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Ni-ki was currently sitting on a bench in the hospital outside of the room where his mom was admitted

Today morning he got a call from the hospital that his mom is in a critical condition, so here he was trying his best to stay positive and think positive while holding in his tears as the doctors were inside the room checking on her

His heart was beating faster than usual and it got even faster once the doctor came out taking off his stethoscope "e-excuse me, doctor, how's she?" he asked standing up

"Oh, Mr. Riki, ... it's difficult to say anything right now, she isn't doing very well, we need to do her heart surgery as fast as possible and I'm afraid that we don't have much time..." the doctor sighed as Ni-ki's eyes got teary, he patted him on the shoulder out of sympathy and left

Ni-ki glanced at the glass window on the door, where he could see her mom in the ICU, many wires were attached to her, and a pipe in her mouth for food

'She has lost so much weight, mom, please recover fast, I miss you, I can't have you leaving me, not now' he thought sadly while placing his hand on the window as if he was caressing her cheek

Time skip~

It was now evening as Ni-ki arrived at his house, he grumpily took out his house keys and opened the door, it was quiet and dark inside, more than his liking and it made him feel lonelier

He might look like a happy little sunshine, but he also had a sad side, where he would feel sad and alone and that side always took over him when his mom isn't around him to care for him, to love him

Ni-ki stood there for a moment after closing the door behind him, staring at the clean wood floor, after a while, he took his shoes off silently and stepped on the creaking floor, and went upstairs to his room

He spent a good twenty minutes in the warm shower trying to clear his thoughts away and stepped out after with a bathrobe

He dried his hair with a towel and changed into some pajamas before going to bed, but sleep refused to consume him and hot tears once again started to well from his eyes

The sobs continued for another two hours before he ran out of tears and finally fell asleep

It's not like he didn't try to donate his heart, but unfortunately, it didn't match, now all he wished for was any way of getting her match for the heart and he is willing to do anything for it, anything
I'm sorry y'all for not updating this month, I had my final exams which are still not completely over yet but I always try my best to update as fast as I can, so as a sorry there are two updates, hope you enjoy reading💗💗

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