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We went back home and told Elena where she could find Caroline. She told me, they had already caught Stefan so they'd try to get their humanity back and they'd lock them into place they can't escape easily this time.

Now I'm standing in front of my bed, holding the cure in my hands. "Everything alright?" Kai asked, entering my room. I turned around and nodded. "I wanna take this, I wanna be human but-" I trailed off and looked down.

"But what Ally?" He asked, lifting my chin with his hands. "I love you." I said it, I finally said it. There's no taking back now.

Kai pulled his hand away from my chin and for a moment I was so confused and scared that he didn't feel the same way but then a smile flashed on his face and I finally sighed in relief.

"I love you too Ally."

Next day

I woke up and walked downstairs. "You ready Ly? We need to get you school."

"Can I not go please?" She pouted but I shook my head, "you know I loved school when I was your age." Mya spoke up entering the kitchen. I smiled and looked at Ly. "See if you don't like school now then-"

"Oh, my god. Can you stop talking." My brother walked in rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong with you?" I rose my eyebrows, he froze for a moment then shook his head and smiled. "Nothing just had lot to drink yesterday because-"


He paused and turned around. "Because you don't need to know and I have hangover which sucks by the way."

I chuckled and got Ly ready for school.

We got into the car and to my surprise Kai was sitting in the driving seat. "I thought you were sleeping."

"I was." He stared at me, "I'm not anymore."

I fastened my seat belt and narrowed my eyes at him, "okay and what are you doing here?"

"Well I'm taking you out on a date but I guess we need to make a quick stop." He turned around to face Ly. She smiled and waved her hand.

"Did this date really had to be this early?" I asked and looked out of the window, Kai chuckled and turned his head. "Well, you're already awake so why not?"  He smiled when I looked at him and I couldn't help but smile myself.

We agreed yesterday that we both would take the cure but after Caroline and Stefan got their humanity back because if we're human, they could kill us without a second thought.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now