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Author pov

Jay watched as the chief pushed Sunoo on the floor making him glare at the old hag with rage, gritting his teeth

After the video ended he hurriedly took out his phone to message Sunghoon the CCTV footage

Penguin 🐧

Penguin 🐧
Park Jay?

Penguin 🐧
Jay park!?


Penguin 🐧
Why do you sound so serious, found something?

I think You need to see this
*Jay🦅🦅🦅 sent you a video*


I think you need to see this
*Jay🦅🦅🦅 sent you a video*

Sunghoon stared at his phone screen before curiously clicking on the sent video

He was still confused as to why Jay sounded so serious but decided to think about it later because the video started playing

Sunggoon saw how Ni-ki and Sunoo entered the office and started talking with the chief but the boy was only starring at Ni-ki not noticing the fear in his eyes but only the younger's lips

After a while when Ni-ki hid behind Sunoo, he finally snapped out of it watching how the chief stood up walking towards the duo with a dirty gaze and he didn't like even a bit of what was happening

His eyes flamed with rage when the old man held Ni-ki's wrist who was struggling to get out of his hold

Sunghoon saw how Sunoo got pushed but he could care less, all he cared about was the younger who had tears in his eyes which made him wants to torture the old hag to death and give him so much pain that he beg to get killed

Sunghoon doesn't even know why he is reacting like that, not like Ni-ki matters to him, he is just toying around with the boy and will leave him alone once he gets bored like he always does, but this time his heart isn't agreeing with him, instead, he wants to hold the younger in his arms and protect him from the world

Suddenly Sunghoon smirked proudly once he saw how Ni-ki kicked the old man on his *spot* and ran away towards Sunoo

The video stopped after a while making Sunghoon stare at the black screen as he planned murder in his mind 'how dare he touch what's mine?'

'How dare he touch what's mine?' -Jay

Sorry for the late update and grammatical errors but hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, bye~💗💗💗

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