Author pov

Ni-ki looked around the abandoned warehouse with his gun tightly held in his hand as he moved anxiously 'ah sh*t! Where did he go?' he thought kicking a door open and again looking around in it to see no one

But without him knowing someone was hiding behind the door as he closed it shut alarming Ni-ki, but Ni-ki stood still at his spot with wide eyes as the criminal approached him slowly with his gun pointed at Ni-ki

"Long time no see kitten" the unknown man whispered in Ni-ki's ear from behind him

The man snaked his hands around the police officer bringing him closer and smelling his black silky hair

But Ni-ki hit him in the stomach with his elbow making the criminal stumble back while holding his stomach as Ni-ki Pointed his gun at him again

"You are under arrest Park Sunghoon!" he yelled while going closer to the older and holding him at gunpoint

"O c'mon Ni-ki, we both know that you can't arrest me," said Sunghoon chuckling and taking the gun from  Ni-ki in a swift move before the boy could even react

He then pushed Ni-ki on the floor hovering over him and held his hands above his head

"Now, now, look how the tables have turned," Sunghoon said as he closed the small gap between them and connected his lips with the younger's soft lips

Ni-ki blushed furiously at the kiss as his thoughts went wild under Sunghoon's touch

Sunghoon pulled away from the kiss, once he heard police sirens and hurriedly stood up climbing the small window in the room as Ni-ki also stood up looking confused

"See, you next time kitty," Sunghoon said winking as he did a salute gesture with his two fingers before jumping down the window

Ni-ki worriedly went towards the window, that the older might have hurt himself but once he looked down from the window he saw no one there 'where did he go?'

A police officer ran into the room where Ni-ki was in and asked "where is he?" "you are late officer, he already escaped" Ni-ki answered and looked down the window for one last time before going to his car and driving back to the police station

While driving Ni-ki felt furious..., furious with himself for kissing a criminal and possibly having a liking towards it

The story will continue from where I wrote the one-shot, hope you enjoyed reading, bye~💗💗

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