I be stuck here? God, it's been only hours yet and I already miss my brother and Ly.

Mark's pov

"So what are you saying is that my sister's stuck in the prison world which is created for supernaturals who are extremely dangerous with the sociopath himself?"

Damon nodded. "That's exactly what I just said."

"We need to get her out-"

"It's not that easy." Jo interepted me. "My dad has a ascendant and I doubt he will just borrow us for a little while and we need Bennet blood to get out from that place which means our priority needs to be Bonnie first."

I shook my head in disbelief. "And how are we gonna do that? Kai destroyed the ascendant for Bonnie's prison world." Alaric replied.

"Duh, we need to fix it." Damon said like it was the most obvious thing, it was actually but still can't you just say it like a normal person, I never liked him.

"Is that possible to fix it?" I asked and Jo put her hands on her hip. "I mean, I don't know a lot about it but I guess if I just practice my magic then-"

"And how long will that take?" I snapped. "Calm down boy, we're all trying our best here." Alaric answered for Jo and I scoffed. "Easy for you to say, it's not your twin stuck in the prison with the sociopath." I ended talking and stormed out from there. I was walking home when an idea came into my mind.

Kai's pov

I ate all of the food that was in this house. And let me say this, I'm still hungry, There was literally nothing. I shouldn't be surprised, I guess, when a vampire is the only one living in this house. I heard footsteps and wore my usual smirk on my face. I saw Aly walking into this room, rolling her eyes when they met mine.

"Looking something to eat? Yeah, nothing's here."

"Then we need to go shopping, don't we?" She slammed the door of the fridge and started walking out but I called her. "Is everything okay, you seem a little off?"

"Don't act like you care, you're a sociopath with no feelings except for the anger and vengeance and things like that and yes I am little off maybe because I'm stuck in the salvatore house in the prison which I don't know when I'll leave and I don't even have a blood to drink if I get hungry!"

Wow, I was literally shocked. I've seen Aly angry or mad before but not this kind of furious. She sighed deeply, probably not realizing she was saying everything that was on her mind. "Sorry." She mumbled and ran upstairs. She must feel really stupid now. I thought to myself and then it hit me. I can't afford to be stupid again. Not the same way I was in 1994 prison world, Bonnie tricked me and I don't trust anyone here, so I really need to do something about it.

I immediately stood up from the armchair I was sitting and went into salvatore library, looking for a spell I found in 1994 version of prison world. It's crazy how many new things you explore while you're stuck alone.

Alycia's pov

I ran upstairs and into my room, shutting it and sitting on the bed. I sighed deeply and a single tear dropped on my face. It's okay. You're gonna get out from here real soon. And before that your twin and Ly will be okay, of course they will be why won't they be? Shit. I hate anxiety and overthinking.

Then someone knocked on my door. I stood up and opened it revealing Liv with a confuse look on her face. "Are you okay? I kinda heard how you snapped at Kai downstairs."

She walked inside the room and sat on the edge of my bed, I shut the door and sat beside her. "No?" I sighed and she put her hand on my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, we're gonna get out from here. There's no way our... Your friends will leave us here."

I chuckled slightly and looked at her, nodding. "Yes, they will. They will come to our rescue or we'll somehow find the bennet blood. The moral is we should stay optimistic." Liv smiled and threw herself at me, I hugged her back and felt comfort only to be interepted by Kai, storming into the room, smirking. "Downstairs now."

He stated and I rose an eyebrow "what makes you think you can tell me what to do?" He rolled his eyes and walked down. I looked at Liv and she looked really tired. "And here I was thinking I could get a nice sleep today." I laughed and followed her downstairs.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now