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After I agreed to help Kai, he left. Now I'm lying in my bed, thinking of the ways I can convince Liv and Luke to help Kai. I mean how can you ask someone to help the person who tried to kill them when they were toddlers. My phone buzzed and I stood up. My mood immediately changes when I see who's calling,  Cami. I picked up.


"Hey, Aly. You're in a good mood."

"My mood changed when I saw who was calling me." We both chuckled, then she told me she was coming in Mystic Falls to stay with me for a while. Apparently mama Mikaelson tried to put Rebekah Mikaelson in her body which still doesn't makes any sense to me, no matter how many times I try to understand.

I met Cami about 2 years ago when I was helping Klaus in New Orleans. I went to bed and tried to sleep but in vain. I pretty much stayed awake whole night.

"You seem happier." I stated when I saw Ly coming down from the stairs, smiling. "No school means no sad face." I chuckled and started cooking but knock on the door interepted me. "I'll open it." Mark called.

I used my vampire hearing to see who came, I really hope it's not Kai. "Who are you?" My brother asked, "you must be Mark, I'm Cami. Your sister-" I vamp speed away and hugged her. "Cami, you're here."

"I'll just get back to whatever I was doing before." Mark said and left. "Come inside." I told Cami, then we both walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.

"You need to tell me everything." Cami laughed and shook her head. "There's nothing to tell really."

I rose my eyebrows "are you kidding me? Tell me what's going on between you and Klaus?" She started rubbing her neck.


"Who's Klaus?" Ly asked, sitting beside us.

"He's no one and nothing's happening between us, so just talk about something else." Cami replied and I noticed her cheeks turning red. I smiled to myself and stood up. "I was about to make breakfast."

Cami joined me and rose an eyebrow "you're a vampire."

"And? I like good meal and I'm not exactly living alone."

"Isn't she supposed to be in school?" Cami said pointing at Lydia. "They're on the winter break." I replied and she sighed. "I didn't even realize that."

"Maybe you're thinking too much about Klaus." I teased and she hit my shoulder. "Stop."

"Someone's on the door." Lydia shouted, I sighed and opened the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked with anger in my tone. Kai smirked "good morning to you too." Then he went pass me and walked into the kitchen. "Something smells good."

"You're not eating here, now tell me what do you want and go away." I followed behind him. Kai turned around "you're uptight, relax a bit."

I clenched my hands into fists. I really wish I could just punch him in the face without any consequences. "I'm here because you agreed to help me, remember?"

I nodded "you should call someone before you go to their house."

"I wanted to surprise you." He winked at me, I shook my head and started dragging him into my room. "So what do you need me for?" I asked once we were in my room.

"This is your room?" He started walking around and touching everything.

"Don't touch anything." I stated, he pouted then smirked and sat on my bed.

"Did you convince Liv and Luke to help me?"

"Are you kidding me? You asked me that yesterday night and it's not even 9 in the morning now, how I was supposed to convince them in this short time?"

I noticed his body tensed up. Kai stood up from the bed and pinned me against the wall. "I don't have time, you go right now and convince them however you want or I'll go down there and then you know what happens to your lovely niece."

My jaw clenched at the mention of Lydia, I pushed him off me and punched him in the face. It was satisfying. "You hit good." He smirked "of course I do, I'm a vampire and I don't have vervain ropes around me now, so think twice about things you say."

Kai chuckled and came closer to me "you have time till tonight." He whispered in my ear and left. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs.

"He's cute." Cami said when I walked back in the kitchen. "He's a monster." I stated and started drinking water.

"Did he hurt you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "He killed his siblings, they were little kids Cami, how can someone do that."

Cami approached me and put her hands on my shoulders. "No one wants to be a monster Aly, people want to be good. But something makes them bad, something breaks them down, makes them snap." I knitted my eyebrows, thinking about what Cami said.

"You know, when I found out about vampires and all of that, Klaus and I got in an argument and he showed me why he is the way he is now. How his father treated him because he was a werewolf. I don't think it's fair to diagnose someone before you know their story."

I nodded and lifted my arms, Cami smiled and pulled me in a hug. "You always give the best advice."

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now