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Alycia's pov

I opened the door, Alaric, Damon and Stefan were on my doorstep. "Yeah.... What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"I'm here to check on Kai" Alaric spoke, walking in. "Damon feels guilty for compelling me to steal ascendant from Jo and Stefan, I have no idea what's Stefan doing here." He smiled and finished.

"I just wanted to see my best friend." Stefan defended and hugged me. "I missed you too Stef."

"Where's little munchkin?" He asked, I rolled my eyes. "She's playing on the phone, does 6 year old should spend this much time on phone?" I asked and Stefan chuckled. "I don't think so."

"Where's Kai?" Damon asked, following behind us. "I hope you didn't let him go."

"Yeah, about that-"

"Alycia, what did you do?" Damon raised his tone. "Okay, technically I didn't do anything. He was gone when I woke up."

Alaric's eyes got widen and shook his head in disbelief. "He was gone huh?" Damon started "I bet you let him go, you insisted on bringing him here, and what's all about him calling you Aly huh?"

"Sorry Damon but I don't know why the hell he calls me Aly." That wasn't complete lie, I have no idea why he calls me like that but I got used to it, to be honest I actually love when he calls me Aly.

"And I didn't let him go, he was gone when I woke up!" I repeated louder and harsher this time.

"I need to find Jo." Alaric stated and walked out.

"I'm gonna kill that weasel now, you don't have problem with that right Aly?" Damon asked and knitted his eyebrows, enjoying himself.

"No I don't but little advice, he's much smarter then you so if I was you I wouldn't be so sure that I'd kill him." I smiled and darted my eyes to Stefan who was trying to contain himself from chuckling.

Damon gritted his teeth and joined Alaric outside, who was talking on the phone.

"I love watching you put him in his place." Stefan whispered to me. "We're all vampires Stef." I stated and rubbed his shoulder.

"So I wanted to tell you I'm going to hospital and maybe you want to come with me?"

"Hospital?" I asked confused, who the hell is in hospital? I thought to myself.

"Caroline's mum-" Stefan answered, "Liz?" My jaw dropped, how could I not know about this, Caroline hasn't told me anything.

"I'm coming with you." I stated and he nodded.

"Where's Caroline?" I asked once Stefan, Ly and I walked into Liz's ward. I had to take Ly with me because I have no idea where's Mark.

"She just stormed out." Elena replied, it's not fair, why do all the good people have to die?

"I'll try to find her." I said, left Ly with Stefan and Elena and went to find Caroline.

Okay, now where would I go if I was Caroline and my mom was dying? I was thinking for minutes but nothing. Come on, you and Caroline are best friends, you should know where would she go when she's heartbroken.

That's it, I realized where she would be but before I left hospital, I saw Damon and Kai walking towards Liz's ward. I knitted my brows, thinking about how the hell did Damon find Kai, why the hell Kai is here and not doing the merge instead?

Kai's pov

I followed Damon into Liz's ward, there were Stefano, Elena and Ly here. Wait does that mean Aly is here too? I smiled to myself and turned to Damon. "I'm just doing this to gain more magic so don't think anything else."

Damon found me this morning, he talked for a while but I wasn't paying attention. Now I realize how annoying it is when someone rumbles about random stuffs. But of course it can't be that irritating when I'm the one who does all the talking.

Then he said he needed me to siphon magic of vampire blood from Liz, first I said no but then he said how heartbroken everyone would be and emphasized Aly's name.

So that's why I told him this exact thing.

"Mister I know everything." Ly waved her hand, smiling at me. I waved back until Damon interepted. "Do your job and do it right, or remember that I'm a vampire and I'll rip your head off if you mess this up." I chuckled and walked closer to Liz.

I started siphoning and Aly walked into the ward, not so surprised to see me. "Why is Kai siphoning magic from Liz?" She asked quietly to Stefan. He started explaining, I focused on sucking all the magic from this human, why do I always forgot names? I think it was Lizzie? Yeah Liz that's it.

I finished and put my hands down. Smirking at Aly who was trying not to make eye contact with me. "Did it work?" Elena asked and looked at Liz "sheriff, are you okay?" Liz nodded and I felt something different, I don't know what it was. It wasn't anger or any other feeling I've felt before, not even the one I feel every time I'm around Aly.

"Why are you staring at Alycia like that?" Elena asked confused, I snapped out of my thoughts and realized my eyes were on Aly this whole time.

After hearing Elena's question, Aly finally looked at me for the first time since she came in. "Probably because they were making out this morning?" Ly exclaimed, Aly tried to put her hand on her mouth before but it was too late.

Everyone's eyes got widen and I let out a laugh, I knew Aly would kill me for this later but I just couldn't stop, you shouldn't trust kids with anything these days.

"He was gone when I woke up huh?" Damon rose his brows, and everyone's gaze was on Aly now.

"Why did you kiss him Alycia?" Elena asked in calmer voice "you know who he is."

Aly was about to say something but Stefan interepted "am I the only one wondering how 6 year old knows about making out?"

I chuckled and everyone looked at me synchronously. "Sorry. You might go on." I stated and Damon vamp speed to me and lifted me up by my collar, it reminds me of the first time I met him.

"I'm gonna kill you , you little weasel." I rolled my eyes and started siphoning him. He groaned in pain and I smirked. "You know I hate threats, except for of course when I'm the one making them."

"Kai stop, please." I heard Aly's voice. I looked up at her, she was looking at me with pleaded eyes. I sighed deeply and let go of Damon. "I would love to stay here and listen to all of you but have a merge to do." I winked at Aly and walked out.

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