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I walked into my room and lay on my bed. I was so tired, tired of having nothing to do. "I wish I could talk to Cami." The magical ball turned blue and I looked at it. Yeah, it true, Cami is the only one who can help me in any situation. I sighed and used my vampire hearing to see what was going on downstairs.

"Kai, you can't just eat all the food in here and never go to the store to get some."

"Oh, my god. Livipoo you're too dramatic, if you want food go get it yourself."

I rolled my eyes and stopped listening. Good, they're arguing about food. I wonder if Liv misses her twin. "I hate Kai for bringing me here." I said and looked at the magical ball which turned red. Ok, this is broken. I got up, put the ball on nightstand and went outside.

I was walking around random places, replaying memories in my mind. I stopped when I saw a toy bear and picked it up. It's the exact same as the one I got for Ly. I smiled and my peace was interepted by Kai.

"I had one like that." He pointed at the bear and I rolled my eyes. "Hard to imagine."

He looked around the store. "Why are you in kids toys store? Are you pregnant or something?" He joked, I shook my head and went outside without saying another word.

I remembered that I couldn't get pregnant, ever. I could never have my own kids, and I was doomed to live forever. I hated that fact.

"Did I do something?" Kai joined me outside and sat next to me on the chair. "No, it's just that.... Never mind" I sighed, Kai narrowed his eyebrows, "Aly?" He asked, I looked at him "what?"

"Tell me what's bothering you."

"It's just I'm a vampire so I can't procreate, and when you joked about that I just remembered I could never have kids on my own." I finished and Kai nodded. Then I realized he used that spell bond thing on me. I stood up from my chair.

"Oh, my god! You used that spell again, Kai you can't just use it to make me tell you things." Kai rolled his eyes in annoyance and started walking. "Actually I can."

I punched him in the face. "Hey, hey what the hell?" He asked, rubbing his cheek. "That really hurt."

"You deserved it." I stated and started walking away from him but he followed me. "Kai can you just leave me alone?"

"I can't, you're the most interesting person who's not bothering me. Liv won't shut up about the food and that vampire won't shut up about her girlfriend and I have no idea where the mama salvatore is."

I sighed and kept walking "whatever."

"So what should we do?" Kai asked, his eyes full with excitement, I rose my eyebrows "I don't know, probably you should stop following me so I could have some peace." I smirked and turned around.

"Not cool Aly."

"Stop calling me Aly."

"Why? It sounds good, Aly, Aly, Aly, Aly." He kept repeating and laughing every time he said it. At last I gave up and chuckled along with him.

"So, you never told me how you died." Kai asked and my jaw dropped. I looked down. "You don't need to know."

"Yes I do, I need something entertainment and-"

"And what? You think the story of how I died is entertaining?" I asked in disbelief, he didn't say anything and kept thinking for a while. "I don't know, it depends, that's why I wanna hear it. At least it'll be interesting."

I shook my head and starting heading home. "So will you enlighten me?" Kai asked behind me. I thought for a second and then idea popped up in my head, I turned around and stopped walking. "I will if after that you answer some questions." I smiled and Kai looked intrigued, he nodded and both of us went in my room.

He sat on my bed. "I don't remember saying you could touch my bed."

"It's not even your bed." I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. "I died two years ago, I was driving my sister to a party, she was already drunk and couldn't drive. Before that I was really sick so Caroline gave me her blood to heal me, it worked and then I started driving with my sister." I paused for a while, Kai looked at me with confusion. "And we kinda had accident on the way, we both died but I had vampire blood in my system, so I came back but my sister didn't." I wiped tears from my face.

"I'm sorry." Kai said and I rose my eyebrows at him. "You-"

I was cut off by Kai, "it's your turn."

I nodded and took the magical ball from my nightstand and put it on the bed.

"What's that?" Kai asked and I smirked. "It's like a lie detector, if you lie it'll turn red, so don't you dear lying." I chuckled, Kai rolled his eyes. "Not funny, Aly."

"Anyway, first question." I smile to myself and realized I didn't know what I wanted to ask him. "I'm listening?" Kai said and I looked at him. "Do you feel bad for killing your siblings?"

"No." He stated and I looked at the ball which turned blue. I don't know how people could feel no remorse for what they've done. I literally never killed anyone, even after I became vampire. I always knew when it was time to stop and I have never turned off my humanity either.

"Why did you kill them?"

"Because I wanted to." Kai replied but this time ball turned red, I looked at Kai and narrowed me eyes. "That's not true."

"Sure it is." He replied and stood up from the bed. I put magical ball on the nightstand again and followed his lead. We walked downstairs but no one was home.

"Where's the hell is everyone?" Kai asked, I shook my head to tell him I don't know and started looking for blood around the house but there were none. "What are you doing?" Kai asked, when he realized I was using my vamp speed. "I'm trying to find blood but there's none in this house."

"Maybe we should go to the hospital."

"Didn't you hear what Lily said, There's no blood left in Mystic Falls." I yelled at him. He lifted his eyebrows, I sighed and turned around. "Ok, you can drink from me." Kai said and extended his hand.

"No thanks." I said and started walking upstairs but Kai grabbed my wrist. "I need you to be alive when your friends come to our rescue so drink."

After he finished I bit his wrist and started drinking, it's been so long since I had a blood straight from the vein. "Okay, time to stop Aly." I backed away from him. He looked down at his hand and I took an opportunity  and punched him in the face.

"You punch me one more time and I swear.." he trailed off.

"I told you not to use that spell thing on me again, next time it's not gonna be just a punch." I stated and started walking out. "You're welcome." Kai called behind me.

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now