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I opened my eyes when I heard someone was knocking on the front door. I feel really tired, I couldn't get any sleep yesterday since Kai literally fell asleep on top of me. But he seemed so peaceful, I didn't wake him up.

I tried to get out from the bed without waking him but it was impossible so I pushed him off of me roughly.

"Ouch." Kai exclaimed, his eyes still shut.

"Oh, shut up. That wouldn't hurt that much and someone's on the door so don't come out." I replied and walked out until Kai could say anything else, closing door behind me.

"Who were you talking to?" Mark asked, I turned my head to face him. "On, on a phone. I was talking on the phone." I smiled and walked down.

I opened the front door and saw Liv, Damon and Elena standing there. I rose my eyebrows "what's wrong?" I asked, "you always assume something is wrong when we come to visit you, maybe we just wanted to see how your doing after prison world." Damon replied and walked past me, Elena and Liv following him. I closed the door and turned around.

"So what's wrong?" I repeated.

"What's wrong is that little weasel wants to merge with Jo-"

"And? I thought they reached an agreement yesterday."

"How would you know that?" Elena knitted her brows. I bit my lip, realizing what I just said.

Even worse, I could her Kai's chuckle from my room and if Elena or Damon were using their vamp hearing, they could also hear it.

And how is Kai even hearing our conversation, guess magic has lots of loopholes.

"Alycia?" Liv snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked at her confused. "Did you see Kai after you left?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Doesn't matter, Jo only agreed so he wouldn't hurt anyone else while we found another way to kill that psycho." Damon stated and I heard Kai saying "not a psycho Damon, sociopath. Is it really that hard to remember?"

I let out a laugh and all of them looked at me with raised brows. "Am I missing something?" Elena asked and looked around.

"Nope, nothing. I just think it's stupid to try and outsmart Kai, he's always one step ahead." Once I was finished, everyone looked at me like I was saying something delusional.

"What? It's true." I said and tried to walk away but Liv got in my way. "It's his doing, isn't?" She asked and I rose an eyebrow in confusion. "He's controling you with bond spell thing."

"With what now?" Damon and Elena asked at the same time and I remembered, I've not told Liv that Kai broke that spell when we figured out the way out of the prison world.

"No Liv! He's not controling me or whatever you think. He broke that bond when we were still in the prison world!" I replied harshly and started walking upstairs, "you can leave now! I don't want to do anything with your plans."

I opened the door of my room and slammed it. Kai started laughing a little louder and I mouthed him to shut up. Kai smirked and got up from the bed. Once I heard the front door close, I sighed and sat on the chair.

"I just think it's stupid to try and outsmart Kai, he's always one step ahead." Kai teased me, I rolled my eyes. "Real sweet Aly, but you forgot to mention I'm also extremely hot."

"How did you even heard us?"

"Magic, I still have some from when I siphoned Liv yesterday, you know I really thought Jo wanted to merge but she just wanted to trick me again. I'm not gonna take that too well." I looked at him and realized his expression changed from cute sarcastic Kai to vengeful one, who could kill you in a second.

Then my door opened and Mark walked in "I'm going out and Ly's still sleeping." He stopped when his eyes darted to Kai.

"What's mister I know everything doing in your room?" I chuckled at his comment and realized, he didn't know Kai was Mister I know everything.

"That name will never get old." Kai added and smirked. "Anyway, you get to babysit Ly today, she wanted to spend time with you as she hasn't seen you for a week."

He started walking out but before he closed the door, he turned around "and don't do anything while Lydia's sleeping." He pointed between Kai and me.

Kai smirked and titled his head to face me "so we can do that thing when she wakes up."

I shook my head and threw pillow at him. "And the woman was too stunned to talk." He said mockingly. I gave him my death glare and he stopped laughing. "Sorry, not a woman more like a vampire." He added and started chuckling. I was about to slap him but I heard Ly's voice from her room and walked out.

Kai's pov

Aly left the room and I finally stopped myself from laughing. I looked around her room, it was different, there were no posters on the wall, a single photo on the nightstand of her, her twin, Lydia and some other girl. And a Teddy bear, I recognized it was the one from the prison world. She brought it with her. Cute.

"I didn't say you could search my room!" Aly half shouted, walking in. I sighed and rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I wasn't searching, I was just looking around. It's what eyes are meant to do Aly, please tell me you know that."

She smiled slightly and grabbed my arm, leading me downstairs. "Do I really have to go?" I pouted and winked at her.

"Yes, don't you have a merge to do?"

"We agreed on a date, it's tomorrow. So I have whole day to myself. Now option 1 is I spend it with you or we have option 2, your friends will learn that they can't trick me which includes violence." I finished and smirked, but she didn't even move. "Are you done?" I rose my brows and she smiled. "You don't scare me Kai, I don't care what you'll do to my friends, you can't hurt them or Jo won't merge with you so leave!"

I made puppy eyes hoping it would work, she was about to say something but Ly interepted her. "That's not going to work, trust me I've tried."

I smirked and knelt in front of Ly. "And maybe you could help, now come on. Don't you wanna spend a day with mister I know everything?" I told her in baby voice but she didn't seemed impressed.

"Nope." She said and looked at Aly who seemed really amused. "Really?" I mouthed and she shrugged her shoulders. "It's entertaining seeing you don't get what you want."

I rolled my eyes and opened the front door. "Bye."  Ly sang while I walked away. And they ask why I hate kids?

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now