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Alycia's pov

Kai walked out and everyone's gaze turned to me.

"Okay, look-" I was cut off by Caroline walking in. Thank god. "What was Kai doing here?" Damon and Elena started explaining and I took an opportunity and walked out with Ly.

"Are you mad at me?" Ly asked with her cute voice. I let out a laugh and looked at her. "No Ly I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you but next time don't say things like that okay?"

She nodded and smiled, "but seriously where did you hear "making out"?"

"I have the internet." She stated and smiled, showing her white teeth.

"Well no more internet for you then." I replied and Ly's smile dropped. "What no, you can't do that, please Aly?" She pouted and made her puppy eyes. "I think we both know that's not gonna work on me." I opened the door and we walked into our house.

"Where were you guys?" Mark asked, "she said I can't have internet anymore." Ly ran to him.

"Really? And may I ask why?"

"Because I told her friends about mister I know everything." Ly whispered into his ears. Mark started chuckling.

"Shut up Mark!"

"I'm sorry but why that's a big deal for them?" He managed to say between laughs.

"Yeah about that, mister I know everything is actually Kai." I replied slowly.

"Kai? As in Kai who trapped you in the prison world? Or we're talking about other one?"

I stared at him with 'are you serious' look and he shook his head. "Ly go upstairs." She listened to him and ran upstairs.

"What's wrong with you Al?-"

"Oh I'm not sure, I didn't know anything was wrong with me but thanks for assuming." I cut him off.

"That's not what I meant, I just don't think you make decisions clearly right now."

"I can take care of myself." I stated and walked past him, headed to my room.

"Come on, you always trust people too easily." Mark followed me, I turned around "that's not true, and you know what I don't wanna hear any of it." I walked into my room and locked the door.


"Kai?" I asked, opening the front door. "Now don't be so surprised, I told you I'd see you after merge." He smiled and walked in. "So you won?"

Kai looked at me with ' isn't that obvious' look and I chuckled. "But I merged with Luke." I rose my eyebrows "Luke? I though you needed to be twins."

"Yeah, he came up with the idea, and it worked. I feel kinda sick though, I really wish this isn't another trick or I may kill the whole coven."

"What do you mean, you feel sick?" I asked, walking upstairs. Kai following me, "I don't know, I just don't feel like my old self."

"I don't know. You just threatened gemini coven, I think that's pretty much all you." I smirked and looked at him. "Okay, that may be true but-"

"But nothing Kai" I stopped at the doorstep of my room and turned around. "It's not a trick. You just think that because of what happened last time. Just relax."

I opened the door and walked in. Kai followed me in with a smirk on his face. "Maybe you can help me relax."

I rolled my eyes "see, still you."

He jumped on my bed. "Parker get out of my bed." He chuckled and laid on his back. "We're using last names huh, wait a minute-" he paused. "I don't know what's your last name." He sat up, staring at me. "What is it?"

unexpected ✓ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now